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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. I am in much the same boat as Basil. Growing up with both parents in a good neighbourhood and with friends in the same situation as myself. I always got good grades and I always obeyed & respected my elders…. …Then I started High school which of course meant more pupils from other neighbourhoods, a lot of which were poorer and many from broken homes. By the time I was 16 and leaving school, many of my new friends were (let’s call them) “scallywags” growing up without a father figure, and were easily led down the wrong path. Whilst I remained to continue respecting my elders, I won’t lie, I did get up to more than my fair share of illegal behaviour and much like Basil, I had my fair share of “interactions” with the Police. I only ever got taken back to the local station once for a caution, following drunken behaviour during a World Cup after an England match. Ironically this one time was very innocent compared to other events I could recall. Also like Basil, we also all had illegal mopeds & motor bikes and bizarrely, we also used to race then along a disused railway line! Must be an Englishman thing. 😂 Anyway, My grades were good enough to get me into college to study computer programming, but after 1 year I dropped out as I was more interested in partying. I guess you could say the company I had been keeping perhaps had a detrimental influence at that time of my life. At age 18 I then enrolled into another college to study music. This led to forming a band and touring the UK - We even won a band completion & were signed to an independent label. The band went on for 6 years before I quit to peruse other musical avenues which sadly never panned out. You can probably imagine the sort of antics that this kind of life brings… A lot more partying. Fast forward to my mid 20’s, and I had quit the band, my Girlfriend of 5 years (Thought I’d marry her) left me and my now Legal bike at the time was written off in an accident (not my fault - I was stationary sat on it at the lights). It was at about this time that I realised it was perhaps time to grow up and join society. Here we are many years later, and unbelievably I have a good job working in Finance of all things for an Insurance company. Never dreamt in a million years that this would be how I earn my money, but life’s funny like that. I now consider myself to be a kind and caring Gentleman with emphasis on manners. I lead a volunteering group working at a special needs school, and I always try to help others wherever I can. Would I change any of it? No way. Thanks to my younger years I am certainly street wise and comfortable enough whether I am talking to a group of youths on a street corner, or presenting to the senior leadership at work. These are clearly very different discussions utilising almost different languages with your vocabulary. My mate calls me a chameleon as he says I can mix and mingle with anyone and find common ground. At the end of the day, I was certainly given a head start in life compared to so many, but I def took the rocky path to my adult life. My best mate was an easily led guy as a kid and comes from a single parent home, but he regularly reminds me of the times when I could sense something was going down that was just too much, and I would talk him out of it and the pair of us would walk away. Most of the time, we all encounter “bad situations” but it’s about being brave and standing up to others, not bowing to peer pressure. Also, whether the you agree or not about the severity of a judicial system, the law is the law. Whilst some may say ours in the UK isn’t good enough, I would argue that others are too severe. We live on a tiny island and space is an issue with our jails for sure. I personally think our Police are brilliant overall. When I watch a US programme about your Police, they scare the sh*t out of me quite frankly, and not in a good deterrent way. They appear Almost military you know?
  2. For what it’s worth… Batman TDK Batman Returns Batman Begins TDKR MoS WW Constantine Any Christopher Reeve Superman I still haven’t watched Joker yet so no judgement there but going by what everyone else says, would likely make and complete my Top 10. …Everything else, I just don’t care enough about. It’s all just a bit “Meh”. Except for Aquaman. I think we all know by now that for me, Aquaman was a complete sh*tshow and a complete waste of 2+ hours of my life. How I made it through it all was beyond me. 😁 Needless to say, I do not hold out much hope for The Suicide Squad other than the fact Gunn was at the helm. Yeah, he can make a decent movie for sure, but the character cast for this is…. Well, scraping the barrel should we say? Still, I suppose it’s better than recasting a beloved hero for the umpteenth time. 😁
  3. Put your last choice above your 1st three, and then sprinkle some Keaton on top. 😉😂
  4. No mate I completely agree. I watched it this week for the first time (hence the opening) and I have to say it was pretty poor. It wasn’t “Bad” but it certainly wasn’t Good either.
  5. Very Very True. The Venom slip still pips them for me, but I think Spider-man looks EVEN better. 😍
  6. For a long time now, my all time fav FS has been WeET’s Venom slip, but I have the feeling that one of these is about to claim the throne (IMO). Yes, the fact that’s it’s Spidey will likely have something to do with it for me, but seriously guys and girls… In over something like 9 years of collecting, I am struggling to think of another FS that looks THIS good.
  7. Pbsw23


    Still finding my way at the moment, but given my love for Monster Movies & Mechs I am just starting out there with the likes of Voltron, Gants-O, Gridman, PR: The Black etc.
  8. Pbsw23


    @LeGonze Maaaaaaaaaate…. I just sat down, cracked a beer open, switched on Netflix with the FULL intention of starting AOT and…… It’s GONE! 😫😭😭😭😤 So for my sins, I have randomly decided to start Pacific Rim: The Black. Only 2 episodes in but seems decent enough. Struggle to find the time to properly enjoy much watching at the moment, and have a stack of movies to get through, but I certainly plan on trying to watch AOT, Goblin Slayer & Ajin sometime soon.
  9. In complete agreement with you mate! Amazing that it hasn’t been given the treatment it deserves really. Along with other Vamps such as Van Helsing, Underworlds & of course the Blade Trilogy. I hadn’t even realised that she was in it before putting it on, but Im never opposed to watching a Faris flick.😁
  10. Just Friends, for a first time viewing. Was a simple 90min watch on Netflix (So rare these days. Everything has to be at least 120mins long for some reason). Exactly what you would expect it to be but had some good giggles along the way. Anna Faris was as Mental as usual. No shame that one. 😂 …followed by The Lost Boys (lost count how many times I’ve seen this). A classic moment we all encounter when we switch Netflix off, just as some familiar movie music & starting credits begin. One minute you’re off to bed, the next you’re staying up for some unplanned rewatch of a classic. 😁
  11. Sorry to hear this mate. I honestly thought you’d be in one of the best locations. Hope you and yours see it through OK Buddy.

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