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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. @R1s1ngs0n just reading your “input” over on “that other thread” and My Goodness you know how to get a point across and make a lot of sense Sir. Bravo. With Great Power comes Great Responsibility…. and I do not envy your power in this place, nor the Responsibility… 😁🍻
  2. Pbsw23

    Movie News

    I’ve not seen anything about this around here.. (not to say I’ve missed it mind you) but always up for a little ‘Bay’ personally.
  3. Don’t ask this lot, They’re all Loaded mate. 😂👍🏼🍻
  4. No guarantee Buddy, but I can’t see Big Z passing a money spinner like this one by. All jokes aside, I do hope that they get it, but I suspect I will recoil when they tell me it’s exclusive and worth a small fortune. Thats usually when I sit it out and wait for the next email that see’s it reduced and the offer of a t’shirt thrown in. They do love a T’shirt deal. 😂👍🏼
  5. Just waiting for the obligatory Zavvi email now with a price that makes my phone melt.
  6. Proof in my argument that if a fart can penetrate underwear & Denim, then WTF do they expect a face mask to do against a virus… 😂
  7. I still don’t get it @Basil Between me & Mike? Let the record show that I don’t care who wears a beard, who can drink more, or who hangs the lowest, But I am pretty sure there Ain’t no way you’ll ever find me engaged in anything remotely like I think you are insinuating Sir. 😂😂😂
  8. @Intentcoin What size protectors do you use for your WeET exclusive singles mate? And do you use the same ones for Nova?
  9. I did, but true to form I am just in for a single mate. I was also going to pass on this as I wasn’t convinced that I need two Manta JL’s, but what can I say… peer pressure is a b*tch. 😂👍🏼 Not true to form however, I went in for a DL and not a FS as that artwork is dog 💩(IMO). I love Manta’s steels, but recently their FS artwork has been poor… again, IMO.
  10. Good day fellow English room dwellers. Todays Headline: Reports are in that the Earth is currently under attack, after cult followers have been clamouring for recently unearthed Multiple Motherboxes! @extantsrevenge is said to be leading the defence for all mankind after pledging his bank balance to protect the much coveted mother boxes. In Other news (Provided Doomsday is not upon us) as the UK deals with leaks of politicians having parties during lockdown, we now have a football player throwing his hat in the ring! Ex England & Manchester United player Gary Neville, has joined the Labour Party and has been quoted as saying “Never Say Never” when asked if he would run for office! Neville was sacked as Valencia manager in 2016 after 11 defeats and 7 draws in 28 games… He seems like a stable candidate. We await the views of local heroes @RileyLad & @Hecko on this rather unsettling news.
  11. THIS is what you look like Bruh?! Motherboxes all round on @LeGonze boys and girls!! 😂😂😂
  12. @Robertm89 I did some research last night and I stand corrected! I had not realised that he has hit at least 11 goals a season in the Prem, which considering the service he will have had at Burnley is a great return. I take my statement back about being more Championship than Prem. Could be a perfect fit mate. 👍🏼
  13. Good Morning English Room. In today’s news… Our headline is that @Hollywood E Rock has been reportedly breaking all COVID guidance under the ruling “It’s my Birthday B*tch and I do do what I want” Happy Birthday Bro, have a good one.🍻 In weather, The UK has been met with a wintery stare once again this morning. A local Fox has been spotted joy riding a courtesy car in the ice. One bystander has been quoted as saying “Whilst having @Basil spray painted all down the side, He appeared to have no disregard for his vehicle, and was berating the car for not being fast enough”. And finally in sport today, the Burnley fans have been reacting to Chris Woods recent move to @Robertm89s beloved Newcastle. Opinions have been divided with his latest transfer. One Burnley fan has gone on record saying “He’ll be offside for the Medical”. Thats it for today folks.
  14. He’s def a handful. Given his time with us, and then his time with Burnley I would say he’s closer to a Championship striker than a Prem striker. He had that one good season with us which prompted Burnley to pay us handsomely for his services, but I’m not convinced he lived up to expectations. All of that said, I think it’s now written in the stars that he scores the winner against us on 22nd now 😂 In the right set up and with the right service, I truly believe he could very easily re-discover that predatory instinct with your boys.
  15. @Robertm89 Thought of you when the news broke about Trippier, that’s a damn fine signing mate. But I am very curious what your thoughts are on Mr. Wood signing for that price tag?! I guess the price doesn’t matter when your as rich as Newcastle right now, but with FIFA Fair play rules in consideration was that a good move do you think?
  16. Fingers crossed for you @Basil! Michelin Pilot Sports? 😁 They’re the kicks my little lady wears. 😂👍🏼
  17. You say it can’t be more ridiculous…. But this IS Affleck & Damon we’re talking about here. 😄 Will never understand why film makers continually make these decisions, BUT… NOTHING can trump Harrison Ford & Liam Neesons Russian in K-19!!! Why Russians on board a Russian military submarine would ALL talk to each other in 100% English is Beyond me, but worse is that I find it Entirely Unbelievable that either of these guys are Actually trying to put on a Russian accent! Just embarrassing. 🤣🤣🤣 Just another reason for my feelings towards Mr. Neeson.
  18. I still can’t get my head around the casting 🤯 But regardless of that, 2 & 1/2 hours of misery is more than enough for me. 😂 I do like gritty, but I think I prefer a gritty series that are broken up into more palletable chunks. This one gets filed with the “one time watch” movies for me. I think the only one of those that I have bought was Spotlight (mostly for Keaton). But IMO The Last Duel is light years away in terms of performances from the likes of Spotlight. Obviously these are very different movies in terms of era, but why oh why oh why would you cast a bunch of Americans attempting old English accents… for French characters?! Utterly Bonkers. But anyway… all just opinions and not worth anything. I’m glad you got more out of it than most, and I hope FA do it proud mate. 🍻
  19. mate, I dare say we all have a few “questionable” favs 😁🍻 Completely fair though mate. I’ll admit I was surprised to see your post but we all like different stuff. I guess I was just curious if it was because it was Ridley Scott, or whether you just enjoyed it.

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