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Everything posted by atomicblonde

  1. Very large backlog of movies and shows to watch (the latter of which I’ve mainly chosen to indulge in since the pandemic started as it’s been overwhelming) plus I was somewhat concerned about watching it because of the hype factor. I understand how monumental Parasite’s many wins at the Oscars are and I celebrated heavily the night of (even without having seen it - it’s like a smidge of retribution for other amazing Korean films that deserved Oscar level accolades and were snubbed, and I know how important it was for many people). I was worried that after all of the acclaim I might end up not liking it. Glad it wasn’t the case in the end
  2. I finally got around to watching Parasite for the first time ever a few days ago~ Nothing short of incredible! Korean cinema (and Asian cinema in general) is just miles ahead of other cinema at times (namely American cinema)... the cinematography and storytelling abilities of directors and writers as well as the acting chops of the actors is just unparalleled. I'm very glad that I blind bought two slips for this movie from the Injoingan release, it's definitely one of my new favorites!!
  3. I love that box This was literally one of my favorite movies in a long while. I still don't think it beats CM, but that's why I'll get both CM and Manta so I can appreciate this movie well enough hehe
  4. Watching Judy Justice again after taking a temporary break I'm so glad she got picked up elsewhere and it's renewed for season 2 already, it's my comfort show lol (just like Judge Judy was before it ended!)
  5. Watching Love is Blind season 2 this evening!
  6. This is literally how I feel every single time someone posts in the BOP HDZ release topic and it's not news 😫
  7. I learned my lesson from BOP! I will not pass up CM this time and wait for Manta only -- I will just get CM right away and see what Manta does later. This boxset looks gorgeous!!! Very happy one of my new favorite movies is getting such a nice treatment. One click all the way!!
  8. Just finished watching The Tinder Swindler finally. A lot less exciting than I thought it'd be
  9. Watched Abducted in Plain Sight just a few days ago. I was so angry at the parents for failing their daughter across the board. I was fuming before the movie even ended! Thank god that man is dead now, at least he can't harass her anymore.
  10. I watched the entirety of Worst Roommate Ever this morning and I just started Love is Blind season 1. I also watched The Ultimatum before this and let me say, Love is Blind cannot compare to that messiness
  11. OH MY GOODNESS IT'S AMAZING!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!!! You never ever, not once, not a single time EVER disappoint!!! Thank you SO much!!! I will put it up now!!
  12. Hi @goose_3387! I love your signatures, and I love my current one sooo much (I've been using it for 2 years now I think!). However, I think it might be time to switch it up a bit 😁 Could I please get a signature of Wanda Maximoff in the Multiverse of Madness movie that came out recently? Please and thank you!
  13. Meanwhile the school year is coming to an end for me but as a student.... 😅 I didn't even know you teach big Guy. Tell me more!
  14. So we save it all until the end and no PM as we find them, right? I saw the rules post about sending them no later than the 25th, just wanted to confirm we wait until it's done I assume. First time participating in the bunny hunt 😝
  15. Does anyone else feel dumb and like the clue is so broad that you could look anywhere on the site LOL... me trying to narrow this down in my head right now
  16. I've been binge watching the hell out of Married at First Sight. Started from the first season and now I'm on season 7! I've also been binge watching seasons of Jersey Shore with my bestie @Shaliber 😁😁 We're on the Italy season!
  17. Watched Fresh for the first time last night! SOOOO good!!!!
  18. I've noticed a lot more nonpayers lately, even long term people are dipping out. Kinda crazy. I'm already subscribed to that thread with email notifications on -- I've gotten everything else so far without issue, this one I didn't know was going to be on reserves when I joined. Looks like I'm not far from the main list though 🤞 It was back when I was still kinda anti-CM because of prior things I'd seen, that's why I took so long to hop on 🤣 Now they have grown on me ever since BOP... which I missed but grabbed on John's sale. Now I hop on without hesitation 😝
  19. Anyone else sign up for a GB, end up on a reserve list, and keep randomly checking it to see if any main listers get kicked off? Lol. I signed up for The Exorcist CM GB awhile ago and I'm on the reserve list (#8) and slowly but surely I keep seeing red Xs pop up in the main list... 5 counted so far. Then I saw at least one person in the reserve list ahead of me was banned too. I'm like only a couple more people and I'm set!! Is that bad? Lmao

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