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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. Jackie Chan and John Cena as Road Warriors. I’ll give it a shot! I think this might be the first time I’ve seen a director credited with a movie that hasn’t even come out yet, too. So, does this release before or after Expendables 4? 🤣
  2. I don't normally go in for the one-clicks, with rare exceptions, but this was one of them. I just couldn't choose between which slip to get because I loved the artwork on both of them, picking was impossible. So I figured what the hell and went all-in. 🤣🤣🤣 Looks like this'll be my fourth OC after the Snyder Justice League trilogy. And considering how many editions of The Batman I've been racking up, I might need to find an empty OC box just for better storage. 🤣
  3. Thank you so much! Please give him my best and let him know I'm rooting for him. I hope he comes back to MP soon, but the mental health side of things definitely comes first. I get it. I hope he's doing well.
  4. I miss @Reagh, too. I hope he's doing well, and if anybody here is in contact with him, please let him know we're thinking of him. As for Lynch, no idea what he's working on, but if you haven't seen it before look up the video where he shows how to fix a hole in pants. Intriguing stuff! 🤣
  5. I really want to go more conventions! I've only been to a couple.... Here in metro-Detroit, we have the annual science fiction convention ConFusion, which I attended back in 2017. I went specifically to meet author Joe Hill (Stephen King's son) and have him sign the first three Locke & Key graphic novels, and sat in on a reading panel with him and John Scalzi. The two had a pillow fight, which I naturally recorded for posterity! 🤣 Got to meet a few great authors, including Patrick Tomlinson and Kameron Hurley, so it was a really cool event. In 2019, StokerCon was in Grand Rapids, which is on the other side of Michigan from me. I drove out there to attend as both a big horror reader and as an author. I did a signing, got to meet a handful of my favorites, like Brian Keene, Jonathan Maberry, Robert McCammon, Cynthia Pelayo, and god, loads of others whose names I'm blanking on now. Somehow Josh Malerman (Bird Box) knew who I was, which I still can't believe; he was manning a table behind me and had a line out the ballroom and down the hall. Brian Keene signed a literal box load of books I'd brought with me for him to autograph, as did Jonathan Janz. They say never meet your heroes, but between Keene and Janz, I say F THAT. They were beyond generous and absolutely wonderful to meet. I'd reviewed a handful of Janz's books and talked with him online, so he gave me a great big hug when we met; incredible! The dude is so eager and earnest, just a marvelous human being. It was an absolutely incredible weekend and I wish I could afford to do another one soon. On my bucket list is Novi's ComicCon, which just had their recent convention a week or two ago, and brought in a ton of great celebs. I'd also like to check out Motor City Nightmares. A return to StokerCon is definitely on my list, too. Have fun at Texas Frightmare! I can't wait to see your videos from it!
  6. The allure of another fancy JAWS set is going to be too much for me to resist…
  7. Bring on the Lionsgate steelbooks (I hope)!
  8. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    I'm calling it now, Quentin's next movie is going to damn near nothing but three hours of women's bare feet. 🤣🤣🤣 https://deadline.com/2023/05/quentin-tarantino-new-movie-cannes-breaking-baz-rolling-thunder-1235379542/
  9. Oh man, this is looking fantastic. Many thanks for the new shots, @Gary K. I sure hope my one-click request is on firm ground so I can keep an eye out for the club invite next month.
  10. And then probably another round of reissues when the fourth film comes out. And again for the fifth. And then another round of reissues when each of the new sequels get a home video release. None of the packaging will match, though, and the spine logos will be all over the place, too. 🤣
  11. I’ve only done a couple orders through them, but I’ve gotten lucky. Their packaging isn’t terribly different than what we get in the US or from Zavvi, unfortunately. Lots of room for improvement but no issues on my end yet.
  12. Hell yeah! Nazi-killing goodness in 4K steel. Thank you, Lionsgate!
  13. That would be nice! I think we both know how this is going to go, though... 🤣🤣🤣
  14. I wasn't a big fan of Avatar the first (and thus far, only) time I saw it back in, what, 2009, 2010? But the marketing hype has infected me! 🤣 And besides, not only is it James Cameron, it's James Cameron in 4k!!!! So yeah, I figure I gotta at least give the first one another shot and check out the sequel. At least both sets seem to have a nice bevvy of extras. I'm sure we'll be double-dipping in a few years for the inevitable extended cuts, at least.
  15. Here's to hoping. I'd love to see them bring back some version of their Vista Series with special packaging, like they did for Tombstone, Pulp Fiction, Unbreakable, etc. Make the releases special, damnit! I wouldn't mind some consistency in artwork, too. I'm feeling pretty anal about there not being a steelbook for Avatar 1 and having to go with the slip (beautiful as it is!), but then going with a steelbook for Avatar 2 because the slip for the 4K is god awful (although the Walmart lenti looks nice). I wish they'd match 'em up!
  16. Yeah...I'm not holding my breath on premiums for this one. I thought Disney was pulling waaaaay back on third-party licenses. If that Predator edition from Film Arena is any indication, I think it'll be a long, long, long, long, long wait before we see any news let alone an actual product.
  17. Ordered! Along with the first Avatar, which I haven't seen since it first came out on disc way back when... 🤣
  18. Hoping for an Amazon UK listing since Zavvi still isn't shipping to the US. Fingers crossed!
  19. Good lord is that ever gorgeous. Guess I’m gonna have to keep an eye out for that GB!
  20. Awesome! I'm not sure if you're able to share a link here, but maybe you can DM your channel info? Happy Friday!
  21. Man, it feels like forever since I last posted in here. So, here’s some new goodies for me from over the last couple weeks. I’m so freaking glad I didn’t go for one the eBay listings of Dredd — my patience paid off and they did a restock recently, so that felt really freaking good to finally be able to buy, and for cheap too!

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