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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Parzival

  1. The true treasure.. Blu ray discs All 69 episodes across 35 discs
  2. First ever eposide, "Prescription Murder" transcript but in Japanese lol
  3. Next up my fellow Psychos. Quite simply, the best detective series on Television I am of course talking about Columbo. Let's be honest, there have been dozens of detective series on TV, all great characters and popular detectives But none was so original and unique as our Lieutenant Columbo. This series brought back intelligent television A truly unique model, whereby you knew who the murderer was right from the very first scene What joy can you get when you already know who did it? How can a TV detective series be so popular when there is no suspense? Colombo put paid to all that, and thew the norms out of the window It was the beauty of the kill, the way he harassed, extracted and trapped the murderer scene by scene, acting dumb. The murderer couldn't have been more shocked when Columbo would finally get him. The payoff in every Columbo episode was awesome. A truly brilliant piece of television. I was mortified when the great Peter Falk passed away. He was born to play this character, and no other actor could've have played him I am truly honoured and privileged to show you this exclusive "BLU RAY" boxset, only available in Japan It is really a disservice to this wonderful series that Europe and America have only been lumbered with a DVD box set If you are a true fan of Columbo, this blu ray boxset is worth every penny. Especially the latter seasons, in wide screen look awesome. But in truth, every episode is TV magic. Enjoy the pics
  4. Thanks @ksosk What's happening with those (like myself) who just ordered the wooden box.. Any updates Cheers 👍
  5. Nice.. Artwork all seen before, but still credit to UC. Nice presentation and finishing quality looks very good
  6. @Grendel Thanks ever so much for your comments. Wow, what a deep dive and loved reading your analysis I love hearing member feedback in the choice of film, quality of the premium edition and thoughts on the film overall I learn a lot by reading other people's perspective, so thanks very much again for taking the time and effort to write such a wonderful piece 👍 I can't wait to hear your thoughts as I post more
  7. 4th is Hdzeta... Need I say anymore. Stunning boxset edition
  8. Ok, so here is one of my other favourite films. Ready Player One. Love the reference to the 80s, pop culture, gaming , The Shining.. It brought back so many memories from my childhood. A superb Spielberg directed film. Can't wait for part 2 So here goes.. First up, Manta
  9. Another premium retailer First MAG from China and now this Taiwanese company CX 😭 Think I need to take out a business loan I've got a great business idea lol.
  10. I love both steels, especially the first 1, quite rare 2nd one very nice as well but easily available
  11. That answers your question lol. The fact that you can't remember anything, means the film probably didn't do it for you Personally, I found it to be a wicked film with a great sound track to match
  12. Seems both will make a nice set 🙂 I've not seen this film, but heard some good things about it And I'm a fan of Ma Dong Seok
  13. @RileyLad Whatever you do, stay safe buddy A lot of people are still not convinced about how safe cinema is, given the closed setting. Hopefully it will be fine, if all people who go remain sensible.. (it shocks me how people out there, especially the 18 - 30s don't give a f*** and jeopardise it for the rest of us).
  14. @Basil That must have been surreal.. It is very chilling seeing these places in the flesh, I agree, no camera lens can substitute for the human eye
  15. @Basil Haha I gathered I too went through a phase of watching every Nazi related film . Starting with Inglorious, then others such as Reader, Book thief, Schindler, Fury, Allied, Pianist, Valkyrie, woman in gold etc etc I think Hollywood also to some extent is obsessed with this era.. P.S one really haunting film is Night of the Generals starring Peter O Toole and Omar Sharif.. Quintessential Nazi film
  16. @Basil Nice... Film cells are cool I like collecting props and screen prints as well.. 🙂 Bloody expensive hobby this
  17. But now unfortunately, cinemas will not be the same. Not been for 6 months due to pandemic, it may never be the same again Cineworld close to collapse I read this morning This effing Covid had ruined everything So, unfortunately no ticket collecting for a while 😪
  18. @Basil Wow buddy that sounds awesome 👍 It gives a lot of pleasure, when you are customising your own editions, making it truly unique, valuable and personal.. Love the Premier ticket idea, that's cool.. (never thought of that lol).. If I were to do that (i.e keep the ticket when I first went to watch that film in the cinema), that would evoke so many memories and take me back to that moment.. It would be a beautiful memory One always remembers when watching your fav films for the first time I still remember when I watched Endgame, waited like a zombie for a whole year after Infinity War My wife and I were super excited close to release, , had a whole few days to build it up, took the day off - made a full day and wonderful evening out of it at Leicester Sq, watched in 4DX.. And after, basically just walked around London all Friday night talking about it.. Wonderful memories If only I'd kept the tickets for that day.. Fri night 26th Apr.. DAMN. Basil, now you tell me lol..

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