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Everything posted by Nadam

  1. Here is my list of films/shows that I feel would excel on the 4K UHD format: - Barry Lyndon - Portrait of a Lady on Fire - Toys (1992) - All Studio Ghibli films - Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid - 8 1/2 - La Strada - La Dolce Vita - Ikiru (The Toho Kurosawa 4K Blu-Rays don't count since they are exclusive to Japan and have no subtitles) - After Life (1998) - Come and See - Chef - Le Samouraï - The Tree of Life - Wild Strawberries - Tootsie - The Secret Life of Walter Mitty (2013) - Amélie - The Crow - The Grand Budapest Hotel - The Insider - The Ocean's Trilogy - Ocean's 11 (1960) - Blazing Saddles - Robin Hood: Men in Tights - Young Frankenstein - Isle of Dogs - The Thin Red Line - The Tragedy of Macbeth (2021) - The Tragedy of Macbeth (1971) - The Great Silence - Monty Python and the Holy Grail - Monty Python's Life of Brian - Band of Brothers - Throne of Blood - Jackie Brown - The Hateful Eight - Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2 I'm sure there are many more, but these are what I want the most.
  2. Thank you for this! I am starting to get a bit impatient with no announcement of Barry Lyndon in 4K. Hands down my favorite Kubrick film, and it's criminal that it has yet to happen with how breathtaking the cinematography and art style is.
  3. Dear god, I hope so. Having all of those in 4K would be wonderful!
  4. The 4K Blu-Ray provides a magnificent experience for lovers of the film, and is a massive jump compared to previous releases. Now, if we could only get a 4K Blu-Ray for Jackie Brown and The Hateful Eight...
  5. So, I didn't do the full top 10 list, and that was my bad. Also, I just recalled some films that are considered gangster movies that I totally forgot to add. So, here is my updated list: 1. GoodFellas 2. The Godfather Part II 3. Reservoir Dogs 4. The Godfather Part I 5. American Gangster 6. Le Samouraï 7. Casino 8. Boyz N the Hood 9. The Departed 10. Snatch
  6. 1. GoodFellas 2. The Godfather Part II 3. The Godfather Part I 4. American Gangster 5. Casino
  7. That actually helps tremendously. Thank you so much!!
  8. Am I permitted to inquire about 2023 pricing to get a basic idea (even though I understand it is different from 2024)? I’m just trying to get a ballpark. I’m an Analyst in real life, so I calculate and compare/contrast all of my financial decisions based on uses, benefits, purchase trends, etc.
  9. I’m certain of that, but curious what the previous year was?
  10. Apologies for being a pest, but do you happen to know the prices? If not, could you direct me to previous year pricing, please? I have been searching all over here and Google, but cannot find pricing from any year for the life of me so that I can have it for reference. I just would like to get an idea of what memberships run here to see if the pricing is feasible for my finances. I greatly appreciate your help with my questions!
  11. Film Forum Loft Cinema Responses from some who have seen the new transfer: Blu-Ray Forums
  12. I am hoping this year since the 4K restoration has been shown in some theaters.
  13. Yep! I own it in 4K and love it, but it definitely is in no way as impressive as Apollo 11 was using some of the same footage (Then again, I don't think anything compares to Apollo 11 since they converted all of that 70mm footage to 16K resolution in digital -- and it shows!). The 4K of For All Mankind is definitely worth the upgrade IMO, but it is up to you and how much to love it. Not all of the scenes look stellar due to the film that was used and such. But, for the scenes that 4K can take advantage of, they look amazing.
  14. Theatrical is great. Redux gets a lot of hate because it adds a lot of extra boring scenes that (to me) kill the flow. Final Cut leaves some of the good extra scenes and feels like a fantastic balance between the two main versions.
  15. There you go! I am so glad you enjoyed it, as Godfather Part I is splendid, but you are going to have even more fun with Part II (which to me is the far superior one of the two).
  16. Final Cut. I'm not a fan of Redux, but feel Final Cut is a great middle ground between Redux and the Theatrical cut.
  17. Nadam

    Movie Trailers

    I was not prepared to cry this early in the morning, but holy crap what a wonderful trailer. I lost my dog who I viewed as my daughter for nearly 16 years last month, and letting go was the hardest thing I had to ever do. I am beyond happy that Julia Louis-Dreyfus is doing a film with A24, as she is immensely talented. My only slight gripe is the moderate difficulty in understanding what the bird/Death is saying sometimes. So, I recommend subtitles for the video.
  18. It makes me so happy that you and others enjoyed that thread. To be honest, it put a huge smile on my face seeing the amazing movies that you and everyone suggested. I cannot wait to hear about your experience with Ikiru! You MUST let me know once you have finished watching it. That movie is a powerful reality check about taking more time to enjoy life. I watched it for my first time 2-3 years back, and it still remains in my thoughts on an almost daily basis (I had multiple Cancer scares at that time, so this movie really hit me hard). It is one of the main reasons I stopped making YouTube content, as with my scares, I realized I was spending more time working than enjoying life, and this movie opened my eyes so much. It's one of Spielberg's favorite films, and same with Patton Oswald (there is an interview with Oswald talking about how Ikiru, After Life [1998] and Groundhog Day being the "I need to re-think my life right now" films). I am so excited that you get to experience this masterpiece!! I still need to pick up "The 400 Blows" and watch it for the first time. I have heard so many amazing things, but never saw it. I just put in an order for Kor-eda's "Still Walking", so I will need to snag 400 Blows as well, haha. Here is Patton Oswald discussing Ikiru:
  19. Wild Strawberries is a true work of art from Bergman! My second favorite film of his after The Seventh Seal.
  20. Also really amazing movies!

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