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Posts posted by nerdist

  1. 😄 Couldn't wait to share some photos since I just received this beauty today from a domestic private seller.











     The whole package (I'll let the steelbook remain sealed for now.😉)






    Mine is said to be part of the crowdfunding batch and so contain a folded acknowledgement card (plus printed autographs of director Bong Joon-ho and actor Song Kang-ho).




    • Like 9
  2. Challenge 37 - "A Year in Review Part 2: Premium Edition"

    My 3 favorite Premium releases of the year: 
    1. Everything Everywhere All At Once (Manta Lab DL)

    One of my favourite movies of 2022, for which Manta Lab certainly has delivered the best edition this year. The double lenticular effect looks just mesmerizing!

    2. Blade Runner 2049 (MAG)

    Finally got my hands on this grail during Christmas after a whole year-long wait. Such a sight to behold.

    3. The Prestige (Blufans OC)

    Never knew the protective case itself for the OC box would get such a fascinating water tank design. A stroke of genius from Blufans right here.



    • Like 20
  3. Challenge 36 - "A Year in Review" 

    Just coming out of my hibernation...😅 I wish all fellow psychos an early Happy New Year.🙏


    I'll admit I'm not too keen on collecting WWA steelbooks or regular releases, but here's what I managed to put together:

    1. Duel [steelbook]

    2. Groundhog Day [steelbook]

    3. The Big Lebowski [amaray] (felt lukewarm about the WWA steelbook, and the amaray version has an extra certificate of authenticity, so I went for this instead.)


    • Like 18
  4. CHALLENGE 35 - "FAMILY BUSINESS"  Thank you @R1s1ngs0n

    1. Her: Joaquin Phoenix and his wife Rooney Mara

    2. Good Will Hunting: Ben Affleck and his brother Casey Affleck

    3. Fargo: director Joel Coen and his wife Frances McDormand

    4. The Godfather Part III: director Francis Ford Coppola and his daughter Sofia Coppola

    5. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: Brad Pitt and his daughter Shiloh Jolie-Pitt





    Favourite off-screen/on-screen couple: Joaquin Phoenix and Rooney Mara

    • Like 13
  5. On 5/14/2023 at 8:34 PM, ethnosax said:



    Seth Meyers Lol GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers


    Settle in and get ready for the long haul. This week's challenge is all about the movies that keep us sitting still for a looong time. For this challenge, show us five movies (any format) that are each at least three hours long.


    As an optional extra feature (as if this challenge weren't already long enough), tell us about a time you left a movie to use the bathroom or grab a snack, and when you returned you found that you'd missed something really important.


    Thank you @ethnosax for bringing us CHALLENGE 33: INTERMISSION


    Here's my submission:

    1. World on a Wire (204 min)

    2. Schindler's List (195 min)

    3. The Wolf of Wall Street (180 min)

    4. The Last Emperor (218 min, extended version)

    5. The Godfather Part II (202 min)



    • Like 14
  6. Challenge 32 -  THE STICKY END

    Thank you @Scary Hair for such a gratifying challenge 😈


    1. The Revenant: John Fitzgerald is scalped and killed.

    2. Death Proof: Stuntman Mike is violently beaten to death.

    3. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade: Walter Donovan decomposes into a skeleton after drinking the wrong Grail.


    Ultimate Sticky End:

    I Saw the Devil: Jang Kyung-chul is decapitated with a guillotine at the hands of his unwitting family.


    • Like 13
    • Thanks 1

    Thank you @cypheria078 for this interesting challenge!


    1. The Social Network: based on the creation of Facebook.

    2. The French Connection: based on a real-life drug-smuggling case that took place in New York City in 1961.

    3. The Great Escape: based on the mass escape of 76 Allied airmen from a Nazi POW camp in March 1944.

    4. A Beautiful Mind: based on the life of mathematician John Nash and his battle with schizophrenia.

    5. The Last Emperor: based on the life of Puyi, the final Emperor of China.





    Just thought it'd be fun to mention the intentional disclaimer in Fargo, if you know what I mean.🤣


    • Like 19
  8. Thank you @extantsrevenge for Challenge 30 - The Villains!





    1. Amy Dunne (Gone Girl)

    2. Jobu Tupaki (Everything Everywhere All At Once)

    3. Joker (The Dark Knight)

    4. T-800 (The Terminator)

    5. Jack Torrance (The Shining)


    My favourite villain is Amy Dunne from Gone Girl. So seemingly innocent and charming, yet underneath so calculating and scary. Not a typical protagonist of a revenge story, this complicated character will have you fooled, and will make you love her and hate her at the same time. Kudos to Rosamund Pike's brilliant performance.


    • Like 19
  9. CHALLENGE 27 “VIGILANTE or REVENGE”  🩸 ⚔️🔫 🔨 🤲 🪓

    Thank you @Veum for this awesome challenge!


    My favourite revenge films that I enjoy watching time after time: (I can see myself rewatching these any time now!)

    1. V for Vendetta

    2. Gone Girl

    3. Memento

    4. Confessions

    5. The Handmaiden


    I'll give an honourable mention to Dexter as my fav vigilante TV series. In the picture is the special edition that resembles Dexter's blood slide box, giving myself a little vigilante taste.🔪🙈


    • Like 14
  10. Challenge 26: Women in Film

    Thank you @Mrdugan for this great challenge!


    Here are five of my favourite films that feature a woman as the movie’s main character:

    1. Everything Everywhere All At Once - Michelle Yeoh (I literally cried tears of joy witnessing EEAAO sweeping the 2023 Oscars!)

    2. Gone Girl - Rosamund Pike

    3. Mulholland Drive - Naomi Watts

    4. The Handmaiden - Kim Min-hee

    5. Black Swan - Natalie Portman

    They absolutely nailed it when portraying their multi-faceted characters. Such stunning performances!




    My favourite woman in film is Rosamund Pike as Amy Dunne in Gone GirlShe stayed relatively under the radar until her Oscar-worthy performace in this film thrust her into the spotlight. The Cool Girl monologue is simply a showstopper.

    • Like 21
  11. 13 minutes ago, R1s1ngs0n said:

    You need to replace one of the Japanese movies with one in a different language - 5 different languages in total.


    Oops, my bad.🙈 Here's an addition to my submission:

    6. The Man Without a Past (Finnish)




    1 hour ago, nerdist said:

    1. Confessions (Japanese)

    2. One Cut of the Dead (Japanese)

    3. The Handmaiden (Korean)

    4. Intouchables (French)

    5. The Invisible Guest (Spanish)



    • Like 21
  12. Thank you @Gary K for this great challenge!


    "And The OSCAR Goes To...."


    Schindler's List (1993)

    Titanic (1997)

    American Beauty (1999)

    Gladiator (2000)

    A Beautiful Mind (2001)




    The Social Network (2010) should've won Best Picture of the 2011 Oscars, which was lost to The King's Speech.






    Catching up with Challenge 1 from @extantsrevenge

    My favourite lenticular edition goes to Kimchidvd's Memento. This superb design creates an endlessly alternating loop. Such a genius stroke!



    I prefer transition lenticulars, cuz they give me the "moving pictures" vibes! 😁 

    Another two of my favourite transition lenticulars (Kimchidvd's Her and Loving Vincent). A Kimchidvd hat trick!


    • Like 18


    Thank you @Fortis93 for this thrilling challenge. This will be a perfect chance for me to mention some of the usual suspects (again!) on my all-time favourites list.


    My favourite genre is undoubtedly Thriller (more precisely, psychological thriller)! I just love a movie experience where you can be kept on your toes and caught off guard by every twist and turn, while trying to make sense of everything. (I'm not a fan of thrillers that use jumpscares though, cuz I'm one of the faint-hearted.😅)


    Here are my 5 picks:
    1. Gone Girl
    2. The Prestige
    3. Confessions
    4. Mulholland Drive
    5. Dexter (TV)




    The film that made me fall in love with psychological thrillers would be The Prestige, the second Nolan film I've watched following the Inception success in China, which was about when I started to seek out Nolan's other works.

    • Like 17
  14. Challenge 22 - Adaptation 

    Thank you @Reagh for this challenge! Not a "voracious reader" myself like Gone Girl's Amy, but I did manage to scrape together four titles.



    1. Gone Girl: Hands down my favourite adaptation. I watched the movie first and couldn't resist the urge to read the original novel. The novel by Gillian Flynn is already amazing by constantly switching between perspectives, and perusing the book really deepened my appreciation for the way Fincher visualised it.


    Here's one little Glass Onion Easter egg:😅


    2. Interstellar (the original movie and its novelization)

    3. The Great Gatsby

    4. 2001: A Space Odyssey




    • Like 19
    • Thanks 1
  15. Challenge 21 - "Love is in the Air"

    Thank you @Blu Magic Ray for this lovely challenge!


    Here are my picks:

    1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    2. La La Land

    3. The Lobster

    4. About Time

    5. Once




    I'll give the following three an honourable mention even though the covers don't fit the bill.

    6. Her

    7. Passengers

    8. Rust and Bone





    My favourite romantic movie is Her!

    Joaquin Phoenix GIF by Filmin

    • Like 20
  16. Here I am for Challenge 20 "Still Missing! Forgotten Treasures!" 

    Thank you @extantsrevenge for this 20th challenge!


    Unfortunately, I do not have any movies on DVD that haven't been released on Blu-ray, so I'll just go ahead and list 5 movies that I want a 4K release for:

    1. True Lies (There's a Spanish Blu-ray release apparently, but I'll hold out for the director approved 4K, hopefully...)

    2. Shame

    3. Gone Girl

    4. Fight Club

    5. Se7en (Got way too greedy by adding 3 Fincher movies into this list, but man, I'm dying for some Fincher 4K collection!)




    Here are the 5 movies that I want a steelbook release for: (I can imagine some great artworks being used🤩)

    1. The Social Network ( It's actually kinda funny that the Social Network already got a 4K release only by being part of the Columbia Classics box set.😅 An individual 4K release would be so nice, and even nicer, 4K steelbook.)

    2. Manchester by the Sea

    3. Punch-drunk Love

    4. Frank

    5. Boiling Point





    • Like 17
  17. 20 minutes ago, BreakBeatDJ said:

    Wonderful story of your movie journey.  Makes me realize how much I take for granted that movies have been a big part of my entire life, and that’s not the same for everyone.    Thanks for sharing! 

    The best “old” movie education, in terms of collecting, is the Criterion Collection imho.   Their transfers are first rate, and the curation is fantastic.  It’s a fun, and inexpensive, way to build a classic film library with high quality physical media.  I have hundreds of DVDs/BluRays.  I return to them often.  I’m not sure how easy your access is.  

    Thank you for your kind words! (Just realised I ran out of points to give today...) I've got a few great Criterion Collection copies in hand, so this is definitely a direction I will go in. Your advice is much appreciated!🙏


    I would say collecting movies is still a relatively niche thing from where I am, partly because it's a more expensive (and sometimes tricky) option. On the other hand, we have easier access to pirated resources here😅, which could be the only resort to certain media... But I've got a good start now in building my own cosy little film library, slowly but surely.✌️

    • Like 7
  18. Challenge 19 "Through the Decades - a Cinematic Journey"

    Thank you @lunazero for this great challenge!


    Movies before the 90s are measly in my collection, so I could only pick certain titles. I chose the rest based on the significance I think they have to their own decades.


    1968: 2001: A Space Odyssey

    1982: Blade Runner

    1991: Terminator 2

    2001: Mulholland Drive

    2010: Inception





    My favourite decade is the 2010s. If you'll indulge me for a moment, here's my little story:


    I must confess my movie knowledge was basically zero in my childhood. Kid animes and Mandarin TV dramas were the major source of my childhood entertainment, and I don't remember me as a kid sitting down to properly watch a movie (at most some kungfu movies if I ran into them on TV). When I grew up a bit more, I might find something interesting on movie channels, but still I watched most in parts.


    That really changed when Inception happened to me, the first English movie I watched on my own initiative from start to end! As far as I can remember, it made a massive debut in China, and almost everyone I saw online was talking about it, trying to analyse it, or debating about the ending.


    Of course it turned out the movie blew/bent my mind, and that was the starting point of me exposing myself to more English movies and TV series. (Around that time, my English was improving too.😅) Along the path, I was lucky enough not to miss out on movies like Her, Gone Girl, etc. And it was these very movies that got me into collecting physical editions!


    So in a sense, I grew up as a late starter with movies from the 2010s (hence my favourite decade and the one I'm most familiar with by far).


    My first standard release purchase was Inception DVD back in 2011. My first premium purchase was Her (Kimchidvd) around 2015, the next being Gone Girl (Blufans) in 2016. The gap remained until I started "seriously collecting" premiums last year, and before long I joined MP. 😜

    • Like 27
  19. Here's my submission for Challenge 18. Thanks to @Mrdugan for this brilliant challenge!


    I mostly collect movie program booklets, screenplay books or novels for my top favourites. Having said that, my love for TENET didn't stop me from getting more goodies. (A lot were available during its screening in China, so I got greedy.😄)




    Gone Girl












    Inside Llewyn Davis



    • Like 23
  20. Challenge 17 "It Takes Two"✌️

    Thanks @raylight for this awesome-duosome challenge!😄


    1. TENET - Heist duo (the protagonist & Neil)

    2. Hot Fuzz - Buddy-cop duo (Nicholas Angel & Danny Butterman)

    3. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - Journalist & computer hacker (Mikael Blomkvist & Lisbeth Salander)

    4. SE7EN - Detective duo (David Mills & William Somerset)

    5. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade - Love me some father and son duo (Jones Jr. and Sr.)

    Challenge 17.jpg



    I would really like to see David Fincher's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo get a premium treatment.

    concentrating rooney mara GIF

    • Like 19

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