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Everything posted by Nadam

  1. I was able to snag an original Tavern on the Green from eBay for $27.99, so I am extremely happy! Also, I might snag two more decks -- Ramen Heads by Art of Play, and Mac Lethal X Orbit. Finally, all I need is a Steve Minty Ascension Golden Lions deck after those, and I'll be all set. I never imagined myself buying luxury cards, but here I am. I love the artwork so much, and always have friends over for cards bi-weekly, so these will be nice for games and getting into cardistry.
  2. I understand that some here are fairly vocal in their disdain for Barbie, but this film is EXACTLY what I want more blockbuster films to be like. This movie oozes creativity, and is a wonderful cinematic experience that I feel the blockbuster scene has desperately needed over the past 10 years due to the over-saturation of superhero and action films (in my personal opinion). Excluding my disdain for Mattel (and most corporations in general), this film was (for a second viewing) outstanding. I am so glad Greta got the opportunity to make this, and I really look forward to her next projects.
  3. Thanks a lot, @R1s1ngs0n. I just purchased my first two decks, haha. I snagged the Grateful Dead and Artisan White decks. I REALLY wish I could get my hands on the Tavern on the Green deck, but sadly that is locked behind their Elite membership. I may need to go to eBay for that one.
  4. Do yourself a big favor and watch it. It is hands down one of the most creative films that I have seen in years. The actors and actresses are always on their A-game from start to finish, and the overall story is powerful. I cannot recommend it enough.
  5. I had no idea this was a thing, but I am really eyeballing the Darren Brown and Grateful Dead decks. I really wish that Tavern on the Green desk wasn't locked behind their archive though, as that is stunning!
  6. The Ten Commandments is a magnificent and jaw-dropping cinematic experience unlike most. Grand set designs with immaculate detail, hundreds of extras on set in a lot of scenes, on-location shooting for a lot of shots, stellar pacing that never made the nearly 4-hours feel long, special effects that were truly impressive for 1956, and masterclass acting by Charlton Heston as Moses. Finally, the 4K was stunning and unbelievably good. The grain was not obnoxious, but also not completely removed. It was so sharp, and the HDR added a lot to the overall image. Just wow.
  7. Excellent choice! I need to rewatch that here soon. Today I’ll be watching The Ten Commandments.
  8. Good morning, all! Hopefully you all have an awesome day. Any movie plans for today?
  9. It is, and it’s a great transfer done by Criterion. I think it is around $21 or so on Amazon US right now.
  10. Thank you so much! Barry Lyndon is in my top 10 favorite films of all-time, so I want that more-than anything, but The Insider and Tree of Life would look AMAZING in 4K as well. Go to the "Topic" section of this club, and click "Start a topic" that is above all posts at the top in red.
  11. Haha, yep! I work four 10-hour shifts (Mon-Thu), so Friday is my first day off, but my Wife works all day, so I normally use Fridays to watch films that my Wife normally wouldn't like. I definitely know she will not be joining me for The Ten Commandments tomorrow since that is 4-hours long. 🤣
  12. Time to start movie #3!
  13. I bought Blow Out last year on 4K, but still haven't taken the chance to watch it. I'll need to do that soon, as it sounds like an amazing film (and I hear one of Travolta's best).
  14. To be honest, I really enjoyed it. It definitely was a bit over the place with random phrases on screen at random points in font that was a bit hard to read, but I thoroughly loved the creativity behind all of it. The audio sounded great, and the 4K transfer is outstanding.
  15. Just finished my first movie of the day: Now, onto movie #2:
  16. I am ashamed to admit this, but I still need to watch Time Bandits, as I have never seen it before.
  17. Welcome aboard, @cineman1987!!

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