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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by BreakBeatDJ

  1. The Killing Fields A Passage to India Broadway Danny Rose The Woman in Red Micki and Maude PARIS, TEXAS
  2. Save me a Wikipedia search . . . what else in 1984? You're gunna include Ghostbusters, right?
  3. The backs of the slips are new, correct? I think @hal56 nailed it, it's a must buy for those who missed out. Could we call this a Best Buy WWA in collaboration with CM release?
  4. Amadeus is a top 10 movie for me. We've only gotten the HDZ version. It needs a real ultra-lux premium release, maybe packaged with a newly re-mastered CD set.
  5. Bringing @Heywoodmoutaw post from other thread here so we don't bung up the Show Us thread. Thanks for posting @Heywoodmoutaw
  6. Instant buy for me. But . . . I wish they would have been a little bolder on the art choices. Not hitting me fresh. The backs of the individual slips look interesting. Still glad there's some movement, and excited to use my DeLorean to travel to 2036 when these will be ship.
  7. You just helped me make sense of every Horrorshow lyric I've ever wondered about.
  8. Wow, how time flies. I remember when you had just a tiny collection of 900. You're growing up so fast. 🤣 Looks great @ncraft
  9. I hate how much I like Top Gun Maverick.
  10. Look what we woke up to. Never seen one touch down so close.
  11. Well, I think I'm going FS for all three as they roll out. I don't need them, but I want them.
  12. Agreed. I see that one also mentioned for motion rendering, there are some fairly complicated and quick camera moves/editin that challenge a TVs ability to refresh. Not quite game specs, but def fast.
  13. Saw this . . . curious if they'll pull a Seinfeld and the last scene will be Larry annoyed with his pants tent. Whatever the finale is, I hope they go bold, creative, out of the box.
  14. yeah man, I get it. This topic comes up here regularly. What to do with cool posters. I went lobby cards for years, some beautiful stuff. But didn’t know what to do with them other than store them and rotate a few to the wall now and then. I’d rather have windows than wall space for posters myself. please put up pics, no doubt you’ve thought of some things that others haven’t. Always good to see all phases of the collectors here.
  15. Hmmmmmmmmmm . . . not sure. I still think BluFans wins. Def happy for those who have missed out on other editions. What will I get . . . the The Left Wing Edition, The Torso Edition, or The Right Wing Edition? I hear the Torso Edition gift is gunna be guano, or is that the Warner logo?
  16. My guess is you have seen all my suggestions for putting a new TV to the “Challenge”. In general, movies with high contrast and dark scenes with detail in the shadows are the first phase of evaluating a TV response. Next is motion, how fast or complicated camera moves are rendered. 1917 Blade Runner 2049 Any LoTR Trilogy The Revenant IT (2017) Dark Knight Dune (2021) Black Panther Casino Royale Barry Lyndon Lawrence of Arabia Oh Brother Where Art Though Bram Stoker’s Dracula Alien Terminator Salvation War of the Worlds Pans Labyrinth When I think of filmmakers whose movies push the dynamic range of film, I think of Kubrick, Ridley Scott and his love of shooting through haze smoke fog (and even gratuitously puts a crop duster between the camera and the car Thelma and Louise are driving), Nolan, Spielberg, Aronofsky, and others. Sort of an obvious list but maybe a place to start and will encourage others to chime in.
  17. I know there are many here who like HFR (High Frame Rate), the discussion really came about during Way of Water. Style is def changing when it comes to frame rates. My taste is still the cinematic 24-30 fps, so I use motion settings on my TV that keep that feel.
  18. You know ultimately if you are enjoying it that's all that matters. But most TVs come from the factory with something called TruMotion, or something like that, which is a simulation of a high frame rate and smoothing which can make a lot of content look like 1980s video. If you want to explore, and it's not really that hard to be honest, go to YouTube, type in Best Settings for (your TV). You will figure it out pretty easily.
  19. You're prob going to virtually smack me for saying this after all the tech info you've absorbed over the last week . . . but . . . make sure that TV is calibrated and you adjust settings. Factory settings won't do any justice to a wonderful 4k movie.
  20. My December 2023 was on par with yours . . . glad it's over. Dog had cancer and had a surgery (successful!) got a similar virus to you, then had to make a long trip to FL to do some family maintenance, got flat tire on the way back in the middle of nowhere with a spare tire that was 17 years old. Ugh. Jan 2024 has been painless and wonderful with 1 week down. I love snow. We had a major ice storm on Saturday, so not great for being out in it. I hear they have snow in the Alps, your daughter needs to learn to snowboard! 😆 Glad to have you back, this place misses your poetic musings! Hope your dad feels better.
  21. I'm with ya. My mom worked at the mall, so in the summers I'd be there for 6 hours while she worked. I'd pay once to see E.T. then hide in the bathroom and go back in and watch it again. I figure I owe Speilberg about $46.24 from seeing it for free so many times. FYI, the UHDC is the way to go for E.T. if you end up wanting a copy. I'd ask John what he wants for one, I think he has some left.
  22. Hey what happened? . . . I was watching All Activity and I saw @Casiusco was reacting to posts, then suddenly all his reactions were gone in the stream.

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