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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. I hope you had a fantastic day yesterday. We actually have the larger family arriving today. So all the cousins etc will have the big meal and gifts. Waiting until after breakfast is a big deal, I respect that, but waiting a whole day is like Nobel peace prize worthy. I’m gunna miss your countdown bud! How about going ahead and start counting down to next year? 😝
  2. Is that like a linen texture or more of a tight woven? I love how the inside stuff is more cream than stark black and white. Very nice details there.
  3. That's some sweet action right there. It includes Battletoads, yes? We have a game night every other Wednesday, mostly we play board games, but my buddy has been adding arcade games. We've been playing the 3 in 1 Street Fighter from Arcade1Up a bunch. This one is on another level, though. He wants this one very badly. Congrats. Any game that requires an anti-fatigue mat is no joke. I want to stand on one of those all the time no matter what I'm doing.
  4. As luck would have it, MP gave me a present today . . . My rank went from Mentor to Veteran!!!
  5. Tremendous coping strategy all the way around! I will subscribe to your podcast and be a better person for it.
  6. Uh . . . none bro . . . it's Better Off Dead
  7. I know that one, I know that one!!!!!! You're training the next generation well. Merry Christmas my friend.
  8. Merry Christmas to all Psychos world wide. May your holidays be filled with fun, family, food, movies, and . . . major awards.
  9. Merry Christmas to you too Nils. I’ll give you and Eli @R1s1ngs0n yet another well deserved big thank you for organizing and managing this wonderful event. It’s not easy organizing psychos! The award is amazing, as usual, @Trianna!
  10. Wow, that is a generous gift set there. Nice work @deckard99. I was looking for that 2001 today, still trying to get all the TOCs!! Don't terrorize Ripley too much with D-0 bud. 😂 Merry Christmas to you both.
  11. It is an interesting line that is constantly being challenged and moved. Disney lawyers shut me down on a co-op commercial with a retailer in the middle of the day because of concerns over misrepresentation of an unfinished product we only had mock-ups of. Your response and knowledge is greatly appreciated and frames it all very well. I’m curious where this ends up. Trailer cutting is a brutal career. Short time frames, aggressive studio marketing battling the above the line creatives, the margin of error is much smaller than people realize. And seriously, those people are in those pitch dark suites making changes 16 hours a day.
  12. You’re a lawyer, I am not. But the issue is how big of a grain of salt. When I deal with regulatory legal on set, that is always the question. I’m not sure what damages they are asking for, it would be hilarious if they went through all of this and got their movie rental costs only rewarded. jk You def have more knowledge in to this than I do. Thanks for the insight.
  13. Universal sued over misleading trailer for movie Yesterday. Case is allowed to go forward. Is it reasonable to assume an actor that appears in the trailer is in the movie? YouTube Link
  14. I'm out of reactions for the day, so this is me liking your post.
  15. Agreed. I wish they would take real photos of these steels and not just use renderings so often. I know it isn't going to happen, but it would be helpful to actually see the physical item and at least get an idea of the finish with some appropriate lighting.
  16. Thanks buddy. Yeah, I remember telling you what a great deal I got when I pre-ordered! No biggie, I've got so many GBs and Pre-Orders and incoming, I'm not too bothered.
  17. For those of you who did not order either of these editions from Turbine, Diabolik announced they will get these in the US. They won't be listed online until after the holidays. I'm assuming they will offer both versions, but that is unconfirmed.
  18. I've been wondering why my 4 Film Vault titles have not arrived. It turns out Amazon UK didn't allocate my copy of Blade Runner, so they held up the entire order. I cancelled the other three. So, no Blade Runner Film Vault for me. I re-ordered the other three still available at Zavvi. Bummer.
  19. That's the SL, correct? I haven't seen anyone post yet that those were shipping. Congrats, looks great. Looking forward to seeing some DLs in hand in the new year.
  20. @extantsrevenge you def deserve a break to celebrate. Thanks so much for creating/ managing these challenges. It seems it has become a weekly routine for all of us to come together and share in these challenges and enjoy each other’s collections. Every Sunday I look forward to the new challenge drop. What a fantastic way to build community with people all over the world who share the same hobby. You did that my man, you are greatly appreciated.
  21. Thanks Gary. Because they were only sold as OC, there are no clear entries anywhere for the individual editions themselves as standalone. That's why they are harder to track down. As you point out. Yeah, not sure how I'll proceed then. Thanks again.
  22. My CCS (collector completion syndrome) won't let me like it.
  23. Exactly what I needed to know. I went online and looked and yes, it is apparent to me now. They chose the exact same art for the 1k and the 4k JW2 so that was the confusion. Thanks! I will quit searching the internet high and low for 1k John Wick 2 & 3 to go with my one off NE-13. It will probably be leaving my shelves and I'll hunt for the versions you have.

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