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Everything posted by Nadam

  1. Thank you so much for the kind words! Each one of those is an amazing choice, but I have yet to see Elephant Man (I feel absolutely terrible for saying that). I imported the 4K Blu-Ray last week, and it won't get here until the end of the month, but I will be watching it as soon as it arrives. Blade Runner and 12 Angry Men almost made my list, but the main 5 choices slightly edged past them. Colonel Blimp is also another work of art that I love. The Crying Game is something I also need to watch as well, but haven't bought it yet (which will change here shortly, haha).
  2. I LOOOOOOVE this movie so much! Deakins is my favorite Cinematographer, and his work in this is phenomenal. John Hurt was so good in this. Being my favorite book, I personally feel this movie did a great job adapting it for the big screen.
  3. What an unforgettable experience this film was.
  4. I still need to watch "The Whale", but I need to be in the right mindset to be prepared for that emotional ride.
  5. With all of the movies each one of you has seen throughout life, what are 5 films that have always stuck with you? These are movies that have you pondering life, feeling emotional due to the material, an unforgettable overall cinematic experience, etc. It could be anything! I watched "After Life" (1998) last night, and it really hit hard like few have in my life, so I wanted to see what your top 5 list would be! NOTE: You are free to explain or not explain the reasoning for your choices. Mine: 1.) Come and See 2.) Ikiru 3.) After Life 4.) Gladiator 5.) Portrait of a Lady on Fire
  6. This movie was masterfully done. From the breathtaking cinematography, to the flawless work of the cast & crew, I loved every second of this adaption but Joel Coen. It annoys the hell out of me that this STILL isn't on physical media anywhere. I can safely say this would be a jaw-dropping 4K transfer if we ever got it on 4K Blu-Ray.
  7. Very cool! I still need to watch that, as I have heard amazing things. Currently, I am relaxing and watching "Year One" with the Mrs.
  8. Hey MP peeps! My name is Nadam, and I am a cinephile that has adored film since I was a child. Some of my favorite moments revolved around my Dad showing my Sister & I a lot of his favorite movies as we grew-up. Not only that, but going to the movie theater multiple times per week and staying up-to-date on releases. I went into learning how to make my own films as I got older, and ran a small crew that made music videos for local bands in partnership with our PBS station at our city university. From there, I moved to another state where I hard focused my learning on my overall passion in films: cinematography. I got to work on a pilot for Netflix (which never came to light), I worked on multiple non-profit projects for the city filmmakers society that were used for important charitable initiatives (like fighting sex trafficking, drug use, etc.). After all of that, I went immensely deeper into my love for cinema and started a YouTube channel dedicated to reviews on older films after I had watched them for the first time. After around 2,500 subscribers, I decided you shut down the channel, as as a major health scare, I had realized the immense amount of time I was wasting filming and editing videos for YouTube. It just wasn't worth it. Now, I spend a lot of time watching cinematic masterpieces with family and enjoying every second of life. I am beyond excited to get to know all of you, and glad a forum like this exists!

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