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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. Well my man…. It’s like this, Carl has them all now but there are more than enough to go around. I did keep hold of about 6 myself purely for MP Bling pics when the new arrivals roll in, so I can send you one directly if you want but I am sure @blu.steel33 can sort you out. I know that John will be receiving one (or some). But more importantly, I’d love to see how many non-UK members like yourself actually like these and want one, as hopefully it can lead to more creativity on my part for MP! This was just something that I felt I wanted to do (with John’s blessing) for the small but brilliant UK Crew. 😁👍🏼
  2. Well THIS may have just become my favourite post EVER! 🍻
  3. @Basil @Scary Hair @RileyLad @Robertm89 @Hecko @Mac Hadfield @Michael hillaby @psychoscot @bungral @KubricksYarbles @Viper0210 @lunazero @Mad-martigan (plus all other Uk members) OK UK Crew… So now that @ukade2327 has been the first to receive and reveal on site, keep an eye out for our very own UK Collective MP Bling, which will be winging their way to you from our HubMaster @blu.steel33 with your latest Hub GB’s. 👍🏼
  4. @ukade2327 I was wondering who would be first to post one for the reveal 😁👍🏼 I’ve been patiently waiting for a couple of MP deliveries to post myself but nothing yet. I am pleased you like it. I am certainly open to helping with more of this kind of thing in the future. 🍻
  5. Ive been on the look out for this exact release myself Buddy, and it appears to be really quite rare on eBay, often at around £100 which for me is just way over priced. The hunt continues… 😁
  6. It’s all Me Me Me Me with you isn’t it. We’ve all got our own issues to deal with Bro… 😂🍻
  7. @Wtd Nice collection Buddy. A few choice releases in there that remain on my wanted lists. 😍👍🏼
  8. I was the same. If it wasn’t for Blufans stupidly refusing to sell the full slips as a single I would have been there…. Filthy bloody DL’s.
  9. @extantsrevenge Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for Stage 2…. 😁🍻
  10. As if I would opt for a Spidey Lenti?!! I am THE FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD FULLSLIP-MAN… THAT good sir, is a WeET FULLSLIP. And it’s a Damn Beautiful FS at that!
  11. I could never fathom that if Capt. Marvel can fly through space ships, why couldn’t she simply rip Thanos’ arm off with ease?! 🤔😁 Ive not been overly keen on her character yet, purely that no one can (or would be able to) match her. The whole flying through spaceship thing irritates me if I am honest. And Yes! Into the Spider-Verse is blindingly good. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if that got a sequel at some point. Yeah I am hoping over time that more Marvel Heads will find their way in here. I’ll simply keep posting the headlines in here and will always be waiting for a chat. 👍🏼
  12. Love hearing your views @GuyIncognit0 👍🏼 It’s hard to disagree with anything you just said, and I completely agree about the scene in End Game. Frankly speaking, it was laughable. In the middle of a massive battle, all of the female characters just happened to find themselves side by side without a male in sight. 😂 Good one Disney.
  13. I hear ya. Having grown up with it, I don’t see the issue and would rather they didn’t meddle with it. I equally appreciate that the world is changing and that we all have to readdress some of our behaviours if we are to be truly inclusive. That said, the X-Men has millions of female fans, due of course to the many female characters. So does changing it now actually add any benefit other than to pander to the (IMO) too easily offended virtue signallers out there?

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