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Everything posted by Casiusco

  1. This is a very interesting concept, because nowadays, with so many movies to watch, it is necessary to prioritize, to select, and these categories always bring something interesting.
  2. Good morning everyone! Yes, the world is getting smaller and better communicated. My hometown soccer team, of which I am a big fan, and which has never won anything important, is having a birthday, this season it turns 100, and it has a centennial anthem. It's very original, and has been very successful here. But the most curious thing is that, an anthem of a celebration of a small team that has never won anything in a lost corner of Spain, sung in galician language,.... ends up being the music of a spinning session of a successful fitness instructor/influencer in the USA. It's the butterfly effect!
  3. There are two problems here. First, the cinema. The current situation responds to changes in society and in the profile of consumers. Adapting the product to a generation that does not show a special interest in cinema is not very coherent, while the fact that the studios are now governed by financial delegates from other large corporations conditions everything. Obviously, superhero cinema is not the problem, just a symptom of how the industry has focused on what it thought it could better tune in to the new generations. And even those new generations have specific characteristics. Because even there you can go further, and think of today's superhero films as something different from what, for example, Nolan did with his Batmans. And therein lies the core of the problem: not the films themselves, but the focus on an audience that only escapes to see a certain kind of cinema, and little else. And the redefinition of studios as financial machines, far removed from the concept of filmmakers, conditions everything. Even Michael Douglas has problems financing "cheap" films if they don't follow a certain canon. Not to mention the exaggerated - and sometimes unjustified - costs that certain types of films have reached. As for indie or more serious films, I think we are not in a bad moment. I think of films like Zona de Interés, Anatomía de una caída, and others, and it wasn't a bad year. I don't agree with you there. The problem is that resources are focused elsewhere right now, and it's harder to get a film off the ground. Second, the Oscars. I think their credibility has sunk between ridiculous decisions, and then also trying to adapt to this new audience. Which makes no sense. It's more like the MTV awards than the Oscars. This is also influenced by the fact that a generation of academics has been disappearing, and a new community of academics has been growing up that has nothing to do with them. I remember a statement by a veteran academic who said that academics used to get together and, for example, discuss Antonioni's films. Now there are a lot of new academics, who became academics through successive nominations in this context of opening up to other kinds of audiences, without a higher level or requirement, and who not only don't know who Antonioni was, not so important, but who have succeeded and have become something working for a public that thinks that Spielberg is only the director of "Ready player one", and some other films that nobody is interested in. That's the fact. IMO.
  4. Good mornintg/afternoon everybody!! This is now a reality: Who would like to give us a collector's edition? That would really brighten up the day! Have a nice afternoon!
  5. Yes, that's true, Al Pacino is at a point where he can do or say whatever he wants, he doesn't care about anything else. Ryan Gosling is going to win an Oscar, for sure, the question is when. But after Sunday it's clear that the business is going to want to see him there. I did watch the gala live, I enjoy it, and if you're commenting it with someone else, it's a different kind of game. Even so, even watching the highlights, Jimmy Kimmel's monologue seemed to me to be the blandest in a long time.
  6. Got it! Plot: A German collector disappears in Bangkok with her husband. No one seems to know them, no one has seen them. But the flight log says they were there. A few days later the husband turns up in a ditch, dazed, with a heavy blow to the head, and no memory of anything. After giving the local police a few days, and seeing that they make no effort to find her, he decides to get serious, do what a man has to do in such cases: he asks the Psychos for help. Twenty-four hours later several Psychos come down the stairs of a Bangkok Airways plane. They walk in slow motion down the runway, and look sideways at the huge boxes they have brought as luggage. This is the story of how she was rescued after 72 incredible intense hours, in which there was a jungle, sweat, napalm, screams, and a revolution that brought about a political regime change in Thailand.
  7. Good morning!! It has been 36 hours since Oppenheimer was crowned. If in the next 6 days there are no announcements of future collector's editions released by the usual retailers, then we have not understood anything, where that business is at, and what is needed. Have a nice day. PS: Only Media Psychos and the Creative Era "edition" have been able to move their asses ipso facto.
  8. I sympathize with you, and I think you're right. But, at the same time, I find it very hard to believe that certain films were not the best of their year, or, in many cases, were not even good enough to be nominated. I get the impression that much more is demanded of the big names: they don't have to make the film of the year, they have to make it a masterpiece. If it's not a resounding victory, they can't win. To think, for example, that "2001, A Space Odyssey" was never nominated for Best Picture; or that "Mulholland Drive" barely had any nominations, is strange to say the least. Weren't they the best of their year? Maybe not, but... then you see what was the most important film of the year, and you think: #%-$%%%$%$%!!!!
  9. And now (almost) everything is focused on how the public will digest it..... And instead of actors/directors we ended up with puppets.
  10. Good afternoon everybody. Am I the only one who thinks Pacino started the party before the ceremony? Or that next year the gala has to be hosted by Ricky Gervais, and if they don't want to, they have to be hosted by Robert Downey Jr & Ryan Goslin? Of course, when so many people behave in such a boring way during the gala and so many publicists are thanked, we know where the bullets are going. Gotta get the publicist to Pacino's house for lunch before we get started.
  11. And I will get the editions I am missing in this life or the next! Jokes aside... And if I'm serious...
  12. He should have won some more before. I'm not even sure this is his best film. But it was certainly his best. For some reason I don't know, the great filmmakers have a harder time winning an Oscar: Kubrick died without winning one for best director, Lynch has never won, Ridley Scott never won, Nolan never won until now... and yet then you see lesser films where lesser directors either win easily. For example, last year, with "Everything Everywhere All at Once".... I think we all had a great time watching it, but... did the directors really deserve more than Nolan, Kubrick, Scott or Lynch? I don't think so. But no one has said this business is fair. At least Nolan already has one. And he deserved more. (Thinking of films that have been awarded these years, and that.... Interstellar was ignored...)
  13. Good afternoon, everybody. Yesterday I was watching the Oscar Ceremony, and as for films I have no complaints, they won more or less the ones I think they should win. Maybe the worst thing was that Scorsese left without awards, he has 29 nominations in his last 4 films, and zero Oscars. Not fair, not consistent. But I was also happy about the awards to "Anatomy of a fall" and "Zona of interest", two great films. Still, the worst thing was the general lack of spontaneity, we are in a world where everything has to be so correct that nobody does or says anything. Thank goodness Al Pacino came along and reminded us what it's like to go off script. By the way, I found Jimmy Fallon very boring. He takes less risks than my grandmother in her wheelchair. It's about time the Oscars (also) hire Ricky Gervais. And every man for himself. Have a nice evening!!
  14. Good afternoon, dear Psychos. These days it's cold, not as cold as in the places where some of you live..., because there's no snow just here, but... yes, it's cold. And it's funny, because a fortnight ago I went to work with a polo shirt, it was warm, and suddenly... winter is back. By the way, this weekend I'm going to re-paint a room and fix a couple of things. I haven't had time until now, and all of you who have had to move and fix up an apartment or a house, know well that it's an infinite well, where something new always appears. Let's see if this time I finish those details, and I don't find anything else to fix or redo. Yes, I'm one of those guys that if something is badly done, I'm not capable of leaving it like that. But it's the same for me at work. I'll never be able to send a s.hit and go home so calmly. It's not the way I am. Have a nice aftertoon & evening!
  15. Good afternoon, dear Psychos. As I'm going to have some free time after work these days, like normal people, I'm going to go to the cinema and watch movies. These weeks around the Oscars Awards are the best of the year, there are a lot of interesting ones, variety, and it's always fun to make small bets on who will win. What I don't like so much anymore is not seeing so many ads for fabulous collector's editions of last year's blockbusters. And it's not the first time this has happened. Except for Nova Media, everyone else releases limited editions of previous hits, and superhero movies. Ok, that's fine, but what about the rest? 🙄
  16. I saw this film last night without knowing the story in depth. And I was surprised how interesting it was because there is no action, it's just an interrogation, and there is actually tension throughout most of the film. The dialogue is a faithful transcript of FBI recordings, and at times it's even surprising to hear comments that in a "contrived" script you would say are implausible, that they're not plausible, when, in fact, they did happen. In the end, the film implicitly raises the question of whether a person should go public when they are deceiving or betraying the citizens of a country, or whether they should keep quiet in order to follow the rules and not jeopardise other things. Something like Snowden. I liked it, it was entertaining; and I was also surprised at how good an actress Syndey Sweeney is at doing something like this.
  17. As a member of this honourable community I feel obliged to remind you that every Psycho is responsible for the reducation of his children, making it easier for the community to perpetuate itself, and that, just as Psycho does not kill or cheat Psycho, every Psycho must give his children the best he has, and that he has not seen The Dark Knight trilogy is a dereliction of duty on your part, and a disgrace to the entire community. Please don't let this happen again, or John will be forced to ban you. PS: Oh, God, I didn't watched it with my daughter either.... 🥺 This needs to be fixed!!!
  18. I've survived this busy season, and while I'm looking forward to sleep, rest, and not seeing a screen around for a long time, I missed being able to laugh a little around here. I hope you are all well, and that you have signed up for many GBs in my absence. The "digital disconnect" thing is starting to become terribly necessary in our society. My headset that I use to answer my calls from my smartphone has broken, and I think I'm going to buy a new one... in a long time. Now that I have time, let's see if one of these days I can start taking and sharing photos of the editions I've been buying lately. One day Psycho, forever Psycho.
  19. Yesterday was a good day for those of us who love to buy movies in physical format in Spain. The Spanish market is in a slump, most US majors no longer distribute here directly, but through local companies, as is the case in other countries; there are fewer and fewer releases, and the presence of the physical movie market in stores is decreasing. However, something is moving, and the market is starting to show some nice positive signs. A few months ago Divisa, a local distributor that is in charge of distributing Disney, Paramount and other editions, started to distribute 4K editions as well. Until recently, not even Avengers or StarWars was released here in 4K. And yesterday they announced that they are going to release in 4K titles that had been forgotten in Spain until now, like "The fifth element" or "Highlander", which is a good sign, it means that the market is responding well. But my favorite news of yesterday is that Elástica Films, a small Spanish distributor that releases in theaters here many A24 films, and good independent and auteur films, is going to start releasing their own editions in physical format. And they start with "Past lives", with a nice edition that they will sell only from their new online store. If it does well, there will be more blu-ray editions. Let's hope so, they have a really appetizing catalog. I was not expecting it, and this news has made me very happy. 😍
  20. Back to normality. I have a lot of rest to get, though, and a lot of sleep to catch up on. But the world keeps on rolling! Have a nice day everyone!! 🖐️
  21. When you've been working so many hours in front of a computer for so many days in a row that when you finish you don't want to see a screen or a gadget or keyboard anywhere near you. And I'll still be like that until day 5. Without stop. No days, no evenings, no weekends. I hope you're well. 🤘
  22. When you've been working so many hours in front of a computer for so many days in a row that when you finish you don't want to see a screen or a gadget or keyboard anywhere near you. And I'll still be like that until day 5. Without stop. No days, no evenings, no weekends. I hope you're well. 🤘

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