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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. Some in between meal snacks are always a joy. Here are a few tasty treats while waiting on premiums. • Casablanca - 80th Anniversary UCE Steelbook 4K • Waynes World - Multi-Retailer • Coming to America - Multi-Retailer • Thor Love and Thunder - Best Buy Exclusive • Eternals - Best Buy Exclusive • The Matrix - Titans of Cult • Mad Max Fury Road - Titans of Cult • Red Sparrow - Best Buy Exclusive • Jack Reacher - Best Buy Exclusive • The Lost Boys - Best Buy Exclusive • The Limey - Best Buy Exclusive • La La Land - Best Buy Exclusive • It's A Wonderful Life - Multi-Retailer • Angel Heart - Best Buy Exclusive • Ghost in the Shell - Mondo X • Warrior - Best Buy Exclusive • 3:10 to Yuma - Best Buy Exclusive
  2. When I got the Theory 11 LotR deck last month I thought I'd probably like the Kings Wild Project Fellowship a little better. And, I do. Theory11's deck is awesome, and maybe a bit more lux, but this one is fantastic. Jackson Robinson took a much more storybook approach to his deck. Theory 11 is much more regal. Theory 11 LotR belongs in Rivendell, Kings Wild belongs in the Shire. If anyone is interested in signing up for a Kings Wild subscription for 2023, they will be announcing some new tiers and pricing soon. They may have already, but I don't think so. If anyone is interested in a subscription, you can go to their website. https://kingswildproject.com If you have any questions about which one to join in, feel free to PM me. They are doing some great editions during 12 days of Christmas, some beautiful gilded decks.
  3. After watching the unboxing vids for Goodfellas and Scarface, I'm coming around to @R1s1ngs0n POV. I think these are great, and as I said above, I hope they keep doing these, I'm all for a long series with diverse titles with some uniformity. But . . . the spines with no titles on them . . . not loving that. So, your only choice is to have the acetate slip with the ratings logos, or have a blank spine, as @R1s1ngs0n pointed out. And, the spines are super plain without the slips. Hmmmmmm Right now, not in hand, it is a small quibble, but we will see in a couple weeks when they start arriving.
  4. I signed up for B a while ago. I’m assuming that we will be invited to GB club after this closes like the other re-opened GBs, correct?
  5. I always appreciate you being an opener, like myself. Are both dog tags Maverick’s? Thanks Or is the other one Goose’s?
  6. Yeah, I'm with ya on this approach. I hope they keep doing them. Give me four great new titles every quarter, just keep it rolling. My Amazon UK order says delivery after Dec 22nd. I'm sure you on the other side of the Atlantic will get them well before we do. Looking forward to some in hand member shots.
  7. Good morning world wide psychos! No pics of the blue ridge mountains this morn. Instead the view across Central Park from the 28th floor. Hope everyone has a great day.
  8. No, the order doesn't show as cancelled. It's very weird. And, I only need one more TOC title to get the award! I'll just re-order and hopefully it arrives. And of course it's an excuse to order a few more things with it.
  9. I pre-ordered this from Zavvi a while ago. It hasn't showed up. A refund was issued yesterday. Very strange. No reason given. It's still in stock and everything else from that order has been received. So, gunna have to re-order.
  10. I knew I could count on you to shout this out, so I didn't have to!
  11. Very nice to say! Thank you @Chief_lookout. I occasionally teach classes on screenwriting, cinematography, directing and film history at non-profits, and I pulled a lot of this post from material I wrote for those classes.
  12. TRIGGER WARNING - This post contains unnecessary pontificating, gratuitous name dropping, sexual content CHALLENGE 12 : THE DIRECTOR'S (thanks @bossjon) _____________________ JOHN CASSAVETES (probably not a surprise to those of you who looked closely at my vague avatar) The beginning of the end of old Hollywood began with one director and one film: John Cassavetes' 1959 Shadows. Scorsese noted - after Shadows there were no more excuses. Cassavetes inspired a landslide of filmmakers to challenge studio system control and fight for creative freedom, both in style and content. We take it for granted that studios want to hear what Fincher, Lynch, Nolan, and others mentioned here, have to say. When Cassavetes made Shadows, a movie about the adventures of three black siblings in New York, with his stolen shots and 16mm verite loose camera, no one was interested. He made it anyway. And he kept making them. Over the next two decades Cassavetes funded his independent films (Husbands, Faces, A Woman Under the Influence, Minnie & Moskowitz, etc.) by appearing as an actor in movies like The Dirty Dozen and Rosemary's Baby. Cassavetes took great joy in using Hollywood money to undermine Hollywood itself. His avant garde filmmaking style is disarming to many. His camera is never judgmental. It doesn't guide the eye to where you should look, it forces you to open your eyes. He doesn't tell you what you should think, the action plays out in front of you and you are forced to participate. It's the cinema of embracing the complexity of being authentically human, not by pointing it out, but by experiencing it. My favorite Cassavetes' film is Husbands. But, I love his wife and collaborator Gena Rowland's brave and shocking performance in A Woman Under the Influence. By the time Arthur Penn's Bonnie and Clyde becomes a counter culture darling of individualism and self-expression in 1967, old Hollywood was diminished. And the independent film wave of the 90s (Soderbergh, PTA, Linklater, Ferrara, Egoyan, Haynes, Leigh, Jarmusch, Sofia C., Tarantino) blew up what was left. John Cassavetes lit the fuse for all of them. __________ SPIKE LEE When Spike Lee arrived, it was a gift from the gods. He came along at the right time, with the right passion, the right drive, the right pedigree, and the right filmmaking talent and skill. He put the black experience on the screen in a way that made it impossible to turn away, and . . . it was brilliant filmmaking, entertaining, and unapologetically black. He titled my favorite Lee film, Do the Right Thing - an imperative sentence structure. It's a call to action, "Do". But there is no subject, only an object, "the Right Thing". Who was he talking to, and what was the "right thing" to do? This movie lays out the confusing options and consequences, who should do what, when, how, the way we fail, the way we succeed, the hope and hopelessness, the joy and fear, the tragedy and response. Do the Right Thing for Lee seems to be a mode, and the genius of this film is that the Right Thing can shift. While we don't see Lee's signature double dolly shot in Do the Right Thing, the filmmaking here is still a tour de force . Lee uses a massive arsenal of technique and creativity to support the content of his film. - Shifting Perspective: we watch Mookie, then we are Mookie, we're in the fire, then we're holding a fire hose. Lee wants us to feel like spirits watching, then inhabiting, his characters - Dutch Tilt: high and low camera angles create this amazing feel, are these playful comic book frames, or is he destabilizing us with uneven ground under our feet? - Art Direction: There is very little urban "grit" here, the color palette is bright, joyful, charismatic, even DA Mayor is wearing pastels, communicating clearly that this is not about decay, but optimism. In 2022, Spike Lee became the first black filmmaker to receive the DGA Lifetime Achievement Award. There would never be a second, or third, or fourth, if someone wasn't brave enough to do what it took to be the first. Thank god for Spike Lee. _____________________ STEVEN SPIELBERG As a boy, I learned the English language organically by listening to my parents speak English. As a child, I learned cinematic language organically by watching Steven Spielberg movies. While Cassavetes wanted nothing to do with creating drama by using traditional shot selection and editing, Spielberg is the pinnacle of flexing the power of the camera to tell story. For Spielberg, the camera is you, the viewer, and his transcendent genius is to put you right where you need to be to see what you need to see, to experience what he wants you to experience. He is your tour guide through his adventures. And his efficiency of shot selection to take you on the journey is absolutely staggering. In the mid-90s, when I was starting my photography/directing career in New York, I was lucky enough to attend many events at the Director's Guild. When Spielberg came to talk, my good friend, then Columbia film student, now Pulitzer Prize winning playwright Ayad Akhtar, and I almost didn't go. We were in the midst of our Dogme 95 Lars Van Trier, indy-rules-all phase. And Spielberg was not cool. The vast majority of filmmakers at the DG, spoke about content, what was in front of the camera. Spielberg talked about the meaning of the camera itself. His understanding of how to use a camera was like Mozart's command of musical notes, or Shakespeare's command of words. A movie is not a play, it is not a novel, it has the ultimate advantage over those forms . . . an editable, moveable image created by the camera, and Spielberg was 100% dedicated to using that advantage fully. We left that talk shocked at his unapologetic genius, and the force of his will to promote cinema as cinema. If you want to write a play, Woody Allen, then go produce a play, but don't waste my time putting the camera in the corner for 20 minutes while I watch your actors talk: Spielberg makes movies, he doesn't film plays. Is his content too sentimental, too obvious? Maybe. But I don't care. His movies have grossed 10.6 billion dollars. 4 billion more than the nearest filmmakers. And it's not because he gratuitously blows stuff up, or has unnecessarily provocative scenes, or is an obsessive crowd pleaser. It's because his command of cinematic language is so great, that his viewers can't help themselves, you're going to go where Steven Spielberg takes you, you have no choice. . . . and you're going to love it. There's no sexual content in this post, I just wanted you to read it all. 😆
  13. LMAO!!!! My grandpa called it his orange cocktail. And they now have a premium! Are we going to have a group buy?
  14. Oh that's awesome. Yeah, that hasn't happened for me. I wonder if it's a USD thing. I had to ask for credits for Casablanca and TOC Star Trek and a couple of others. If they sell out in pre-order then obviously it doesn't matter.
  15. Fleabag as Indy's sidekick is the best, most genius casting decision of this franchise (except Connery as Indy Daddy). I can't wait for this one, to see my hero Indy and Phoebe Waller-Bridge bringing some sarcastic dysfunctional comedy to this movie. I'm not thrilled with the "magic" part of the story. We'll see how that shakes out. In Crystal Skull, Harrison Ford looked a little geriatric, I hope he doesn't look downright Metamucil in this one.
  16. Absolutely worth the effort going back and forth, checking prices. I didn't know this was new, it's been that way since I've been making orders. Good to know. I just saved myself about $200 on a big order(s) by checking both US/UK USD/GPB. Sometimes sales are even drastically different on the same item. Another note on pre-orders - they don't adjust to lowest price, as I'm sure many of you know. I keep a spread sheet of pre-orders and if the price drops, just start a chat on Zavvi and they will give you a credit to your account for the difference.
  17. Saturday Saturday alright alright!! I woke up optimistic that . . . • @Boilersteel will soon be taking stair steps two at a time • @damships dog is fully recovered from Thanksgiving • @Reagh’s DK OC re-animated itself in the night and is fully intact • @upmaniac is recovering nicely and will continue flexing his collection with more awards Enjoy the weekend everybody!
  18. I'm assuming you mean trying to buy direct. The Group Buy here is still open. Are you familiar with the process for Group Buys on MediaPyschos? Read this and join up bud!! Ask questions if you have any, someone will jump in and help.

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