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Everything posted by Basil

  1. @Veum love the naked lady storys you is the doghouse regards going cinema is double edged sword for me 1 is cost, 2 getting there as is couple of taxis and a ferry so that all adds onto cost. plus goto plan in the time factor about 1 hr each way with ferry ride plus i usually try allow bit of time for a burger king meal before hand as is a rare day out and treat wouldn't be complete without it so if im lucky about 3 times a year but has to be a big film i really really want to see on a big screen so i have to be very selective what i do go see. also im with @Hollywood E Rock finished yesterday and not back to jan 6th 2020, how nice is it to say that and basil
  2. hello peeps how is everyone? was trying to keep away last night did not want any spoilers for my film today. and it was is anyone like @Veum@Pbsw23@RileyLad@Robertm89 going to see it? @Scary Hair kick his arse to take you all its christmas after all! and stop being a grinch rich basil
  3. Basil

    Movie Marathon

    you in luck @RAK watch this on sky catchup the other week, so couldnt sleep one friday night so put this on at about midnight and shat my pants a couple of times caught me of guard cos was watching in the wee hours lol. i love ww2 films but not so much zombie films, but this was good something quite orginal and would recommend it not sure if @Scary Hair has seen this but think this would be right up her alley and think she would be all over this for a steel. basil
  4. trying to work out in my head where you are in relation to that weather, i know you where in usa but had no idea whether north south or mid. even what state. if that sort of makes sense. its like trying to get that in my head if you see where im coming from. im from south of england not too far from the ise of wight so on map below is isle of wight im on main land basil 👍
  5. you lucky sod wish it snow here havent had any for about 2-3years now. and your garden looks like a nice size to veum no wonder you spend alot of your time there. you finished with winding up poor old @R1s1ngs0n now, think he deserves it now. he could with a little more sanity and calmness in his thread or are you just basil
  6. good morning to you @Hollywood E Rock just start raining here in the south of england. looks like goona be a rainy day judging by the window. so lazy day indoors me thinks. i am feeling a bit rough with headache that wont shift atm so maybe and is now pissing down outside might even and basil
  7. should be with jj back in full charge. and they cant cock this up disney want to keep knocking these out. they fooked up by not doing christmas releases on some of the others. people that avoided solo missed out imho, but that was back lash. im just hoping 2.30pm it be quite enough without a million kids, my sister is going at 10am friday with her other half for that very reason. basil
  8. nice one @RAK thats the way to do it, i personally got monday of then back in tues and rest of week for my normal half day friday then off to the cinema to see rise of skywalker and i can't wait and finish work this friday and thats me done till monday 6th january they let us carry some holiday over for the new year this year get you some of that basil
  9. bad blufans news from kev and more delays ----------- I was told that the contract negotiation between Disney and its distributor in China is still irreconcilable. Their talks will likely be continued into Q2 of 2020. Until then there is nothing for Blufans can do, but waiting, like all of us. ------------ basil
  10. well have fun with that m8 iwould suggest going over early as computers are never a speedy process and the sooner you done the sooner your home with your feet up. also where i am 2morro dont know if inside or out and its pissing down across south of uk all day long. right ive goto go have a shower now as i stink and the wife needs me sorted for bed as up at 5 am. so ill catch up morro mate let us know how you get on basil
  11. i know we've all been there over the years so what u been upto today then much? basil
  12. @Veum has to be done my friend, i will try help you sure @Hollywood E Rock will too basil
  13. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0107843/?ref_=fn_tt_tt_1 worth a watch when you get a chance was called point of no return or the assassin @R1s1ngs0n what year was orginal not seen it? basil 👍
  14. @Veum heres one for you m8 one back in the day i really liked and she was kick arse in the film but can you name the film. it did have 2 names depending what side of the water you where hubba hubba hubba basil
  15. at the top of whatever board you in there in a blue box is Start new topic under the follow box basil 👍
  16. thats what heated cars seats are for and a car heater set to 24c nice well was this morning at 6am was 1c here. boring as hell day for me no work at work, read 2 papers been thru internet on my phone like facebook and all the news sites just to keep me awake. tommorrow they sending me out on site to hold a ladder with our other engineer at a dentists of all places. laugh if i can fix it on site think i know what the issue will be as its blowning all there electrics out at the surgery. sooner do that than take back to the workshop to be honest i want nothing to do for my half day friday, goto go get my tyres sorted and im not mucking about. soon see how clean the dentists is soon as i look inside the unit 🤮 basil
  17. damn think im in love again gal gadot at it again @Veum@Hollywood E Rock@Scary Hair check it out basil
  18. well here we are got woken up by wife rolling round with duvet under her arm cutting off my wind pipe and half choking me. at 3.30 and now i can't sleep. gave her a nudge and eventually she let go few noises grumbled layed on her back and then started snoring, have now given up come downstairs and turned heating on as is nice toasty 17c instead of normal 20c. oh well nice start to the day not basil
  19. @Scary Hair @Veum disco you love it slow to get going first 4 eps s1 but stick with it i wont steer you wrong, close story wise to orginal series imho 👍 and ann i have just had to purchase 4 tyres for mine front 2 on wear bars back 2 ok ish but want same alround with £40 discount only £507 but these should do 25,000 at least, why is it i always like the best tyres now getting fitted friday thank goodness for my flexible friend https://www.michelin.co.uk/auto/tyres/michelin-crossclimate-plus heres a vid of old crossclimate, not plus gotta watch this spot on review something else basil

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