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Everything posted by Carl

  1. Saw this years ago and revisited last night. It's a slow burn but really picks up and is enjoyable!
  2. ^^ Same thoughts. I really like this box. I'd even buy it alone.
  3. Going to prefer FS or SL. Who knows if I will ever watch this.
  4. Like the slips, down for a 1-click. However, annoyed by the addition of the quarter slip. I guess I can replace it with my Best Buy copy.
  5. Overall, it's a good movie but I think with Ford you're not getting anything earth shattering. Now to think about it, you reminded me of one of my thoughts about the movie. He crafts a number of visual scenes but gives them no space to breathe. For example, showing your character taking a shower or bath overcome by emotion is no new occurrence in cinema yet we get this three times at least. At the same time, these scenes have no standing room in the pacing of the movie. The plot weighs heavy on them because we have more story to tell. The audience is waiting for the next piece of the puzzle and the character has another scene to deliver. I think it was difficult to balance a study of the characters with moving back and forth between different stories and timelines. However, I still enjoyed the movie. It was just quite ambitious for Ford. With that said, it's surprising that he hasn't overseen his own premium release for both his films. If not him, it would be nice to see Criterion, Plain Archive, etc. tackle the project. I'm backtracking but I think a lot of the car scene rested on the performances of Johnson and Gyllenhaal, especially Gyllenhaal. You could feel the heavy weight of his manhood being challenged and his desire to take action but ultimately feeling helpless. And then you have his daughter who is not helping the situation. Out of context, the daughter is a funny representation of youth today. She will not shut up and her parents continue to apologize for her, she's just a child, she's just a child.
  6. Finally saw Nocturnal Animals. One of the first movies to make me think if only a different director had it throughout its duration. I feel like Ford prioritized style over the story.
  7. Almost fell asleep watching the movie but in a rush to start my WW84 collection

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