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Everything posted by Garypool

  1. Got mine in the other week, the full slip is stunning, but the whole collection is beautiful... I think Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman has a lot to do with it, though.
  2. Looks phenomenal - I couldn't decide between the two so I chose to get both editions - that lenti is stunning!
  3. Ah, I assumed that when shipping invoices were sent they were at the local HUB and ready to send to home address - is this not the case?
  4. I paid the invoice on the 1st but received no tracking or the boxset. I'm paranoid at the best of times but now I'm slurping my whiskey like an alcoholic out of fear (and not alcoholism).
  5. Still holding out hope that one becomes cancelled from Collectong, on their waiting list for the OC!
  6. But in all seriousness, anyone who thinks otherwise is not part of the collecting community, and definitely, in my opinion, goes against the communal values that I perceive this site to have. To buy up multiple copies through different avenues is such a self-serving act, especially when everyone knows who collects here collects out of passion and completion. So for others to knowingly buy multiples, especially for scalping, whilst others go without are incredibly selfish and 100% in it for themselves. More than just securing copies on this site it's lovely to chat amongst others who enjoy the same hobby and the same products, and it's a joy to share what we have with others who collect. Yet it seems for some, and again, not targeting this site specifically, that the discussion around the items are such a surface level, for they don't give a stop using inappropriate language about the collecting community who are in it purely for the joy and not for the monetary gain.
  7. Lol, exactly the same as me. I got a Tenet one-click and a Interstellar full-slip. I randomly on an off-chance got to secure a Dunkirk one-click after it had sold out, which annoyingly has set me on the path of getting these Nolan one-clicks. So to miss arguably what is going to be the most scalped version is incredibly frustrating. I'm sure there were a fair few who have done this. Just scalping of any sort really annoys me. As a collector I would want as many other people to be able to enjoy a copy or version of something within its limited run. So to know that quite a lot of people intentionally buy up multiple copies/versions to horde for themselves and to sell at higher prices is beyond me. It's not being a wise businessman, it's being a grade A cunt.
  8. Just out of a raging pettiness, for anyone regardless of which site they're on, who has secured a one-click on a group buy and then snagged one through collectong...
  9. so frustrating, as soon as it turned 13:00 I had the one-click in my basket but by the time I had checked out it disappeared. Only managed to get a full-slip in the end. Really wish that as soon as it's in your basket that it secure one for you...
  10. I got the lenti but wish I got the full-slip hahah. The beauty shot didn't convey the texture on the full-slip so it looked a bit tacky to me, but looks killer in person. Anyway, can't wait to receive the lenti soon hopefully. Never seen the film so interested to watch it! Love me some "film" films.
  11. Gonna have to try getting it when it goes live on their site. Pray for me boys!
  12. Is it likely to come back for request? It's the one I want so holding off!
  13. Yeah I missed out on the website order as well as the group buy. Might just take it as a sign and leave this one be, perhaps pick up the double lenti somewhere down the line as that's the only one that appeals to me really high outside of the overall one-click. Congrats to everyone who got it!
  14. Great job! Unfortunately I didn't make the cut and will have to source elsewhere. *Makes sad collector noises*
  15. Hm, I see. Right. Whom may I direct my anger at that isn't myself? Taking volunteers! 😭
  16. Not sure if already answered- I want to order a one-click but it's not an option on the request form? Edit: Just laboriously travelled all the way back one page... NOT ENOUGH SUPPLY?! Is there a waitlist option to apply for one-click if they produce or allocate more?
  17. I've bought so many of my premium Steelbooks on Ebay because I was late to the game for some of them or always missed buying them when up for pre-order on the official websites, so spent a lot more than I should have done playing catch-up on there. The fact that I can just apply for an order months in advance and then forget about it until invoices are out, I really don't mind the delay in postage or perhaps a high postage and handling fees, because they still don't add up not even remotely to what I would otherwise have to pay, and I have ease of mind - on top of that just so happens there's a realy nice community here also. Who else am I going to admire glossy cardboard and embossed "steel" with?
  18. Just got my one-click direct from Collectong! So happy I saw this last one for sale, decided to open it instead of keep it as a time-capsule money investing device and so glad I did! All three editions are stunning, the fullslip being phenomenal. Now own Joker and Dunkirk Mantalabs!
  19. Just got an email form Royal Mail saying mine's cleared customs also. Anyone know status of ones being shipped via HUB to the UK?
  20. I do love both of them to be fair. In my DC collections, from HDZeta I get lenticulars, I try my best to get single lentis but sometimes the design does sway me on whether it's a double lenti or not, so my HDZeta DC collection is a bit Frankenstinian. I do love the full-slip type backs of the single lentis, overall my ideal collection from them would be single lentis with the full slip backs with the current designs that I own. It' slightly frustrating not having the uniformity I'd ideally like, especially Man of Steel being the sole fullslip in that lineup. I just couldn't buy a Man of Steel lenti from HDzeta, absolute awful design usage on the lenti's, frustratingly. But with Mantalabs DC lineup, for the most part barring two perhaps, I 100 percent prefer the full slip designs. So this is my uniform collection of DC and I'm sticking to it. In releases that aren't DC from Manta I just typically go with which design is better, although I'd prefer to just have a full suite of FS's from them, instances for me for example with Shape of Water and Fight Club and Seven I just couldn't get the full slips of them when I enjoy the lenti's a lot better. So it's annoying, I have to battle my preference of design with the desire to have a uniform collection, and I really don't want to collect every version from every film just to subdue that, so I think I'm walking a line that suits myself despite these frustrations. So that's how I've managed to combat my love for both. But man, those Manta fullslips, they make you you want to touch them, move them around, inspect each corner of the slip and enjoy all of the extremely well-thought out design that goes into them. The Aquaman and Justice League slips are like Black Philip looking at me when I'm about to order asking "Would'st thou like to live deliciously?" Speaking of, please Manta, fullslip A24 titles, a fullslip The Witch, The Lighthouse, Hereditary, Midsommar, omg...
  21. Yess! Looks phenomenal! I used to get lenticulars also. But Now, well, primarily with Mantalab, I choose the full slips. Absolute lovely designs and very well finessed, an absolute joy to look at and I feel one of Manta's top selling points. Can't wait to get mine in!
  22. Sorry to see that, Diamond! There's quite a few deep scratches you got there, yourself. It was more of a shame because I own several Mantalabs none of which have this problem, my Logan steelbook which is gloss black just like Joker is absolutely fine. I was so hyped for Joker release, as my favourite film, and absolutely gutted when I opened them. Should be receiving replacements with my Dunkirk order so hopefully it'll be sorted. But more stringent checking needs to be in place before these come out to us!

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