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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by Heywoodmoutaw

  1. Same on the B&W. I bet that actually will work really well for this particular movie. But I still have to watch the color version first.
  2. Very happy with The Mist set! The grocery store theme on the discs is cool, and looks like a great set of bonus features. And I happen to think the ending is brutally perfect.
  3. I’d never heard of Umbrella before, so thanks for that. Some cool stuff over there. i caught Last Wave on HBO Max a few years ago, came away surprised that I hadn’t heard more about it. Having grown up in the 80s I sort of associated Chsmberlain with old fashioned TV movies; he kills it here. Nice surprise.
  4. I’ve been going back and forth on whether to get The Last Wave on 4K and that cover art just sold me. That’s gorgeous. My Touch of Evil set keeps being “ready to ship” but not shipping, I’m dying to get it. The Welles edit is one of my favorite movies.
  5. High of 90 here today! Gorgeous at the moment. I have a 4K bounty (not to be mistaken for The Bounty) rolling in this week, expecting the first one today!
  6. Was The Warriors 4K release been a really, really well kept secret or just a really well kept secret from me?
  7. I gotta say, Kino Lorber releases continue to knock it out of the park. Already noted that The Train looks incredible; so does Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. The detail on the Firebird at the beginning of the movie is almost unbelievable, feels like you’re in the thing. Reminded me of the cars I spent my childhood in (I was born the year this one came out). Continues to look awesome throughout. Ronin and To Live and Die in LA are the two biggest picture upgrades I’ve seen this year, KL just keeps killing it. Not for nothing, obviously, it’s fun to revisit the movie and it’s even better than I remembered. Highly recommended for anyone who enjoys hanging out with Clint Eastwood and/or Jeff Bridges. Eastwood was already 44! Had the man with no name, High Plains Drifter and Dirty Harry in his rear view and almost 50 years of good stuff in front of him. Is there anyone who has even come close to making solid movies, including at least a dozen stone cold classics, for so long? Sorry for rambling; hope to get into Cross of Iron after I get the kiddo in bed tonight.
  8. Playing Gimme Shelter never fails to make a person feel like they’re in a Scorsese movie.
  9. Those are so cool. I didn’t know about any but the von Trier. I kind of hope they keep putting these out, but my wallet hopes they stop before they get to something I can’t resist. Looks like there’s also a Ruben Ostlund set as well.
  10. Same here. The remaster of this movie is so beautiful that it makes you want to visit the Pacific Northwest. Maybe not small towns, or on foot, but still.
  11. I don’t know if you’re planning on opening them, but not only was that First Blood set cool, the movie looked fantastic. Can’t remember who was behind remastering it, but they did some great work.
  12. I think it looks great! Even where there was CGI or matte work (the shot of early NYC, for instance), it blends well and doesn’t stand out. It’s a beautiful movie. Can’t believe that steelbook disappeared so quickly.
  13. 78 and gorgeous in Nashville, sunny, headed to 87. No humidity and the breeze, believe it or not, is what we think of as “feels like fall coming on” in these parts. Finally got to watch the new Sleepy Hollow arrival with the kiddo last night, looks excellent. (SPOILER) I hadn’t seen it in so long I forgot about all the heads in the tree. Kind of made me laugh, the audacity and the way it was shot; my son was appropriately taken aback.
  14. Follow up question: does the “WeET” signify anything about a set where you see it? Any extra bells and whistles, does it serve as a descriptor of a certain kind of product? Regardless, I’m over here recording a song called. “WeET, There It Is”. May not get huge now but would’ve owned radio in the 90s.
  15. Thanks, guys. I’ve got a tough decision to make. Buying a house, so I need to buy less loot, but I also need a disc player that will show me some of the cool discs I picked up from other regions. I absolutely knew I was going to feel like an idiot when I got an answer to the scrolling question
  16. Nothing too fancy, but these showed up today from Kino Lorber. Three sets of cover are between the cover and the reversible artwork inside, which is pretty fancy for KL. I have to say that Ronin impressed the hell out of me earlier this year, and both of these movies look amazing (though only watched a few minutes of each to get a sense). The Train looks like someone shot it in B&W this year.
  17. Ok, I’m going to go ahead and be the new guy who asks dumb questions. 1) What does WeET stand for? 2) When using these forums, how do I jump to the last page? Currently I only see a ‘Next’ key and there are 1120 pages to scroll through! Ouch. Actual topic: I need a decent all-region bluray/4K player that has a great picture but isn’t going to cost an arm and a leg, wondering if anyone has recommendations.

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