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  1. Yea, not going to sell it anymore. My biggest wish was that they would had used the Original art. One of the most Iconic movie poster art, and didn't use it. I was really hoping they would have used it if not on the cover of slip, inside somewhere. Maybe they did and I missed it?
  2. HMV has an exclusive with this art. Not a premium edition but still. https://store.hmv.com/store/film-tv/4k-ultra-hd-blu-ray/last-night-in-soho-(hmv-exclusive) Now I just have to find a way to get it.
  3. Ah, yea, never ordered from them, or even went to their site for that matter. Not known for putting anything out. So was kind of surprised. If it turns out to be unique different art, we will have to figure out a way to get. I am going to guess it will be the same.
  4. I also found an Amazon India release. Right now it is currently unavailable as it gets ready and art is temp.? So not sure if it will be the same art as UK and Germany. Probably but worth keeping an eye on it. https://www.amazon.in/Spider-Man-Home-Steelbook-Blu-ray-2-Disc/dp/B09L8GW1LN/ref=pd_sbs_1/259-9750339-5562910?pd_rd_w=HHvfq&pf_rd_p=950901b9-b71e-4c33-9fc5-41ec6db58ad1&pf_rd_r=MCPM3PM97JR9YWAB6A6P&pd_rd_r=2524c9d6-1055-4b00-ad49-189a1b6afc2c&pd_rd_wg=vTALE&pd_rd_i=B09L8GW1LN&psc=1
  5. That's great. I did notice as I am ordering WAY less from them. Prices have gotten ridiculous. $51 for a plain ol' steel. Not worth it. $42 plus shipping and tax. Tax? Why am I now paying tax to UK. So I would say I am ordering 1 out every 10 I would have gotten before.
  6. Here is a link for the Amazon Germany one if anyone wants it or wants to start a thread for it. https://www.amazon.de/dp/B09NMF2C24/ref=sr_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&keywords=Spider-Man%3A+No+Way+Home+steelbook&qid=1639538858&sr=8-1
  7. Sold out. Glad I put in my order yesterday afternoon. Strangely, it was said pre-orders for Red Carpet members only, but it let me put in a order.
  8. Yup. Good point. The nice thing is both are offered with all the different options so if you want both, you don't have to get the toys and A4 prints and steelbook twice, or at all.
  9. That is one, yea. Go down the list of options, for all the different links. I circled in red. There are 2 editions, the one They showed and also a really nice digipack. Both have multiple options, as far as what they come with. The A4 prints, some 2 toys, and the steelbook. It is a bit overwhelming with so many options but check them all out to see which you like the best.
  10. Agree. I have thought that for awhile. My #1 want and really the only company I see doing it. As long as it is these versions....the Original Swedish ones. NOT The horrible remake. What would be interesting if it did happen is what versions they would use, the original theatrical or extended editions? Both are great. I think I prefer the extended editions. Or best would be include both versions.

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