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Posts posted by xSNAKExPLISSKENx

  1. @Grendel @Bones


    for me as far as scratching my modern horror it has been going internationally. 


     THE WAILING Is one of the best horror movies I've ever seen let alone modern horror. 


    South Korea has been killing it as well with flix like The Kingdom, Monstrous, and train to Busan. 


    I'll also mention I just watched SPUTNIK from Russia and I really really enjoyed it!

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  2. 27 minutes ago, Veum said:


    I love The Conjuring series...


    Popped in this flik a few minutes ago, blind buy/watch for me & it’s been pretty creepy so far...


    ... anyone seen it?🤔









    I have not, let us know your final verdict.


    Conjuring is one of my favorite modern flix, and honestly I think number 2 is my favorite of the 2, hope 3 is on par. As far as the universe goes non of them really got me. Didn't like Annabelle or the nun.

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  3. 36 minutes ago, Bones said:

    @romain I did see it and really enjoyed it. I also started the second season of the terror from amc last night and liking it so far. I havnt started lovecraft country yet but im going to based on @xSNAKExPLISSKENx recommendation. 


    Terror is fantastic! Loved the first season a lot! I'm about halfway through season 2 and it is just as good if not better.

    • Like 4
  4. 40 minutes ago, romain said:

    I'm not a specialist but if you haven't seen The haunting of hill house 

    Go for it 

    it's a damn good show 



    I second this, it was fantastic! And as I mentioned in my opening post if you haven't watched lovecraft country episode 1 yet, check it out!

    • Like 4
  5. 59 minutes ago, romain said:

    Hi guys 


    I can't sleep, i saw the light so i went in

    Firts off, i'm not a big fan of horror movies like slashers, jumpscare's movies etc 

    So i'm going to widen the category a bit more and integrate Psycho and The Shining wich are in my top 3 but i do not really consider like horror movies in the true sense of word imo 

    and as i can't decide between Alien and The Thing 

    You'll understand it's not a top 3 but 4 for me 


    Anyway thanks for the thread @xSNAKExPLISSKENx, i'll follow it and write down your recommendations if i want to shiver one night


    On that note, i wish you north american friends a good day/night 





    Those are absolutely horror films in my book my friend, thanks for joining this little underbelly of MP I have created. 


    As I said above this thread is for all things horror, all sub genres and all mediums.


    I also am a big fan of the classics, i think jump scares are a big modern horror trope that most of the time are only used when the filmmakers lack true imagination.

    • Like 4
  6. @Grendel thanks for joining my friend, ill be tagging people little by little as time goes by to lure in others.


    I love your choices, especially exorcist and Dracula. I just read they are planning on a reboot of sorts for the exorcist next year.. Hopefullybthey do it justice and do not rush the movie both production and pace of the film itself. I love a good slow burn horror.


    Also, please and this goes to everyone. this thread is for ALL things horror. MOVIES, TV, BOOKS, ART, COMICS, GAMES and all sub genres in between! Horror is a vast subject and im looking forward to discussing all its wonderful intricacies with you all.

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, Bones said:

    When i get home and off of mobile im going to take inspiration from @Hollywood E Rock and relate my introduction to horror. With that said I absolutely had to chime in on the vampire topic. I am so happy to see Near Dark, Fright Night, 30 Days of night and JC’s Vampires on here. Those are some of my favorite vampire flicks of all time and its so cool find like minded individuals that think the same! As a dad to 3 kids ive used fright night to be an introduction to horror over the years to my 2 oldest. 


    Thats awesome, I have a 3 yr old that loves all things monsters and Halloween, can't wait to share my love of the genre when he's older. He's already completely unphased by some "scary" stuff a la jurassic park, dark crystal ect.

    • Like 3
  8. @Hollywood E Rock


    I agree I think there are so many bad ones that really taint the genre for me.


    I think he was an excellent cast for blade, i can easily see blade in his roll in Alita. 


    I never got into the blade comics, any recommendations? I love graphic novels and I collect and have a very large hardcover and omnibus collection. One of my all time favorite comic series and coincidentally is a vampire story is American Vampire by Scott Snyder. That and Hellboy which are some of the best stories and art ever written, all mignola does is pull from folklore and horror stories from every culture in the world.

    • Like 3
  9. @Veum


    Yea, they arent my fav sub genre.


    That said im very happy to see you added Near Dark to that list! What an amazing movie. Complete with most of the cast of terminator and aliens alumni how could you go wrong.


    "The last thing you are gonna hear on your way to hell, gonna be your guts snappin' like a bull whip"

    • Like 3
  10. 1 minute ago, Hollywood E Rock said:

    If the conversation was about just Vampires or Comic Book superheroes then I would definitely have mentioned him. He is tops on those lists for me, but his movies are down further on my strictly Horror genre list.


    I'm really anxious to see any news of the blade reboot, I'll say yes let's keep it horror based but I don't think blade is far off topic. Especially because vampires are very much on topic. I'd say Constantine gets close as well.


    Vampires never really sank with me, i love lost boys. I also love John carpenters vampires. But I think one the closest to my style would be 30days of night. That movie was something else. The flyover scene with the chaos in the snowy streets is a favorite scene of mine to date.


    Other than that, I haven't found a vampire flick that really stands out to me as a contender for top horror in my personal book.

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  11. Wow, fantastic introduction @Hollywood E Rock.


    And a pleasure to meet you Edward (the name behind the avatar that is)


    Return of the living dead is such a classic, especially because I was heavily into the punk scene in my youth so it resonated with me.


    Funny fact, I believe candyman is one of the first horror movies I ever saw. At a family get together my uncle was watching it in his basement room one evening, i must have been around 5, i snuck in and watched from behind the couch. As he tells it, he noticed me instantly. But about every 5-10 minutes he noticed I was closer and closer till I was in his lap asking ridiculous questions like "who's blood is that? Whats he doing to her?" LOL.


    He was honestly my gateway to horror in many ways. I also watched exorcist with him at a young age and that film stuck with me for a while. My room was a basement room and at night for a long time I pictured the scene of her spiderwalking down the stairs in my head trying to sleep. I can still here that creepy crawling piano in my head to the day.

    • Like 3
  12. 10 minutes ago, Bones said:

    Im Bones and Im a new Psycho that was raised on 80’s horror.  I agree with you guys, picking 3 is tough but ill do these:

    1. The Exorcist (i would pick Se7en but i think its more of a thriller). 

    2. The Thing

    3. Halloween (1978, but I loved 2018 as well)


    Anyways thanks for starting this thread @xSNAKExPLISSKENx!




    Se7en is one of my ALL TIME FAV MOVIES! I agree that it is more of a thriller but it has more than enough horror elements in it to call it a horror thriller. Amazing movie.


    I loved the original Halloween as well, despite slasher horror being low on my list of favs. I'm more of a monster guy so my favorite slasher series is nightmare on elm st. (Minus the god awful remake). 


    Thanks for joining the party :)

    • Like 4
  13. Starting a new thread here I hope takes off. Just a little house on a hill where we can discuss all things Horror.


    I'll start things off, I just watched the first episode of Lovecraft country and let me tell you, i thought this series started off phenomenally. Honestly I'm worried the rest of the series is going to live up to the bar I believe they set with episode one.


    Also, would be fun if anyone new to the thread introduced themselves with 3 of their favorite horror flix.


    For me, im xSNAKExPLISSKENx a few know me by my name Conor. 3 of my fans would have to be


    - Alien


    - Evil Dead


    - The Thing 


    Hard to pick 3 on the spot, and I created this LOL.


    Let's hear what you got psychos!




    At some point I may tag some folks who may be interested un this thread but for now keep it lively tag who ypu want and have fun.

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  14. 19 hours ago, mjk said:

    oh wow ! that is a very big commitment for John 😲 Thank you for making all that possible and your hardwork :D  I truly Hope everyone pays their invoices fast 


    This is standard for John, he really is the king of the GB. But knowing this everyone should be very understanding of why its extremely messed up when members don't pay (im speaking in general not to you personally). Because unfortunately he can't just cancel a pre-order like we can at best buy or zavvi lol. He's got shelves of unpaid editions. 


    Support your local @Masterblaster everyone, pay your invoices and inquire/buy his back stock! ;)

    • Like 2
  15. 26 minutes ago, DodgyDave said:

    I think it’s quite hilarious that Disney are going to charge £23 to watch this on a TV. No cinema release. 
    All of their “live action” releases have been crap.
    Why anyone would pay that sort of money to watch rubbish on a TV screen, is beyond me. 

    Maybe Disney will lose so much money on this latest gimmick, that they will finally start dealing with distributors who want to release their stuff on BD/4K. 

    Wankers. :D


    Jungle book was aight, but yes, the rest were rubbish as it were.

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