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Greetings fellow Psychos !


MP is delighted to announce this year's edition of our favorite event (aside from Masterblaster's Black Friday 😁) - SECRET SANTA 2020

This year has been a complicated and challenging one for obvious reasons, so we felt it was especially important to hold this event in order to end this year on a cheerful note and bring some joy to our community.



Anyone wishing to participate can do so by signing up in the event topic created by @Masterblaster 




Members can register until November 20th 12am CET !!


For the sake of keeping shipping costs and delays at a minimum, we decided it would be best to assign pairs from the same country, barring a few exceptions (odd number of participants or personal preferences). 

Once we finish assigning all Santas, a PM will be sent to each pair in order to introduce them to each other and from there on, they will be able to privately exchange ideas for presents, shipping address and in general engage in friendly chatter and get to know each other 🙂


The choice of presents is entirely up to the members' discretion. It can be a steelbook, comic book, poster, bottle of wine, sex toy, whatever. It can be one gift or several. 

Volume or cost are not what matters (although they should stay within reason); what matters is bringing this great community together and sharing the holiday spirit 😀


Regarding the 'Secret' part of Secret Santa - like the previous year, we felt it would be best if members know who their Secret Santas are so their chances of getting a present they actually like increase significantly.

The Secret part actually refers to everyone else. The identity of each member's Secret Santa is NOT to be shared on the open forum until Xmas Eve/Day !


Once all Santas are assigned, another topic will be created where participants will be able to post photos of their received packages, nicely laid out in front of a Christmas tree (without showing sender's name 😅). 

Each Santa's identity and opening of presents will be shared on Xmas Eve/Day (depending on each country's tradition).


We hope many of you will participate in this year's event and thank you all for making this wonderful community what it is.




Edited by R1s1ngs0n
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