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Everything posted by Basil

  1. well added my christmas touch hope you like it basil
  2. @Veum nice charlie brown lights got better picture? and you wife keeps a nicely hoovered carpet i see 😀 also you got me thinking all this stuff you buy and you buy alot more than me where on earth do you keep it all or have you converted you basement to racks allround the walls? basil
  3. well heres to a prosperous 2020 with more steels and good friends so happy new year to you all. and for me tonight will be jools hollands hootenanny and @Veum if your wondering what that is have a look link below think be your cup of tea 👍 about 195 acts from past basil
  4. @Hollywood E Rock hope you and erica find some stuff you are after in the sales, personally nothing i can think i need. did have a look this year online but they seem poor only low % off this year and not nesscarily on anything i would want and need so trying to hang onto my money for the moment. suppose having to pay out £510 hasnt helped me out on tyres and got car service and mot shortly, so i suspect that wont be cheap either. and worked out between last pay day and next at end of jan it be about 6 weeks in all, going to make it a long one for me. but it all come out in the wash basil 👍
  5. hope you have a good one @Robertm89 hope its not too much a shock to the system. but first day back is always baby steps usually basil 👍
  6. @Veum@Hollywood E Rock@Scary Hair@R1s1ngs0n well just got back in from few days of stuffing my face silly and seeing all the familys now sitting here watching indy raiders of the lost ark classic 👍 what you all been upto to? basil
  7. good afternoon @Veum hope find you well and not in the and not well for christmas at least basil 👍
  8. well here it is christmas eve presents all wrapped and under the tree, all the food shopping done. with the best still yet to come. time with the family. i wish you all a merry christmas and happy new year. with all your loved ones. basil
  9. i think this version is very dark but gripping at the end this evening like me and my wife we like but give guy pearce something to get his teeth into acting wise. but anyone watching this it is good imho basil
  10. it would seem they only did 4k on s1 and s8 so far unless @extantsrevenge can help me out some info maybe??? of when rest coming as cant find any? basil 👍
  11. damn you nils now goto spend more money but have to say the GOT is superb so is now have to get some discs at some point but that is tooooo nice to miss out on. @Scary Hair you need check it out ^^^ @Veum basil
  12. sometimes i look for the glass half full think give it a chance as was ww2. this glass didnt even have a bottom
  13. ever stayed up and watched a film and then thought why the hell did i bother? well the answer is yes the film war pigs mediocre at best, save some time of your life. suppose thats what you get when put mickey roucke, dolph lundgren and luke goss on the same bill. should have just known better basil 👍
  14. regards when lotr 4k comes out, i take it will be extended edition? @ksosk basil 👍
  15. @Veum love the naked lady storys you is the doghouse regards going cinema is double edged sword for me 1 is cost, 2 getting there as is couple of taxis and a ferry so that all adds onto cost. plus goto plan in the time factor about 1 hr each way with ferry ride plus i usually try allow bit of time for a burger king meal before hand as is a rare day out and treat wouldn't be complete without it so if im lucky about 3 times a year but has to be a big film i really really want to see on a big screen so i have to be very selective what i do go see. also im with @Hollywood E Rock finished yesterday and not back to jan 6th 2020, how nice is it to say that and basil
  16. hello peeps how is everyone? was trying to keep away last night did not want any spoilers for my film today. and it was is anyone like @Veum@Pbsw23@RileyLad@Robertm89 going to see it? @Scary Hair kick his arse to take you all its christmas after all! and stop being a grinch rich basil
  17. Basil

    Movie Marathon

    you in luck @RAK watch this on sky catchup the other week, so couldnt sleep one friday night so put this on at about midnight and shat my pants a couple of times caught me of guard cos was watching in the wee hours lol. i love ww2 films but not so much zombie films, but this was good something quite orginal and would recommend it not sure if @Scary Hair has seen this but think this would be right up her alley and think she would be all over this for a steel. basil
  18. trying to work out in my head where you are in relation to that weather, i know you where in usa but had no idea whether north south or mid. even what state. if that sort of makes sense. its like trying to get that in my head if you see where im coming from. im from south of england not too far from the ise of wight so on map below is isle of wight im on main land basil 👍
  19. you lucky sod wish it snow here havent had any for about 2-3years now. and your garden looks like a nice size to veum no wonder you spend alot of your time there. you finished with winding up poor old @R1s1ngs0n now, think he deserves it now. he could with a little more sanity and calmness in his thread or are you just basil

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