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Scary Hair

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Coming 2019


Genre Super Hero / Horror


Cast Elizabeth Banks , David Denman , Christian Finlayson , Abraham Clinkscales


Plot  WHAT IF in  2006 A spaceship falls from the sky near a farm in Brughtburn with a baby boy inside. Taking him as their own  and naming him Brandon . They continue to hide the crashed spaceship in their barn. Twelve years later the ship awakens ....






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I saw the trailer for this a little while back and I gotta say, I really like the concept here. They're obviously going for a "what if superman was bad as a kid" vibe. I never really got into comics but I know there are a lot of different timelines and variants with superman and other superheroes which makes me wonder if this concept has already been done in a comic.

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yes that was done a lot in comics already. With new characters from small publishers and also with established ones from the big companies. For example the Crime Syndicate of America was introduced in 1964 in Justice League 29. They are evil counterparts of the Justice League from another Earth. 


Many different stories out there with take on superheroes.


Netflix will be adapting one of Mark Millar's Series Jupiter's Legacy which is also dealing with that.

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  • 4 months later...

The story is very reminiscent of Superman and his harmonious family. Suddenly, the whole thing tilts into a superhero horror, which is not only vicious, but also really nasty scenes.

It also recalls the filming of the steely hero, the recording of an empty swing, a rather remote farm, everything seems harmonious and familiar. But increasingly, this image is crumbling, the mood in "Brightburn" is changing. Suddenly the farm looks dark and an uncomfortable atmosphere settles on the initially peaceful backdrop.
Cleverly staged are also the scary moments that generate excitement even with small gestures. There are some pretty bloody scenes, the quiet camera attitude gives goose bumps and shocks the audience. A successful contrast to the usual superheroes no matter.

There are movies, because you want them to like you. "Brightburn" is such a movie.
But the result is somewhat mixed, even if the positive outweighs.
From the Brandon gets angry, then it fits again and his bloody deeds are all the more intense. Also, because the staging is not as tame as Marvel and DC comes along, the little Brandon not only acts diabolically, no, he shows it quite clearly.


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