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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
  2. So just like with the MCU Movie thread, here is an artwork scrapbook thread for the Marvel series.
  3. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
  4. Not yet! But on the ‘to do’ list mate 😁👌🏼
  5. I likened Eternals to Thor, which also caught a bad rep. Both are in the same category as Hulk & Capt. Marvel as they are the opening gambit of these characters. I’m sure it will all come good. Only thing with Eternals is that there are so many of them, there will always be that one or two that you will dislike.
  6. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
  7. I thought that it might be kinda cool to create an MCU scrapbook for all the Movie posters and artwork releases, keeping them all in one place.
  8. 😤 Right then… Game Over? I’ll start listing everything I have now shall I? No point owning all these beauties if they won’t continue/complete the collection. 😢😭
  9. Yep, I’m happy with what I have just seen 😁 I’ll keep it zipped for now and not ruin it for others. Perhaps we should have a spoiler section with threads for each show/movie in here as well 🤔 Roll on next Weds 😂
  10. That was not long or weird at all @notdan 😁 I completely agree with it. Yes, what has gone before is certainly for my generation, and yes, what is to come is absolutely for the next generation. I cannot claim to have read all of the new character stories, but I am fully aware of their existence and what is likely to come. If they do indeed continue down this path, then I would very much welcome Robbie Reyes back after his stint in Agents, or even if they recast the role. Will also be interesting to see Amadeus Cho step into the universe as well. All of that said, there’s still plenty of old school to please… Now literally about to watch episode one of Moon Knight! 😁👌🏼
  11. Are you telling me that a prestigious award ceremony is a Comedy club setting? 😁 I’m not buying that one Mike. Think this particular swipe wasn’t in the dress rehearsal (something else that comedy clubs don’t have). Its all good though. Each to their own and all that. I’m just saying people shouldn’t be offended or up in arms that a Man made a stand to protect his family after being publicly insulted.
  12. Oh for Damn sure! But then equally would you or I have the inclination to walk the streets insulting people to get a laugh? Pretty sure we’d get more than a slap. 😁
  13. @damships @Veum I’ve never understood the American “Roast” comedy. As an Englishman I personally think it is just straight up cringy and offensive. I don’t see it is as clever in anyway. Can’t say I blame Mr. Smith after having his family targeted for years by Mr. Rock (and others) and for what? So that he can get a public laugh at someone else’s expense? He couldn’t pick a more public place to insult someone. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not fussed either way as it makes no difference to my life, so I’m not riled in any way. I just don’t think it’s right to target people like that, especially when it’s medical related. There’s being funny, and then there’s just being a Co*k. He’s lucky Will had the foresight to only make it a slap IMO. 🤷🏼‍♂️😁
  14. Im right there with you. There has been so many tweaks from original storylines to the MCU, that this one will certainly differ from what has gone before, but I trust them to do it justice. I just get more excited about the potential these stories have to open it all up wider still. Im curious to see if Jane will get the role for a trilogy, or just one movie. Again, will they go with the story for reasons to give it up. And will it happen in one movie or across two or three? Will they start to look at the War of the Realms arch… so many possibilities now. Makes me laugh when people said it was done at End Game and that it won’t be as good anymore. 😁

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