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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. MEDIAPSYCHOS SECRET SANTA 2022 Thanks to the amazing @R1s1ngs0n for organizing this whole process. I hope it's apparent to you that you are facilitating relationships around the world with this project you so effortlessly seem to manage, and I am truly grateful. (If you don't read this entire post, please at least read the first section if you have time.) My Secret Santa is a longtime and much valued member here, @Grendel. Jeff and I had a brief exchange several months ago discussing lobby card collecting. Other than that, I believe we were both casual readers of each other's posts. So, it was with absolute amazement that he entrusted me . . . yes, that's right, entrusted me . . with the below gift. The movie Allied tells the story of a Royal Canadian Air Force pilot played by Brad Pitt. Jeff and his father were both members of this branch of the Canadian military. In the note that accompanied my Secret Santa gifts, Jeff explained how Allied was a much loved movie for him. When this Filmarena version came out, he bought two copies; one for himself and one for his father. Unfortunately, his father passed before he could give it to him. Needless to say, I was deeply humbled and moved that he would give this copy intended for his dad to me. There really are no words. I was absolutely stunned. I told Jeff I would laminate his letter in a way it could be folded neatly and put inside this box set. It will never leave my collection in my lifetime. But when it eventually does, Jeff's note and the story of its true value will go with it. Had he simply given me this wonderful OC from FAC without the accompanying note, it would have been an amazingly generous gift from a wonderful person. But with the story that goes with it, it becomes something else, and the details of the edition itself seem less important than the meaning it holds. I'm truly honored by this gift from a dear friend. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know you, Jeff, through our many emails during this process. And please know that this incredibly beautiful FAC One-Click of Allied will always have a place of respect in my collection. When Jeff and I were initially discussing this process, I requested something from him: What would you like me to have that is part of your joy of collecting? I explained that I buy gifts for myself, from my own mind, regularly. What I really wanted from him was a gift from the mind of @Grendel. He did not disappoint. Jeff has an encyclopedic knowledge of dragons. His collection is extensive. That's why I am so thrilled and thankful to have this amazing figure purchased for me by such an advanced and generous collector. It is an area of collecting unknown to me, and I am thrilled to add this to my very small collection of figures. The below is the Ice Dragon, one of the Dragon Clans, from the Fall of the Dragon Kingdom. The detail is absolutely amazing. I've already decided to replace my 1/24 scale 1970 Datsun 240z that sits on my desk at my coloring suite, with this fearsome, beautiful, wonderfully thoughtful gift. It will hopefully intimidate and frighten my clients so that they aren't such a pain in my ass! As if the above wasn't enough, there was yet more generosity from this wonderful gentleman. • GREEK SEASONINGS - Between my homemade Souvlaki, Tzatziki sauce, and Gyros, this will get used. I was thrilled to receive a new culinary ingredient to explore • SOUR CHERRY JAM - I believe this tasty jam will sit perfectly on my Ezekiel toast • THE ART OF WAR - What an amazing edition of this timeless classic, It will go well with my Folio Society edition. • KARLOFF AT COLUMBIA BLURAY - Early 40s Karloff Mad Doctor cycle (and others), WITH a new commentary? Yes, please and thank you. • REGIONAL TREATS AND SNACKS - There are no pics of the candies and the Hickory Sticks Jeff sent, because they did not make it long after opening My first secret Santa on MP was an amazing one. @Grendel there are no words to express my deep gratitude for your generosity. You are a prince, my friend. This experience has far exceeded my expectations. I hope you had a very merry Christmas and you have a happy, peaceful, healthy, and prosperous new year. Mark @BreakBeatDJ
  2. I'm always impressed by your dedication. I'm going to buy at least 2, just in your honor! I do hope it's awesome though.
  3. Yeah, I hope this is a great release and it meets or exceed expectations for you bud. I will be eagerly awaiting your thoughts.
  4. Yeah. I am actually getting ready to go to my Wednesday night dad band practice (it's on Thursday this week). Some here know I have a game night every other Wednesday, on the other Wednesday we do a dad band. There are 7 of us, and who ever shows up jams and it's so much fun. Were terrible most of the time but it doesn't matter. We're the best band in my buddy Rob's garage, that's enough for us. You've got good taste if you like Whiplash IMHO my man. I look forward to your future receptions . . . and losing to you in the Bond thread.
  5. Yes! Whiplash. Fantastic pick up. Are you a musician? In to jazz? You don't have to be to like this, just checking.
  6. Ha! That’s actually even better. I’m a huge UHDC fan. I will buy it and I will love it I’m sure. I’ll leave the finer Hulk points to @Veum and I’ll just poke fun from the back row.
  7. I’m def going to defer to you on this one. But all I can think is that the Emperor is stage left shooting lightning out of his fingers at the Hulk. Hulk vs Emperor? or
  8. That's interesting. That was exactly what happened to me. I started and got in to it, and sometime toward the end of season 2 got distracted or something and didn't get back in to it. I have now recently started from the beginning and am more focused. Are those West Worlds steels?
  9. I think these look great. Genuinely shocked at releases that exceeds my expectations. Cinematic and stylized.
  10. Hey Jeff!! @Grendel So glad that everything arrived safely and you liked the lot. It was fun hunting that stuff down and learning about some new TV shows. I hope the rest of your holiday was great. It was an absolute pleasure getting to know you through this process. Utz has been a regional producer of pretzels since the 1920s I believe. They have many other chips and snacks and are national now, as of the last 15 years or so, but they still feel regional to me. I hope you like them.
  11. All good my man. Thanks for looking in to it. @hansreinhardt @nathan_s82 and I will do it manually. I’m not sure what tier @Ryan is. Hey @hansreinhardt, I think you said you wanted to track re-watch vs first time. If you take a look at @Veum post above for his layout, he created a simple way to track this with an asterisk. He has some other good ideas in his layout as well. The goal is to have fun and share the movies/TV we watch so I think Mike will cut us some slack if the layouts don’t match. And one thing I wanted to clear up . . . If you’re watching a movie and there is a shirtless pizza delivery guy and a women who answers the door with no money to pay for the pizza wearing a peekaboo teddy . . . there may be a different thread for that.
  12. Nice. I'm down with that. We will have to do it manually, but, I'm fine with it. But again, if the group decides to go another direction, I'm fine with that too.
  13. Ultimately it's up to @Veum, but I'd rather keep it all here. Thanks @Gary K for the suggestion though. I'm happy to go that way if everyone agrees. I think if we come up with some sort of format standard, it will be easy to find the posts with movies. If I'm overthinking it, let me know, but here's a suggestion to still keep it fairly neat for those of us Members. Feel free to chime in with other suggestions So, this would be one entry. 01/10/23 THE AVIATOR 3 Stars - I thought this movie was a movie that was definitely a movie, I saw this movie and after thinking about it, it's a movie. Then all we would do is add to it by copying and pasting on our next post. 01/10/23 THE AVIATOR 3 Stars - I thought this movie was a movie that was definitely a movie, I saw this movie and after thinking about it, it's a movie. 01/16/23 THE AVENGERS 4 Stars - after the movie was over, I realized I had seen a movie, and thought, yes, yes, a movie. So, we don't have to scroll back to see what we've posted/seen, our last post will always represent all our movies/shows and fairly easy to read format It's def more work for the Members but it would be easy to find our lists. Thoughts? @hansreinhardt @Reagh @Ryan @GuyIncognit0 @nathan_s82
  14. Bro, no prob. I'm def not chastising, just interested in seeing your collection. Looking forward to your next installment. Keep on opening!
  15. I like the design. Can you remind me what it will be made of?
  16. I'm a fan of Ron Howard, he has one directorial note that he plays, but he plays it pretty well: Ransom, A Beautiful Mind, Cinderella Man, Frost/Nixon, Backdraft, Apollo 13 . . . nothing genius, but all solid efforts imho.
  17. Been looking around at the many other titles coming out in this series. Definitely a missed opportunity. 100 years . . . ONE HUNDRED YEARS . . . deserves a definitive series, in my opinion, instead they choose about the minimal effort one could make. I have all those tin box Disney Treasures. As @Gary K pointed out, those have much more class and character to them. I bought them way way back before I discovered MP, when I was just collecting content and not content and packaging, lots of "vault" level stuff in that series. It would have been amazing if they would have continued on that line, and created a library of vaulted and released content on bluray with premium packaging outlining each decade of the 100 years. A curated historic set of a variety of content that tells the story of Disney. It is not surprising they just gave us movies in bland steels, but still disappointing.
  18. Very nice. The slippers are the best swag. I open everything as well, eventually anyway. I don't mean to art direct you buddy, but for the next open pics get a little closer so we can see the goods? If not, no prob, it will still be fun to follow this thread. You have got A LOT of opening to do.
  19. Yeah, I looked at the three I am going to submit and def will take you up on the opportunity. We still have 15 people in the house, so it may be end of the week until I have some time to take pics.

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