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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. Don’t get me wrong, they are not worthless but perhaps not quite what you’d expect. For every loony listing a WWA for £100, there are as many starting at around the £10-15 mark. Perhaps a flurry of bids will come in on those listings, but we all know they won’t sell for much. There’s simply more sellers than prospective buyers. A decent percentage of my WWAs are sealed and I have the entire Zavvi MCU Lenti line, but I suspect if I listed them all I would be losing money. Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t buy them as an investment and just like with anything else you don’t look to make money on 2nd hand items. It’s just that I know a couple of years ago was perhaps the optimum time to part with them.
  2. Just been taking a look at Marvel WWA’s on a certain bidding site, and whilst prices are really dropping out there right now, it never fails to astound me how many disillusioned lunatics are out there with entirely pointless listings. Regardless of those money hungry dreamers, it really really is a buyers market out there right now. I have been toying with the idea a lot recently about parting with my Marvel WWA collection, but guess what… they are just not worth what I thought they may be. The fact is (and I know this will likely be met with fierce opposition) this hobby is beginning to wobble. Too many scalpers buying up “stock” and flooding the for sale market, too many releases of the same movies over and over again, and too many streaming services killing the desire for physical media. I honestly think the next generation are quite simply not interested in “things”. If you are after a particular title right now, THIS is the time to go and get it.
  3. Easily, Hands down, the most pointless movie of the entire MCU. It was decent enough but I’m not buying multiple copies of this. If no one does a premium release then I’ll buy the WWA, but I’m being patient with this one.
  4. What I want to know is WTF was he taking this shot for?! Worlds Most Disturbing Fathers Award? Mr. May for Prides Avenger Calendar? I mean seriously…. That’s a fully grown man posing in a pouch with a frigging frisbee 🤣
  5. Same. I have all of the Nova Marvels and all bar 3 of Blufans Marvels. I even started collecting the FA Marvels but soon stopped when it became clear they would all be Zavvi steels. WeET certainly do have the best slips, and as nice as their WEAs can be, I’ve found a couple to be slightly lacking. I’ve always preferred Blufans steels but beggars can’t be choosers. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I just hope all of this collecting hasn’t been a waste of time if no one is allowed to continue the franchise.
  6. You're on the wrong thread Sunshine. Pop along now. 😁
  7. For myself, no. They have taken this opportunity to save millions by closing multiple offices (including mine) and making us all hot desk in the remaining city central sites, so we couldn’t physically all fit 5 days a week. I suspect that the message for us is 3 days a week, but expecting it to be 2 rather than say 2 and everyone does 1. My 2nd jab was completely fine mate. 1st one hit me with all kinds of aches but nothing at all 2nd time around.
  8. As scary as it is, and as much as it sucks to say it, I’m afraid we just have to live with it now. It’s not going away and those cases that are increasing are not as deadly as they were before the jabs. I know a whole family that contracted it, but they are all double jabbed and no one was seriously ill. I am comfortable being in the office right now as I am one of the first ones back. The office is still like a ghost town. But what it will feel / be like once everyone is back and fighting for desk space is another matter. We are actively being encouraged back into offices 3 days a week now.
  9. Yesss, There you go! That’s the kiddie 👍🏼 Please tell me that the beans weren’t in a little cup also? 😁
  10. It’s not too bad currently in all honesty, but I think we are all on tenterhooks waiting for the next bombshell to drop. I am back in the office twice a week now, but hearing of more & more cases of people who are double jabbed and closer to home. Where I live is considered quite rural so our cases weren’t as high, but it’s certainly here now.
  11. That does look a little too Neat, Tidy & “Organised” to qualify for a true full English, but loving the work all the same! ♥️ Top Work 😁👍🏼
  12. Great to see that the Full Slips appear to be making a come back. DL’s are certainly scalpers choice these days whereas the good old FS appears to be becoming the collectors choice once again. And I just love that. Nice collections @Chunkychimp & @GuyIncognit0 👍🏼
  13. Team sealed huh… so I guess it REALLY doesn’t matter whether there is a disc in there or not then. 😂👍🏼 Either way, I truly hope WeET continue with the MCU and that Disney doesn’t kill it for us premium collectors. When I started out, I held the same hope for Nova, then Kimchi… now I’m pinning my hopes on WeET. 🤞🏼🥺
  14. 100% spot on. Although I would like a show of hands just how many actually open those WWAs…. 😉😂 Black Widow was the first MCU release I have passed on purchasing a WWA. I’ve been collecting for too long and have come to the realisation I have too many dust collectors under the bed 😂👍🏼

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