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Posts posted by Parzival

  1. @Ryve

    I agree with your last statement. This will no longer be the prized possession it was meant to be (even if it does end up on my shelf). 


    Infact this chap has had such damage to his reputation, I think any member will be reluctant for future purchases 

    I know there are two places I will not be buying from again (no matter how good their products are): CM and this chappie. 


    I have been waiting for a year on CM Casino (paid last Nov), and still no word. 

    And then they have the audacity to keep pumping out new potential release titles. 

    It is not the delays that bother me, but the lack of communication. 


    Back to this chappie, unfortunately I have a bad feeling of the outcome. Some of things don't quite stack up, yet the eternal optimist in me always tries to think positive and see the best in people. 


    If you see the attached screenshot (click on the image to read the full conversation I had with him back in Feb), it is quite revealing.

    • He said at the time he was shipping from Armenia (as opposed to Iran). 
    • He said he will be shipping next week  (bear in mind this was very early Feb), way before national lockdowns were in place


    This would suggest the packages were good to go at the time. 

    So I see quite a few mis-statements, these have obviously amplified over time which has led to an erosion of trust somewhat. 


    I just wanted to share the conversation with members here, so as to manage expectations 

    Let's see what happens 


    Many thanks 





    • Like 6
  2. Thanks @DodgyDave very wise advice

    That is what is so baffling about this 🤔

    Our friend does keep making appearances every now and then.. 


    Also, cast your mind back a few months. When he shared pictures of Dances with Wolves and Terminator, all members (myself including) were salivating. I am sure most of us (again, myself included) would have jumped on the GB had he opened it 

    So potentially, most of us would have been out of pocket by a further $200 or so. 


    But he himself stopped us, saying he would rather honour his commitment on Got and Indy first. 

    Again, not the usual behaviour of someone running a scam 


    The plot thickens, and it's impossible to predict what might come out of this. 

    But I would once again reiterate, we must look at our controls and processes for new entrepreneurs on this site 


    We collectors have been known to spend fortunes on ebay to get the editions we want, so that does make us easy targets (or muppets). 





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  3. I see people feel very strongly about this, as they should. Thanks @Basil , I am sure you echo a lot of people's sentiments on this forum.


    However, this does give rise to some important questions around process and control  - and we as a community / family need to think about how to manage such events going forward.

    So we have an individual here, who has been allowed to entertain a commercial / business venture on this site.

    Was there any background screening / vetting process (can anyone be allowed to launch such a venture on this site), and were any legal safeguards (guarantees e.g. some form of collateral) in place?


    I am sure MP would have done its due diligence - but one idea for the future may be for MP to act as a custodian for members' money

    So any such individual who is not previously known to the site will have to inject his/her own Capital to launch a product and distribute - with MP only releasing the funds when appropriate.

    Obviously, once a relationship is properly established - payments can be made directly. 


    This way, the owner of the new business can have his/her order book filled up fairly quickly (given the sheer number of members on this forum), MP safe-keep our money, and members are protected till we get the goods. 

    If the entrepreneur does not have the Capital to produce the product without collecting the funds first - then he / she should take out a business or bank loan. Obviously MP members should not be acting as fund-raisers 


    Probably the mistake we made - perhaps we should not have paid a new entrepreneur (and more crucially - someone unknown to the site) directly based on a few pictures without these safeguards in place.


    This is just a suggested framework for what we could do in future. Of course, I leave it to the MP Admins to decide what is best going forward. They all do a very good job, and we should be thankful for their dedication and hard-work.


    Many thanks

    • Like 7
  4. On 10/29/2020 at 11:28 PM, Masterblaster said:

    Since my last contact with him i have not been updated. 


    I will reach out to him again tomorrow and see how things are progressing (IF they are )


    Take care



    Seems like refund requests are coming in thick and fast from members today

    Personally, I am willing to give it a bit more time .. after showing all the support, seems wrong to withdraw in an instant 

    I would like to think I meant those words of support and understanding 


    But of course as always, it would be good to get an update


    John: any contact at all? Have boxes begun to ship (albeit in batches)? 


    Many thanks

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