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Everything posted by Basil

  1. getting thru is what counts😀 yes not too bad mate twisted my foot at work, had to sit down quick take shoe off in pain and then heard massive clunk and a bone popped back in and pain gone bloody lucky i think. also just setting up new chromebook with all bookmarks and passwords 96 accounts 😭
  2. @Robertm89 newcastle liked put you thru the ringer with oxford no?
  3. A right pain but I suspect sounds like anti terror/ immigration crackdown
  4. @Hollywood E Rock Completely forgot about valentine's day well done I'll start looking for cards now 👍 Sounds like watching all those films you and erica are gonna be well busy😄 Hope your both keeping well👍 @Veum dont forget the card m8 or you will be in the Basil 😎
  5. @Mdk14092 that sounds like a right pain in the arse changing the licence all so you can drive presuming in one of the other states When visited Florida few years ago only thing I had to get coming from uk was a permit to allow uk licence to be used there As it goes I've just renewed my photo licence for next 10 years and as luck would have it they now do it online if they have an upto date passport photo they use electronic image of that and slap that in and it all turns up in 5 days instead of usual 3 weeks 😆 Hope you get it sorted ok, how long do you have to update over there? Basil👍
  6. Well what's everyone been upto of late? And anyone got anything planned? Myself damn computer went it was so on its last legs I nearly cut my hand on it not good, so at that point I have had no choice but too replace it, so picked up last night now trying to get all up together as my old one was and working out differences between win 7 to chromebook keyboard layout different but slowly getting there and touchscreen is high improvement makes like 15.6 inch phone 😎 Also this weekend coming up massive sort out of cupboards trying to get 2 bottom halves of Billy bookcases into one my wifes been filling with junk for years 🙄 so junk in bin. And then massive sort out steels wife's been putting back and there in right mess and then also free cupboard will acquire for my older steels the space gain will be for my steels. Got to grow somehow right 😆 Basil 😎
  7. right @Veum that first picture was me morning, i felt like dogs mess also while im at it if i start talking gibberish on here its cos im on a new computer the old one had it and this one has got a very different keyboard layout and im still getting used to it only picked up tonight oh why im at it where has hollywood been? e.g. to chat all best basil 😀
  8. Got best but one coming with the correct title on the steelbook 😄😄
  9. just a heads up for those on luxuryblurays gb for game of thrones and indy go check your emails invoices for shipping. the sooner its paid the sooner its shipped basil 👍
  10. sorry to hear that if we had england match or fa cup for example if we all asked for it for the night they go with it. one time round they even got tellys put in the canteen so people watch for 2 hrs rather than them not turn up for work but we running 12hr shifts back then
  11. cant get them to put game on instead we used to hassle manager nicely in our production area and did it for special events
  12. to true tell you what ann why dont you send @RAK a jar via the hub im sure he'll love it nothing like good old yeast extract basil
  13. well as its just ticked over to 12.24am here and ive not gone to bed yet ill be the first basil
  14. You mean it should of been called the ENGLAND or UK room lol! 🤣😎 no not at all but its not called the oxford english dictionary for nothing. anyway off for couple of hours got catch up with programs with the red arrows display team allegedly the best in the world basil
  15. its all our room firstly and i like to help where i can, so here you go dont know which flavour you fancy so i give you a choice you decide and that is only a few basil
  16. hope you have a good one @Veum who do you fancy to win? also as your in the english room chips are called crisps here in the uk and chips in england are a much bigger version of french fries, hence the words fish and chips. all the best basil 👍
  17. in fact old songs keep coming into my head, must be my mid life crisis coming basil

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