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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. All Very true… Hmmmmmm. But it’s not a China release I am hoping for 😉 Korea all the way Baby! 😍😁👍🏼
  2. That’s Awesome mate, cheers. 🍻 The Irony is that this movie will be the FIRST MCU release that I WON’T be buying a standard WWA release. I’ve really been trying to curb the spending on needless additions, and in truth this movie really wasn’t all that. I was literally just looking through the boxes of WWAs under the bed and trying to convince myself to sell them. Eeeeeek 😬 For Black Widow I’ll just sit tight until a premium, hopefully a WEA. 👍🏼
  3. About Effin’ Time! I was beginning to wonder if this was going to be Disney+ only. Stupid bloody pandemic. Bring on the Premiums! 🍻
  4. You honestly didn’t need to post anything more than the first two ladies Mate! 🥵
  5. Hey @Grendel I wanted to ask you what ‘Bodacious Space Pirates’ is all about? But I am the guessing the title pretty much tells you all you need to know?! 😁 Certainly sounds like something I should watch. 👍🏼
  6. Hey gang. I finished up season 1 of Pacific Rim: The Black last week and I have to say I was reasonably impressed. I will certainly be watching season 2 when it lands. If you like the artwork of Netflix/Dreamworks Voltron series then I am sure you will like this. I’ve started watching ‘Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon’ purely from the bizarre title. Despite the many strange components to the storyline, the strangest by far is the lead characters reaction every time he is faced with a face full of cleavage. Poor kid. 😂😂😂 It certainly appears on the initial 3 or 4 episodes that this was purely written/drawn to fulfil someones boob fetish 🤣 Anyway, I’m going to stick with it…. Monster & Cleavages… what’s not to like right?! Cheers. 😁
  7. So it’s Sunday, and that can only mean a Sunday movie really right? Anyway, Channel 5 offered up The Wedding Singer followed by 50 First Dates. 2 movies I can happily get down with on a Sunday, but watching the Wedding Singer presented me with a moment that made me think about this thread and more specifically @R1s1ngs0n & @Trianna comments about moments that make them well up. Perhaps there’s a new thread topic there? But the moment Adam Sandler plays his song to Drew Barrymore over the intercom on the plane and then walks out to her, gets me every time. So yeah, big softie alert 😂 But as I say, in that moment I thought of this thread. 👍🏼
  8. It’s all good. Millions of people cannot be wrong right. 👍🏼
  9. But I haven’t even mentioned those flashy white plastic suits that armour you from…. Well quite literally nothing. 😂 1 shot and it’s game over, where as the team fighting in cloth can take artillery fire all damn day long 🤭🤫😂 Anyway, I digress. This thread is about those movies that I CAN watch all day long. 😉
  10. Ahhhhhhh….. Another I forgot which I doubt is on anyone’s lists is Grabbers! If you’ve not seen it, DO it. 😁 Am I right in thinking that no one has mentioned those famous movies with men in linen fighting with glowing sticks yet? 🤣
  11. Samesies. I knew you both would be likeminded. Predator, Jaws etc etc would be in mine but no point repeating the same lists 😂👍🏼
  12. I think a lot of what I would come up with have already been said, so I’ll offer up a different vibe… Batteries Not Included Short Circuit 1 & 2 Flight of the Navigator Cannonball Run 1 & 2 Convoy Smokey & the Bandit 1 & 2 The Fast and the Furious Gone in 60 Secs Transformers Independence Day Beetlejuice The Crow Bad Boys (Any of) Gremlins Tremours Jurassic Park Ghostbusters 1 & 2 Friday Top Gun And of course….. Anything Marvel 😂
  13. I “Mayyyyyyyy” have slightly over cooked it yesterday…. It was bloody enjoyable though 😁👍🏼 Hope everyone else is good? The sun has just begun peeping around the clouds here again. Only time will tell if hair of the dog becomes part 2 or not. 😂
  14. The art of film making has come such a long way hasn’t it, and to a certain level it has ruined the art of story telling for me. I don’t know about anyone else, but When I think about some of the movies from my childhood and what they meant to me, and then I watch them back, it’s almost as if part of it was imagination in my head, and that was part of the enjoyment. With today’s films, I find I pick holes in plots wayyyyyy too easily, but that’s in part because they are trying too hard. Obviously part of it is my age and experience of the world, but I’m not sure I will love something as much as I did back then. Not sure if that makes sense…. 😂
  15. On one hand, I’m going to point to Birdman as being an incredible piece of art with regards to long scenes. So clever and yet… nothing happens really. Totally sucked me in though. And then on the other hand, why does everything have to be 2hr+ long these days. Yes I obviously love my MCU and LotR epics, but do I really need 2 & 1/2 hours of Dom Toretto for the NINTH time?!! What happened to 90min masterpieces.
  16. @Casiusco I like that you do not believe Messi’s tears. I personally believe them to a certain extent, but more along the lines of a “what have I done” as the realisation hits home that guess what…. The club is bigger than the player. Is he the best player in the world? Of all time? Obviously the stats and record books suggest that he is, but I’m not convinced he would have the same stats if had moved away from Barca. I’m not particularly a Ronaldo fan, but at least you can argue that he has consistently done it across Europe. I have much the same view with Pep Guardiola. No doubt the guy is an amazing coach, but I’d like to see what he achieves with a Newcastle or a Getafe. It has to be considerably easier to succeed when you manage Barca, Bayern and Man City.
  17. Hello Hello 👋🏼 Summer has apparently decided to drop by in the east of England once more. It’s a glorious day here and I am fully intent on blitzing my day in order to sit out in the sunshine armed with cold ones and a burger come 4pm. The weather has been rubbish this year. Already sweated my backside off with the days workout. Even first thing this morning the home gym was rank as the sun crept over to bake the roof. Also already submitted today’s intended work ahead of schedule, so now I get to calmly peruse emails and MP at the same time as the countdown begins…
  18. Spot on @Grendel 👍🏼 Just my opinion, but there’s a reason Falcon, Hawkeye & even Agent Coulson never got a stand alone movie but have (or in Hawkeyes case, is getting) a TV series. When a “mere mortal” starts doing super hero things and is apparently “unkillable” then it just loses so much credit. Don’t get me wrong, we are talking about super hero movies here so it’s all BS, but it makes it laughable rather than entertaining. This why I am not a Bond/Borne/Neeson fan. My best example of this is Dom Torretto smashing his arm/collar bone and gasping for air following flipping his Charger (complete with roll cage I may add) in the first Fast & Furious, but seemingly becomes super human as the franchise rumbles on, able to drive flimsy plastic cars out of sky scrapers or crash within & walk unharmed out of the flames of a huge exploding air craft. But back to Black Widow, where the Hell was this “Other Family” when Thanos rode into town with his hordes? Not one of them wanted to help poor Natasha out despite seemingly forming a tight team, that could take down a long standing spy institution & army with a plan formulated in what was literally seconds😂 The more I think about it, the more I am let down by the Genius that is Kevin Feige on this one.
  19. Black Widow First things First…. Let’s not forget how much of a Marvel Head I am. So having FINALLY watched this after over a years wait and having digested this, my one liner review is this…. ”Entirely Pointless Movie”. Sure, it’s decent enough, It gave Scarlet a pay day (or not seeing as she’s suing Disney) & it gave all us MCU fans something to look forward too. But… not up to standard and pointless I am afraid. I don’t want to say too much due to spoilers knowing many people will still be waiting to see this, but don’t get your hopes up. Just felt like the main aim of the whole release was to get the post credit clip into the wider story line, which in itself plays into the Disney+ series and not the MCU. Officially my least fav of all of the MCU so far (Still better than most DC releases though 😂).
  20. Ray Winstone needs to stick to those Bet365 ads. 🤮 

  21. Does that make you a Red Devil or Chelski Blue? Or just another of the masses who love to hate us? 😁 On a serious note though, Cheers mate. I just wish I had more space to show how much more cool Marvel stuff I have.
  22. Cheers Bro! I am already planning display cases 3 & 4, but space is an issue. It may be a loooooonnnnng time until I get there, and most likely will have enough stuff to fill 5 & 6! 😂

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