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Everything posted by Nadam

  1. Just finished my second Kore-eda film! This movie is really something special, as it doesn't use any kind of big dramatic scenes, epic music and whatnot to keep the attention of the viewer. This movie just shows the simplicity of this older couple's life as their two kids and their families come home for the once-a-year family ritual to pay respects for their third child (son), of whom lost his life trying to save another person from drowning. As you watch them go about their mundane daily tasks, you get to witness conversations that feature even the slightest facial expressions and body gestures (alongside some comments) from the parents that indicate a reserved anger and sadness over the loss of their third child years ago (the array of motions can be seen, but are also very subtle). Their second child, the only male child now (in addition to his sister), feels that his parents wish he were the one that died instead of his brother. The entire film flows so well that it doesn't come off boring in the slightest -- such a feat is remarkable, and easily shows how much Kore-eda really is a master of the craft. I loved this movie so much, and am so glad I am getting to experience more of Kore-eda's work! After Life is still my favorite, but this is an incredibly close second.
  2. It was SO GOOD! The concept is that an audio engineer for movies accidentally records the assassination of a major political figure while out recording random sounds for the film he is currently working on. As a result, he ends up involved in a conspiracy wanting to silence him and another witness so that the tape doesn't go public in order to disprove the fake narrative thrown out by the police and government. This movie actually took the idea from a 1966 film, Blow-Up by Michelangelo Antonioni, where the concept is a photographer is out taking pictures in nature and accidentally captures the murder with his camera. So, he works to solve the mystery. Blow-Up is a phenomenal work of art, and I love every second of it, so Blow Out had big shoes to fill for me. After finally watching it, I can easily say Blow Out did a magnificent job, as the cast really brought this movie to life! John Travolta and Nancy Allen were AMAZING as the protagonists, and John Lithgow was on his A-game as the antagonist (the hitman). I cannot recommend this movie enough!
  3. I greatly appreciate your viewpoint, as I 100% agree that it could have used a heavier emphasis on the science aspect. But, for what it was (more of a drama of Oppenheimer's life), I really enjoyed it. Still, more focus on science (like Moneyball as you mentioned) would have made it even better. I have not seen Manhattan, but I definitely need to start it here soon. Thank you so much for the suggestion, and also the fun and insightful conversation! I love these thought-provoking and deep discussions on film and whatnot.
  4. Man, I still need to actually sit down and watch that show. I watched the first two episodes when it came out, but never continued.
  5. An interesting question! First, I am a diehard science guy in life, and this movie from a scientific standpoint is something I am glad to see documented. Secondly, the story of Oppenheimer is incredibly sad, and I am so glad that he and Strauss were both having their perspectives shared. Oppenheimer was done dirty, and I felt this movie was a great redemption story long after he passed to give people nowadays a look into the hell that one of the greatest scientists went through after he created this monstrous weapon, yet only to be betrayed afterwards by the American Government. Third, I love the discussion of the Atomic Bomb, as I feel it is a weapon that humanity should have never created. Humanity got out-of-control with building bigger and bigger bombs until they no longer made any sense (Tsar Bomba, the biggest bomb ever created, was too heavy for the Russians to drop in on an enemy from a distance, so it was practically illogical). For me, I love a topic that is still relevant today (nuclear war) to be at the forefront so that it sparked more public conversation. Finally, it is a movie about the chaos shrouded in secrecy that led to the creation of this weapon. It is one of the greatest scientific achievements in human history (good and bad), and as a dramatized historical piece I love that people understand it a bit more. Taking the worlds greatest scientific minds and putting them on this one project is so incredible (kind of like a movie with the greatest cast you can imagine), so it was exciting for me going into this film to see that story told. Hopefully that in-depth response gave you an answer you were looking for, but I thoroughly love this film, but don't think it is one of the greatest in a decade like some may believe. Though, it is a work of art in my eyes.
  6. I totally respect this viewpoint, as not everyone is going to enjoy it the same way. Personally, I really love Oppenheimer, and feel it is easily Nolan's best after Dunkirk. It doesn't feel like a long movie to me, and flows beautifully. The acting, soundtrack, and cinematography (that 70mm black & white film goes HARD) really bring this movie together so well for me.
  7. Welcome aboard, @David Peterson!!
  8. Finally got to sit down and experience these two films for the first time. Ok, so this movie was so much fun to watch! My Wife & I definitely laughed at some scenes that weren't supposed to be laughed at (like the awkward intro titles with "James Stewart" randomly showing up in front of a pair of lips, some weird timing to James's lines, and the random Nun that creeped out of the shadows near the end). Outside of the laughing, this movie was fantastic, and easily has become my favorite Hitchcock film so far (I still have yet to see Rear Window or North by Northwest, so that could change). I loved every second of this film! It is incredibly cheesy (in a good way), and downright fun. I can now see why it is a cult classic, and really appreciate the quirky (and often perverted) one-line jokes. It's a tremendously fun movie to watch when you don't want anything serious.
  9. I haven't seen this film since it was on Netflix, and then I always watched it again when Criterion released the Blu-Ray. So, I thought I would watch it nearly 4 years later and re-visit this masterpiece. Marriage Story connects with me in a very personal way, as my parents went through a bad divorce while I was young, and I have also experienced the process of divorce myself (thankfully, without greedy lawyers involved). The brilliant story, and masterclass acting from everyone involved brings this story to life, and hits pretty close to home. Noah truly made a work of art with this, as it beautifully covers the complexities and enormous difficulties in a divorce. The entire process is hell, and I feel Adam and Scarlett brought their A-game when it comes to evoking many emotions from the viewer to give them a taste of the state of chaos that is typically attributed to a divorce. The court system and legal process can change people for the worst, and I feel this movie illustrates that perfectly. All in all, this movie is, as I stated above, a masterpiece. Rarely has acting been on this level where every ounce of emotion -- even in the tiniest of facial expressions and gestures, been conveyed so expertly. If you have not seen this film, please do yourself a favor and watch it. You'll be thankful you did.
  10. Welcome aboard, @Evanjohnson86!!
  11. Welcome aboard, @saschaglebe!!
  12. Yeah, a trilogy set in addition to them being sold separately would be nice. Hopefully that is announced here soon.
  13. I really want that box set, but $100 for it when I already own the Ravenclaw deck isn't really something I want to spend money on at this moment. It is a beautiful set, though!

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