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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Parzival

  1. Given the flood of BTTF releases coming soon, love this print from Matt Taylor
  2. @romain that's very nice 👍 Love the film as well
  3. Great stuff @Bodhisattva 👍 @deckard99 any news on this hitting the UK hub Many thanks
  4. @Casiusco thanks buddy for the feedback 👍 Must check this one out then.. 🙂
  5. Decent film guys? Not seen it, so feedback would be welcome 👍
  6. Titanic ultimate limited edition is one of my prized possessions The amount of artefacts and goodies that come with it is amazing, and the film well, need I say much more The Celine Dion song still melts me away
  7. Ok, so next up.. A couple of films I hold very dear to my heart.. Forrest Gump OAB is a quite stunning edition.. I know there are many others in the pipeline.. FAC maniacs and some already released (Hdz and UC) but OAB definitely one of the best
  8. Not sure there is scope for more BTTF releases given the flood of the 4k steels coming, plus the previous Zavvi steels Decent artwork though
  9. So first up.... The series I believe sits at the apex of the superhero genre This really was the trendsetter, the benchmark to which all others aspire to It is quite simply the best superhero series ever... Ground breaking in every sense. I am referring to of course The Dark Knight Trilogy by Christopher Nolan Sensational series, and a quite magnificent piece of film making. Every time I watch any of these films, , it still gives me goosebumps. The chilling and haunting atmosphere created in Gotham City, the superb acting and dark tones sets this series apart. There is nothing still quite like it. And Hdzeta indeed did it justice by releasing one of the best editions ever.. The Dark Knight Trilogy by Hdz is stunning, probably has to sit as the number one premium release in my opinion to date. Enjoy!
  10. Hello my dear Psychos I thought I'd start a new thread and share some of the treasures in my collection I will add something new from my collection periodically, and if any member wants me to go deeper into a particular edition - please let me know. As I open all my editions, I am happy to share pictures with fellow collectors who may want greater detail as to what's inside the hidden treasures. So enjoy, please leave feedback, as I always love to hear comments and observations from fellow members in this very knowledgeable forum.
  11. @Veum no way for keeeps buddy Can't have this lying in my collection Must go back or in the trash can Sorry, the odd scratch or paint scruff I can tolerate, but not an ugly and visible dent like this.. If you look at the back of the steelbook, the whole area adjacent to the dent is uneven, curved and damaged Horrible show..
  12. @GANTZ Thanks buddy I agree.. The outer steelbook protective printed cover is 100% intact, and is in no way heavily impacted or damaged that would suggest it caused the damage to the steelbook Leads me to think the damage was somewhere on the production line Very shoddy and bloody awful from Titans of Cult.. sorry for the language Even premium retailers have had issues with scratches (Weet for example), but a whole flipping dent and steelbook damage? Not acceptable
  13. Don't quite get how the steelbook could be damaged whilst being inside the Titans of Cult steelbook protective printed covers they do...? Does the fault lie with Titans of Cult (perhaps manufacturing fault at source) OR Zavvi.. The item arrived in a doubly jiffy bag..
  14. Didn't like these films at all, Garfield sucks, forced chemistry with Emma Stone, stupid villains.. The Toby Maguire trilogy was awesome.. Wish they had done that Having said that, Weet have done a fantastic job with this release
  15. Is this a known retailer? Just curious, not brought any Taiwanese editions before
  16. Too right it is Blufans have some tremendous goodies Hate the FAC fuss, WWA and still so much clamour for places. Ingenious marketing.. Made their releases for valuable than what they actually are OAB still kicks FAC ar*se in my opinion.. Blufans all the way. Manta and Blufans any day over the overhyped FAC
  17. Thanks @Fortis93 Intrigued by the live aid Wembley sticker Surely that didn't come with FAC did it @cypheria078 that's probably something you added on 🤔

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