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Everything posted by deckard99

  1. Yes, A2 is no longer available. Members wanting a fullslip should select an A1!
  2. Hi @DrQuestions I'll try to help here Reputation points are automatically assigned by the system based on member reactions. When someone likes or thanks or laughs a post you get a point. You can control notifications by clicking on your image in the upper right corner of the screen and selecting "Manage followed content" from the drop down list Mediapsychos.com is the only forum you need! 😂 Keep on top of new posts by clicking on "activity" in the top menu bar, or browse through any of the sections (all shown on the home page) You can start with the release threads of any titles that interest you and the "this and that" thread in the English room for general chat and fun. - Ken
  3. According to CM this and Batman will be next after Jaws and OUATIH, which are both in the final production stages now.
  4. According to Weet it's "most" of them. To me, I don't see it as a big deal. It may bother some but there is nothing Weet (and MP) can do about it.
  5. Welcome @sofacinema Hope you enjoy MP!
  6. This looks nice but I think I will wait and hope for a price drop.
  7. Amazon price is always high when first listed. It will come down by the release date. Still, how much that will be is unknown.
  8. Hi @Meiko yes, you can join our GBs that are open. We have a deposit requirement for new members and after you join your first GB you will be contacted by a member of the staff with instructions. Enjoy your stay with us! - Ken
  9. I'm confused. Is that a pet slip? And it looks like a VHS with the titles way too small on the spine. Hopefully this concept will be adjusted.
  10. We are still waiting on some shipments. I'll let you know if I find out anything further. - Ken
  11. Final assembly is in progress by CM, so hopefully soon.
  12. Hell yeah! This looks great. Love the movie too. I need that preorder up soon as I have some rewards that are close to expiring! 😅
  13. Nope, I've been super busy with spring cleaning & projects 😭. Hopefully soon.
  14. oh man, I'm not sure how I feel about this art. Looks like a pet slip for the massive titles, thankfully. I really need a steel for this movie.
  15. Oh man! If this is an ongoing thing I'd file a complaint with the post office and keep escalating it until you get some action.
  16. I see the "She-Hulk" all the time. Whenever I tell my wife we can't afford something she wants 🤢
  17. @Garypool shouldn’t be long now. These are starting to arrive at our hubs. - Ken

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