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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. An MP etiquette question. I bought and received the MantaLab ZS Justice League Full Slip from the GB. Thanks MP team. I like one of the lentis that is currently available in the MP store better than my full slip. If I buy one of the ZSJL lentis from the MP store, and sell my full slip on eBay, would that be cool with this community? Is there another venue for trading or selling this within the community? We vinyl collectors hate flippers (those who buy only to sell). Not sure how it is here in a situation like this. I hope this is a valid question, I haven't really seen much convo about selling/trading GB purchases, but figured someone would let me know if there are unspoken (or spoken) rules here. Since this was my first GB, wanna make sure I stay in bounds. I know, I know, I should just buy both!!!! I promised myself I wouldn't double dip. Also would probably be good for some other newbies to read the answers. Thanks!
  2. What a great survey of all these Bond titles. Thanks so much for doing this. And, the photos are big enough I can zoom in and really see them. I'm curious, do you know the difference between the 2nd row Best Buy versions and the current offerings on Zavvi? Is it just gloss vs matte? It's a shame there hasn't been just one series for all these. I know it's an active series so would be hard to keep it current. Such great movies though. I'm very intimate with the first 15 scripts. I was hired to write/direct a James Bond spoof by an advertising agency back in the late 90s, I had a month to write the script, so I was neck deep in these movies for while. It was fun, . . . actually it wasn't fun at all, it was hard as hell and I hated doing it. hahahahahaha, but I loved it when it was done!!!! It left me with a love for these movies though. I'm probably gunna start grabbing the Best Buy versions, I like the vintage feel.
  3. Oh man, this post speaks to my experience 100%. I have such an addiction to TV shows I grew up on. I have them on constantly. I'm a filmmaker by trade, and when I'm in a coloring session or logging footage (something that is mindless), I put on a TV show, and let it go, episode after episode. Okay, confession, I have watched Wings (the 90s TV show) clear through 12 times. It's better than bourbon or prozac.
  4. Holy cow!!! That is rough. That's like professional football player serious. So so sorry.
  5. Hope that knee isn't anything serious. But, all of the rest looks amazing. I'm a vinyl collector as well and had a huge hit with the release of the Bill Evans Riverside box set the month. That added to my steels and I grabbed LOTR HDZ and the Manta JL and a few other things. It adds up, but it sure is fun.
  6. I'm curious to hear from you Bond collectors. What editions do you think are the best out there? I have all the original DVDs from waaaayyyyy back in three boxes. But I haven't kept track of any special editions that have come out in the last 15 years. Is this release as good as it gets for Bond?
  7. Been texting with my sister down there all aft. Finally it's starting to slow up a bit on the coast. But, still not out of danger. She is a first responder and was assigned to the courthouse, she said it was swaying for about 2 hours, it creaked like crazy. Freaky. Hope everyone is staying safe.
  8. Same for me. Still pending. Thanks @ryanbsmith for asking.
  9. Well said. That's why I asked here, to help me frame this release for what it is, and not my preconceptions of what I think it should be. All good.
  10. bad bad bad psychos . . . look what you made me do . . . Joined GB . . . take my money and mail me joy. I think the box colors and the design are beautiful, that's not my wonderment. It's the connection to the movie that I am missing. Not that the box has to specifically go with the movie, I get it. In fact it's cool when it doesn't sometimes. But my cinemaphilia is twitching. My mom worked at the mall when I was a boy. So, I roamed the mall for 6 hours a day sometimes. When E.T. came out, I saw it around 30 times that year. I can't for the life of me think of a scene with watercolors in it. Maybe in Eliot's room? It's been a bit. I feel like it's something obvious I'm missing. Too lazy to watch it again just to see. Or it could just be a pretty box.
  11. Yeah, hoping the best for you and your family over the next few days. I spent a lot of my childhood in Sarasota, FL, so monitoring these storms is normal. My mom and sister still live there. We have dodged every major storm for 40 years. Talked to my sister yesterday, she's in law enforcement, and they are preparing for the worst. I feel badly hoping it goes north and hits some place else. The west coast of FL seems to escape a lot of these storms, not this one, though. Best to all who have family and loved ones down there.
  12. Is everyone happy with this UHD Club Edition? For some reason, I can't get past the box. The watercolor style just isn't hitting me. The tone of the box doesn't match the tone of the movie or the inside for me. What am I missing?
  13. Yeah, hope you recover quickly. On my 5 mile hike yesterday hurt my . . . wait for it . . . TOE. How can a toe hurt so badly? Anyway, got the Arrow True Romance for 30% off at Barnes and Noble, so will have some cinematic recovery.
  14. Yup, I learned my lesson. Was in the GB, ready to buy, got distracted, and forgot to go back in. Then this morn, fail. GB is my friend, GB is my friend.
  15. Treeeeeeemennnndddddouuussssssss! How much thread cred would I get for buying all of these at once? aye? All of these are canonic and deserve this type of treatment, imho. The question is . . . . Next anniversary . . . big box . . . . lots a goodies . . .. 4k Steelbook? . . . ugh. btw . . . can you create a tagline for your avatar? didn't see it as option. Mine would be "steelbook honeymoon phase"
  16. I love the Steels but the extra stuff in these is a real draw for me. I can’t believe how inexpensive they still are. Looks like they made 250k of Sound of Music. besides the ones above, what others were released in this format? Ten Commandments looks like it’s a dif type box. thanks.
  17. did all of those editions you list come from the same publisher? Or just anniv editions from the studios?
  18. pre-ordered. Will this be the definitive version or are there others people love?
  19. Same, I've pissed off the dudes on my game night because I sing La La La La with hands over ears when they started speculating. Now that the first episodes are out, I'm setting aside time tomorrow afternoon to watch all three. Very excited. Hoping for a Rogue One level series, adore that movie.
  20. Thanks! I find your giffy and your message the perfect balance of acceptance from the community and warning for my wallet.
  21. I started dj'ing when I was 13. A breakbeat is typically the drum breakdown of a track. You spin that break over and over while someone rhymes to the live sampled funky beat. Thus . . . a breakbeatDJ. As you can guess, I have been collecting records foreva!!! I'm a pretty advanced vinyl collector and am super interested in the similarities and differences between steelbook/specialEd blu-rays and vinyl collecting. I've already discovered some amazing stuff. The artwork is sick sick sick on some of these releases, like album art, only more steely and sturdy! Also, I'm a real movie lover. I got soooooo burned out on vhs, laserdisc, DVD, re-buying, I gave up. These steelbooks feel like endgame to me. The fire is lit. Very cool community from the surf time on here, looking forward to more.

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