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Everything posted by Basil

  1. well starting to get that friday feeling the weekend is here finally hows everyone else doing????? basil
  2. right as ive been here a fair old while now and have now just only noticed this thread suppose its time to share basically i have been using basil or basilbrushboomboom over forum boards for the last 18 odd years and funnily enough @Scary Hair has known me alot longer than i care to admit of those years. she is my great friend. right basically basil brush is my avatar and he is a childrens character from an original series back in the 70s and 80s they did rebooted version later which was a pile of rubbish. but the orginal basil was a joker, a charmer, always upon always talking tongue in cheek but above all kind. i like to think i have some of those qualitys and this was my favourite tv show as a child and did i laugh. his catch phrase after every joke was BOOM BOOM. so there you have it, thats who i am below is the orginal show have a watch, also may famous stars queued up to come on over the years all the best basil
  3. well folks at 11pm tonight 2 and 1/2 years of misery will be ended a bit in the uk and the vote carried thru finally. and once that happens at 11pm it cannot be reversed. just finally glad its getting done its got on everyones nevres here in the uk. the politicans should all be ashamed of themselves and shot if i had my way. but doesnt politics screw everything up in life? not that i have anything against our european members there all great, just damn politicians. and heres something we have not heard in a long while (from the past) basil
  4. Yes done TV cab thing only bookcases where full then had a thinning of the heard got rid of about 200 odd steels old zavvi ones that some weren't upto much once premiums grabbed me. Now 2 bookcases nearly full again. So 2 cupboards underneath having to go thru both clear out old general crap. Plan is to get all in 1 cupboard and then the freed cupboard is for more steels wife not impressed but rubbish in cupboard is her not me 😆 And on we go from there 👍 Basil 😎
  5. Same as me dont really drink odd pint once in a blue moon quit the tabs years ago, so as you say steels are our only treat and what a brilliant hobby it is but does end up taking over a bit but people here are great and that's half the fun and well Basil👍
  6. Robert about seriously scare you here 🤣 If you added up the cost all of those including the shipping you may just fall over😆 But to say seriously nice mega bundle there so is it now the case quarterly deliveries or 6 monthly? All the best Basil 👍
  7. Like it just had a thought for Friday better not repeat it but @Veum would love it 🤣
  8. Looking good @cypheria078 It would seem new thread worked at least on my phone atm 👍
  9. veum now you talking unfournately for me i just had wake up wednesday currently 5.21am here, i would have so loved not having to set that alarm for this morning but out of all the mornings thursday is the killer because you know from then you still have to do it one more day. where as with friday no matter how screwed you are you get up in the knowledge you get the next 2 days off basil
  10. Well have to be honest do not remember you have to remember I have the memory of a goldfish 3 secs and it's gone ask @Scary Hair she will confirm 🙂🤣
  11. I have you know used to do 12hr nights on 44hr week and work in all weathers Have you done anything to resemble that? Below is photo of units I used to have tow down the factory road to park up in the night and that is a small one some where upto 18 meters long and alot bigger
  12. Well hope everyone is having better day than I am, still nothing authorised arrrgggghhhh Read daily mirror paper now going thru news on internet on phone and for later got the sun paper to read And it's the grand time of 10.23am Goona be a long day finish 4pm Basil🙄
  13. well just woke up below is me minus drool 5am here why the hell do we do it?????????????????????????? could happily have another couple of hours sleep slow wake up not hit the ceiling when the alarm goes off and when i do wake up nautrally few crumpets for breakfast and maybe some morning tv for a change. it does sound very good right now. currently nothing to do at work nothing authorised by customers so looks like ill be picking up a paper on the way to work, i hate days like that boring boring boring. basil b
  14. time to convert that basement to a man cave imagine how many bookcases could fit around the walls
  15. Good afternoon veum just gone 2pm here and my work is all done and run out of stuff to do here is my workshop cos I'm that bored lol
  16. yes not too bad hollywood, treadmill turned up yesterday it a fooking beast a bit of a pig to assemble as they not aligned one of the arms properly so all the screw holes didnt line up, so had to muck about to get adjust all up correctly and belt wasnt aligned correctly either so slacked it all off and greased all up first and then full adjustment there. also reason did all that the packing list in the box was dated 17-9-2018 thats only 1year and 4 months and 9 days its sat in its box for a new product good job im an engineer, oh and the crappy screwdriver spanner tool they provied for 2 types of screw was junk to got out some decent ones before building. anyway its all done fully adjusted and working now very happy even got the wife running on it while adjusting up the belt to central better while there is active weight on it. this morning putting back shoe racks on wall and tidying up bits and bobs, goto go up dump with mountain of polystyrene from it, then to post office pic up my blufans isle of dogs and then to get car washed and while im out wife is going into hoovering mode whilst im out the way to make all immaculate photo from yesterday excuse mess not tidyied up but shows size
  17. sometimes the law of physics have to be bent abit, emergency money could be used if needed household emergency money in another account but thats where bending would come into it. not something i would normally do but the money would be replaced once i on the straight and narrow. but firstly a fair priced copy would have to be made available and who said the hobby was sane???? basil
  18. oh and while im here cos different people look in here i have just an advert up looking for HDZETA GOLD LABEL WONDER WOMAN 3D + 2D DOUBLE LENTI at a reasonable price for my own collection if anyone can help me out please pm me, advert below cheers in advance basil 👍
  19. read full story https://bgr.com/2020/01/23/mcu-phase-5-movies-captain-marvel-2-to-launch-in-2022-report-says/ basil 👍
  20. well now christmas is well and truely over and we are nearing onto feb question is how broke is everyone feeling before next pay day? just looked at my bank account and its looking pretty sick tbh and my flexible friends have had to be well and truely flexed this month. have had 4 car tyres,car service, car mot, new treadmill and loads of shorts and t shirts cos none of my old gear fitted. so next couple of months im going to have to be restrained and let it all clear off. thankgod blufans stuff is all on hold (jinx). anyway think it safe to say slightly in the poor house atm but dont usually have that level of spending in jan normally. so it all work out as stuff does basil
  21. dont think so im not in it but the gb is still open i just checked. maybe @ksosk can give you the answer as it his gb by look of it or failing that @DodgyDave hes usually on the invoices basil
  22. sorry but no, my mother in law has bought me for christmas a day out in a copy of the orginal batmobile and its got the flame throwers out the back everything so in answer im batman which reminds me i need to book up when weather is bit nicer basil
  23. bbc radio 2 nations no.1 radio station but granted that is complete boyband stuff. good job i was on the money, i needed to get out there today sharpish but achieved what i needed to so ready to rock and roll monday. basil

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