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Everything posted by deckard99

  1. @Garypool shouldn’t be long now. These are starting to arrive at our hubs. - Ken
  2. Weet did Red Sparrow (WC #01) but it's fairly modest release by today's standards.
  3. The battlefield of collectors is littered with the corpses of those who passed up on editions because something else "might" come along! 😂 Until it's in hand we have exactly:
  4. I strongly advise not taking any chances. It's unknown as to whether or not HDZeta will be able to release this.
  5. Is there a steelbook with the cover A art? That’s what I really want 🙂
  6. Welcome to MP @Gandybar! Please feel free to look around all the sections on MP and contact the staff if you have any questions. I hope you enjoy your time with us!
  7. Jaws is ready and should be shipping (along with OUATIH) to our hubs shortly. It would help if all you guys and gals pay your invoices promptly 😅 @Christopher CM has a bad rep because they fell way behind when covid hit and have struggled to recover. So they are at least trying to clear out the old preorders by prioritizing them. Everyone is waiting for Batman, so once they get that out the focus will shift to newer titles.
  8. Hi @MCU_Smithsonian and welcome! If you scroll down to the "Steelbook Release Topics" section on the main page you will see a list of countries and retailers within those. If you click on one, for example Novamedia, you will see pinned as the top post a masterlist of all releases by that retailer. Each masterlist shows all releases with links to the release topics that feature photos. You might want to spend some time browsing these masterlists. - Ken Example below for Novamedia:
  9. Apparently there is a flaw in 12 Monkeys, both the UHD and blu-ray. 20 seconds are out of sequence. May or may not be a big deal depending on one’s tolerance.
  10. @ElDiosRubio Welcome to MP! Please feel free to reach out to any of the staff (listed at the bottom of every page) if you have any questions. You can send a PM (personal message) or tag us in a post to get our attention by using the @ sign like this @deckard99
  11. Hi @Bluray Savage and welcome to MP. Unfortunately our group buy for this release is already closed. As @ShadowWarrior mentioned you can try going direct but you will need to be fast as hot titles tend to sell out in under a minute.
  12. Just so everyone is clear (and we've posted about this at least a dozen times already!) those extra lenticulars as leftover production samples that UC tosses in as a freebie. They are random and you get whatever you get. - Ken
  13. Hi @mamaragan Each HUB receives and ships at different times, so to get an answer that applies to you, you need to contact your hub master @Count Dantes
  14. My innie loves this show too. At least I think he does! 😉
  15. Exact opposite here. Best Buy steel sold out and already going for big bucks on eBay Never bought the Amazon steel, so that's a win Sell my Best Buy and grab this Weet = big discount, plus you get 2 amazing FS and probably a pretty great lenti too 😁
  16. I don't know about that. Just my opinion, but if Weet could have done a WEA then they would have. I guess that anything is possible, but I learned a long time ago to never pass up a release because another one *might* happen in the future. About 80% of the time those maybes never came.
  17. @David Strnad Hi David, our GB rules are currently offline being revised. I will respond to your PM later today. - Ken
  18. I wouldn’t lose hope. Sometimes when it says delivered it just means it made it to a local distribution center. I would give it a few more days.
  19. I don't have the EverythingBlu editions, so this is a definite for me! 🤩

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