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Dies und Das (2021)


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vor einer Stunde schrieb Basil:

right question to ALL has anyone here seen blue beetle i have NOT because i heard was a pile of horse sh1t

honest opinions please?????????????

if sh1t you be saving me some money too but i want the truth please


jurassic park deal with it GIF  or Dave Grohl Killer GIF by Foo Fighters


thanks in advance 👍

basil 👍



vor einer Stunde schrieb Gentleman:


Is That So Season 10 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm


Dann muss ich ja doch nicht kaufen! 😂



giphy (25).gif

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16 minutes ago, Basil said:


if they could have done bet they would by now my bet just not the cards from the studios.

im personally more interested in the kill bills, which in sure have some 4ks coming out in 2024 if memory serves me.

what do you think may happen there? 😁


Honestly, mate.


This is one of the reasons why I may not be renewing Platinum membership next year.


The selection of titles just isn't there, whether it's a fault of the retailers or the studios or both is becoming irrelevant to me.


There's no point paying hundreds of dollars if I'm just going to sit around and not buy anything.


And it's not a case of not wanting to support MP. Running a site like this and making sure it works isn't for free.


If I had the money to contribute, I would, but you have to be pragmatic about this stuff.


Edited by Fortis93
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7 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


Honestly, mate.


This is one of the reasons why I may not be renewing Platinum membership next year.


The selection of titles just isn't there, whether it's a fault of the retailers or the studios or both is becoming irrelevant to me.


There's no point paying hundreds of dollars if I'm just going to sit around and not buy anything.


And it's not a case of not wanting to support MP. Running a site like this and making sure it works isn't for free.


If I had the money to contribute, I would, but you have to be pragmatic about this stuff.



one other thing is i read where they had all the writers strikes and actors earlier on, cinema is really due to slow down next year.

as supposedly not that much made or scripts behind it either.

as to how true that is will be another thing, but i can see rehashes of old titles over the place because they just wont be much anything new.

only goto look at china asia this year apart from manta and maybe weet not much went down at all that i would say oh look new.

blufans virtually dead, hdzeta lotrs anyone? nova think i had 1 release from them!

i cant remember a year quite this bad if im honest, i know where on the back of covid but cinema/hollywood need to get there bums in gear and so do the premium houses, i get china are screwing alot by not doing disc licences but just dam ridiculous and they will kill there own golden goose and push disney ahead with there streaming in china and if that works out for disney watch the other studios follow suit they will just stop shipping discs to china period!

i hope im wrong but physical media that part of world could be right on turn over there, then just year or two after that they will push on say europe next.


i hope im completely wrong but judging on this year 2024 is not looking good 😒 


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9 minutes ago, Basil said:

as to how true that is will be another thing, but i can see rehashes of old titles over the place because they just wont be much anything new.


If this is true, that's all the more reason for them to dig deeper into their catalogue and license movies that have yet to receive premium releases.


It's just really dumb from a business perspective.


I, and many others here talked this point to death, anyway.

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vor 7 Stunden schrieb Rockntoni87:


beim weet a2 hatte ich auf der Rückseite großes erwartet, schaut erstmal nach Zero aus… hoffe das täuscht 😳


vor 6 Stunden schrieb extantsrevenge:

Kommt mir auch so vor 😲. Also eine WeET FS Rückseite mit NICHTS an Finish wäre ja wohl das Letzte. Auch die Rückseite von A1 scheint fast nichts zu haben 😪. Die Lenti Rückseiten sind ganz okay, aber wenn sie dann von der J-Card verborgen werden, bringt einem das auch nichts.


Also von den Bildern nach zu urteilen, wäre Man of Steel für mich bisher das schwächste WeET Exklusiv Release. Mal schauen wie es in einem Unboxing Video sein wird.


... gefällt mir immer mehr das ganze Ding. Ich finde A1 und A2 von ihrer Art einfach klasse ... 

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb extantsrevenge:

Scheiße 😭, So ein Mist, da wartet man so lange und dann sowas.




Bin mal auf meine Edition gespannt, hatte beide + das SB geordert. Leider noch nicht hier.

Da bestellt man Steels in aller Welt und kommen heile an, nur Großbritannien kriegt es nicht gebacken.

Angry Looney Tunes GIF

übrigens freue dich auf 32€ Zoll 

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vor 5 Stunden schrieb Cornbuster:


Ich bin nur noch bei besonderen Releases bereit, OCs für 400 Öcken zu kaufen.

Bzgl. Marvel habe ich alle WeET, da ist's ein Muss, aber nicht noch DC.

Das HDZETA Man-Of-Steel reicht, da noch in der frühen, qualitativ hochwertigen Ausführung mit Special-Pack.


vor 5 Stunden schrieb Cornbuster:

...viel lieber würde ich meinen "teuren" Sammlerplatz für unterschiedliche Filme nutzen wollen, als iiiiiimmmmer wieder den selben Mist.

10.000 Edis je Marvel- und DC-Film. Auch das The Mule von gestern is wieder einmal total unnötig.

Nee, jetzt is dann mal gut.





... dann geh doch zu Netto 🤣 🤣 🤣


Mich freut es, ja aber ich hätte auch gern mal was anderes ... :BLAZER:

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Just now, Zinco97 said:

Da bestellt man Steels in aller Welt und kommen heile an, nur Großbritannien kriegt es nicht gebacken.

Angry Looney Tunes GIF

übrigens freue dich auf 32€ Zoll 

Zoll 😲 OMG, haben die das etwa auch nicht hinbekommen? Wird ja immer besser 😵

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