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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. Yes and No, I totally understand where you’re coming from as once I start something that I enjoy, then it is all I am interested in. The Witcher season 2 right now for example. BUT.., there are always those series that are released one episode at a time, Marvel on Disney+ for example, and therefore I have to watch something else until the next episode is out. I am currently juggling 3 series.
  2. You want to give up your…. Fullslip?!!! THIS Fullslip???!! Ohhhhhh How you will regret that Mike. 🤭 I’m not saying it because I prefer FS over Lenti’s, but trust me when I say this is the Wrong FS to pass by.
  3. Not had a “New” invoice yet mate, but yes… I always opt for PayPal so could be interesting… 😬
  4. Bit of both mate. I’ve been for a walk around the Pbsw estate this morning, checking on and willing my garden to show some signs of life (I realise it’s the 9th Jan and I’m being impatient 😂). Next up is a much longer walk with the pooch through my local woodlands, and then it’s bum on sofa to watch my boys get beat yet again in the FA Cup. 🙄 But as you say, at least the Sun is Shining today! Almost forgot what that felt like. 😂
  5. It used to be annual. The 6/8 month cycle is a recent thing. I’ve been here since the beginning and seen a lot of changes. Mostly for the good, but some have been painful IMO. I prefer an annual membership, but it’s not my decision. We used to have silver but those have been ditched, and Platinum & Gold allocations have increased year on year. I suspect that 2022 will be no different in that regard. We shall see. All I would say to anyone who wants a membership, is consider your collection. There is far too much “I want platinum, I want diamond, I want to rule” nonsense that takes place every year. If you’re not buying OC after OC and prefer singles, then consider that some one else may want, and would get better use of a platinum membership than yourself. I have been a Gold member from the start and only buy singles. I’ve never missed out on a Blufans for example yet. I will of course be renewing my gold and not bowing to the “elite” nonsense that goes on in here at times. We are all collectors, and we all have different views on what’s Hot and what’s not. Hope you all get what you want, but as always there will be those who will miss out. There’s only so much John & the team can do.
  6. This will be the first of Many releases guys. I’d sit and wait for something worthy of such a price tag. I’ve lost count at how many releases the Back to the Future Trilogy has had, but Ghostbusters will be Hot right now given the long anticipated Afterlife. Personally I will settle for an Afterlife WWA for now to go with 1 & 2. I would love a premium set but as I say, will wait it out.
  7. But it will all be worth the efforts when you get to sit on your forever throne @Basil Every now and then I toy with the idea of moving for more space, but I have equally put so much blood sweat and tears into the garden project (still ongoing) that I hate the thought of leaving it behind and starting all over again. I think it will just have to be an extension (one day) and stay put unless those 6 numbers roll in. 🤞🏼😁
  8. Yeah I have a home set up for work in the conservatory, but it’s been a big fingers up to that this week! Been sat on the sofa & stealing the dogs heat 😂 Im a PS Man, but I am behind the times. I’ve got a PS4 & PS3 both set up. Can’t justify the PS5 just yet. Probably won’t bother for another year or 2. GT7 is out this year but will be on PS4 so I’m happy 😁👍🏼
  9. For me, the forecast today is I had intended to start planning a make over for the front garden But instead I think I’ll just Have a Great weekend Boys & Girls. 🍻
  10. If I was in (& I’m not) then it would be A all the way. You can’t drop bills on a premium edition at this level and deviate away from classic artwork boys. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  11. Marvel are already doing it Nils 🙄 I regularly receive emails from them offering me “Limited images” for insane prices. Someone out there is lining their pockets. 🤷🏼‍♂️
  12. @Veum @Basil Non-Fungible Token https://www.theverge.com/22310188/nft-explainer-what-is-blockchain-crypto-art-faq
  13. The WHOLE point of this game is collecting “Physical” media. Hats off to Manta for trying to come up with new ideas and pushing the envelope, but this feels like a bit of a swing and a miss to old-school collectors to me. There has been much debate about disc-less releases in recent years, and whether they would still be popular. Would I buy a disc-less release? Sure, if it’s a WEA and not an increased price. But I would be even less impressed if I have to pay more because a release comes with an NFT. Utter millennial madness IMO. I am interested in what those collectors who prefer to keep their copies sealed think about it… You could argue their collection is an investment. And Isn’t that ultimately the whole point of an NFT?? 🤔 Fair to say that an NFT release might be right up the scalpers street. Just another twisted way to claim “exclusivity” and whip up a frenzy. Thanks Manta, but No thanks.
  14. @Basil Am I allowed to voice opinions about certain titles in this thread…. Or is this to be a peaceful and serene place. 😁😁😁
  15. @Hecko Dude, it’s not that bad - Honest. Perhaps my post was a little over indulgent 😁 I had exactly the same as @RileyLad in terms of jabs. I was “stabbed” by a volunteer for the first one after queuing for 30mins. Jabbed by a GP for my 2nd (absolutely no issues what so ever) and stabbed by a soldier for my Moderna booster. The booster certainly had the worst side affects, but I also recommend chewing on the paracetamol. Def seems to help ease the aches. I would say that the side effects lasted about 48hrs, but mostly no worse than a slight hang over. It was almost 24hrs to the minute after getting the booster that it hit me hard. I felt flu like symptoms for about 4 hours, but mostly slept it off. Fortunately no arm swelling like @atomicblonde, but my arm was sore for a while afterwards. Mostly only noticeable when I laid on it though. My only advice is don’t get it on a Friday if you have plans. I work Mon-Fri and went for a Tues thankfully. 😁
  16. On my 2nd now and watching a Mowtown documentary on Sky. Perfect 😁
  17. I’ll be tuned in @Basil Every year without fail! 😁🍻
  18. Oh Bro! I had my booster last week and it floored me for two days! I felt so rough. Hope you get over it quicker than I did. 🤞🏼 As for WWA’s, I think I have about a further 25 Non-Marvel. I have also stopped buying them unless something comes along that’s new to the steelbook world.

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