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Everything posted by Pbsw23

  1. Whoaaa!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
  2. Never said Ghostbusters was a Horror did I. ☺️ The Thing is an Alien right… which I listed as not considered. And predominantly Ghostbusters is all about…. Well Ghosts. 🤷🏼‍♂️😁 If it makes you feel any better, I suggested rated 15 and up which would have meant Ghostbusters doesn’t count. Looking forward to your submission now Mr. Bond… 😉😂
  3. I’m happy to throw this one over to Judge Squirrel. Though I am sure he will rule in your favour 👨‍⚖️🐿😁 @extantsrevenge 👆🏼
  4. The only one I would question there is The Thing - Is this a horror? Or is this a creepy Sci-fi such as Life…. Not sure. The others would all count though 👍🏼
  5. No the title isn’t important. The movies must feature one of those listed, but should be the main plot. Not just a cameo appearance. Make sense? 👍🏼 Also just to clarify, if it’s a proper “Horror” movie, then the list of ghouls etc does not apply. The specific list is to clarify that “Monsters” as a generalisation do not qualify for this challenge, IF the movie isn’t a Horror movie.
  6. Same here mate. I wanted it to be as inclusive as possible, but of course with some clear rules rather than a free for all. I think most people should still be able to participate on this one. 👍🏼
  7. To kick things off, here is my submission @extantsrevenge The first film I recall watching that “Creeped me out” was Hellraiser. I went for a sleep over at a mates house and he had a much older brother, who convinced us to watch it with him. I was about 12 and I think this was the first proper Horror I was ever subjected to. My mate, used to this kind of behaviour from his brother, took it in his stride. I on the other hand was used to watching Smokey and the Bandit and the likes, and I recall watching it with my knees in front of my face 😂 As you can tell by my submissions, I’ve never been one for Horror flicks personally, although the older I get the more I am showing an interest in them as I shy away more and more from the crash bang wallop action movies. I am a Big Monster fan, I’m just not so much into the Torture and Gore-fest’s.
  8. Challenge 7 - ‘Creepin’ it Reel’ Here comes Halloween People! This week we would like you to show us 5 different movies that are either Horror or Halloween themed. All Horror titles are of course allowed, but only 2 titles from one franchise. If you do not have any Horror titles and because it is Halloween this week, don’t panic because we are also allowing titles that prominently include the following: Witches Ghosts Vampires Skeletons Zombies Werewolves Please note that ALL other Monsters/Aliens/Creatures will NOT be considered for this Challenge. All movie formats are inclusive (BluRay, DVD, VHS etc.) And Finally, all Movie titles Must be of an age rating of 12 or above. No Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Casper the Friendly Ghost please and thank you. 👍🏼 We would like you to accompany your submission with an answer to the following question - What was the First Movie that you recall that Creeped you out? Thank you and Let’s Go! 🎃👻💀🧟‍♂️
  9. There is fella, but I think @extantsrevenge has a few other award ideas/challenges that he wants to address before coming back to stage 2 on this one. 👍🏼
  10. Do you feature anywhere, or have any Oldschool mix tapes etc. that it is possible to listen too? Im a Big Hip Hop fan which for the UK back in the day, was a little rare. Used to drive around in my first car with a battery operated (cost me a fortune in batteries) boom box on the back seat, banging out a Terminator X, Tribe Called Quest, De La etc etc. Purely because the car stereo was Shite. 😂 Also have you seen The Get Down on Netflix? Not quite true to form, but still enjoyable all the same (Produced by and features Nas vocals).
  11. I kind of want @goose_3387 to make me a banner using these Movie Fonts for each of my letters now 😁👌🏼
  12. Challenge 6 Not sure if the Challenge Police will allow the ‘3’ on this one, but wanted to go with an actual number rather than simply go “Uhhhhh.. T so Thor, Transformers, Tremor's, Top Gun” etc etc etc. Too easy that way. P - Predator (Black Barons) B - Batman Begins (Blufans) S - Spider-Man (WeET) W - Wonder Woman (Mantalab) 2 - 2 Fast 2 Furious (DVD) 3 - Season 3 of Lost (Taken from the complete Boxset) So surely Everyone on here knows by now that my name is Peanut Butter SandWich right @Hollywood E Rock??!! 😂👍🏼 If only it was that interesting. 😁 P is for Paul, BSW are taken from my surname, and 23 is my lucky number. In terms of nicknames (and I’ve had a few over the years) my old band members used to joke and call me Mr.23 due to an affinity with wearing clothing etc. with 23 on it. That’s been going on since I was about 8 years old, so long before Beckham and the likes made it more popular.
  13. Challenge 5 We all see a lot of chatter on sites just like this one about “Grails”. To be honest with you, this whole ideology makes me groan and whiffs just a little bit of one up-man ship. It only ever seems to be the person who owns it, that is the one branding it a grail, as if they have lived and survived raiders of the lost ark. In most cases of these so called grails, I’m not even a fan of the movie so I am afraid it rolls right over head. But… each to their own of course, and it is always nice to see people so excited about owning something that means so much to them as individuals. I guess I hate the way that a grail has to come with a ridiculous price tag. So, let’s drop the price tag and even the low numbers games for a moment, and therefore if a grail was to be purely based on what is dear to you, then for me this is my grail. It’s not even a Premium (I know this doesn’t count @Gary K 😁) It’s just a WWA mass produced steelbook, so what’s the big deal? The deal is, in 2012 this movie rocked my world. I fell in love with it instantly. 4 story lines coming together to create this cracker of a movie. Absolute game changer. Then I discovered something special was available for this movie, and I soon came to learn it was called a Steelbook. Who knew?! I simply had to have one of these. After spending quite some time searching and watching on eBay, I finally made my move on a sealed copy, and thus a new obsession was born. Fast forward a couple of years and like everyone else, I now have quite a collection of these Steelbooks. These “rare” awesome collectors versions of Blu rays. And then, one day on twitter a steelbook collector I used to follow posts a pic… WTF is that?! 😵That’s Amazing!! It was Novamedia’s first foray into their Collection line. Again, I have to have it! Where did it come from? How do I get one? Once again, eBay was to become my saviour. After discovering that the steelbook inside was in fact the same one as the copy I already owned (WWA) I decided to keep it sealed, and despite being a big believer in opening editions, this one remains sealed today. After all, it is the first Nova Choice release. Not long after this, a fellow collector tells me about Forums that run GB’s and not only that, but there are releases out there that are True premiums and contain Exclusive steelbooks! I discover Blu fans, Kimchi and Film Arena. Then, I hear about a new fun site that’s starting up called Media Psycho’s. Having never been on any forum before, let alone join a GB, I sign up to what was MPv1 and proudly become the 56th member. My first ever GB was now an Upgrade on my previous “grail”! I have officially become a Fullslip collector and immediately joined the “I want a complete MCU matching Fullslip line” clan. At this point I think we only had about 8 movies in the MCU in existence, and I put my money on Nova. Little did I know that this gravy train would come to an awkward end (and haven’t they all 😒). This was my first ever WEA. As I say, I had now had my eyes widened to this amazing, seemingly secret world of collecting. I found out that I had missed Film Arena’s release of Ghost Rider, even though I did have the WWA steelbook housed inside. But now I’m not a steelbook collector, I’m a Premium Fullslip collector, and I have to have it!! Hello eBay my old friend (enabler). Let’s go and find me another upgrade shall we? Now at this point regarding my early MP GB’s, I went a little crazy (as we all do) and seemed to be joining most GB’s. Since that time, I have come to my senses a little and have actually sold majority of those on. Off the top of my head, I am thinking about Kimchi’s Spectre, Deadpool and Apocalypse, Nova’s first line of John Wicks (non 4K) among many others. Spectre was my first Premium Non-Marvel release, and in all honesty I am struggling to recall what came next. This one though is a Non Marvel that I also had to have. Keaton is my fav actor, and I would love to have a complete works by him in Full slip editions. Seems unlikely, but maybe one day. So, that’s 4 premiums across 2 retailers right? As I say, by this stage I was buying up Steelbooks like a fat boy in a cake shop, and it honestly all becomes a bit of a blur. But I do have this, which was also via an MP GB and I believe was back in 2016. Much like the Nova Choice first release, there was no way I was going to miss out on another First when it was Marvel. Again, because it has a WWA steelbook inside of which I already have, and because it’s a first release for Manta, it remains sealed. Other firsts that I have such as Manta Exclusive MOS and WeET Exclusive Civil War, both had WEA so they are of course opened and enjoyed. Thanks @Gary K for the challenge. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Thanks @extantsrevenge for the nudge before the deadline. 👍🏼 Thanks @Masterblaster for enabling myself and so many others to go on this journey. 🤘🏼
  14. To be honest @Noir21 I’m not clear myself, which is why I haven’t submitted my submission for stage one yet 😂👍🏼
  15. Mate, it’s sooooooo bad, that it in no way resembles anything like Winnie the Pooh! 😂 Just men with masks on pretty much. 🤣
  16. WTF have I just watched?! Whyyyyyy… Avoid, Swerve, Forget 🤦‍♂️
  17. Sign me up, where’s the pre-order 😁
  18. Dude, I looked at my Marvels as well, there’s actually quite a few but I am a little saddened that you didn’t go with the obvious... 😁
  19. @extantsrevenge Ok, this the last thing I will say on this matter I swear 😁 But I can think of Plenty of Psychos on here who collect 1-clicks. That is regardless of what the movie even is. Hell, @DodgyDave has two 1-clicks/maniac boxes of movies he doesn’t even like! 🤣 Therefore, are you really a “Big Fan”? Or are you just a collector. For me it really should be releases, not versions of the same release. You wouldn’t allow 3 of the same 1/4 slips, yet essentially it’s the same thing? Same steel book inside, same disc inside. And lastly, you may as well now go and give everyone who has the 1-click award this award right? That’s it, rant over and I’ll get back in my box now… Love you. 🙌🏼😁
  20. But even that’s going to be yet another comedy ☹️ Sure it will be decent though! 🤞🏼 I’m personally looking forward to Black Panther, Secret Wars, Daredevil & Armour Wars over the third Guardians. Also looking forward to Kang in Quantumania. I am Not particularly looking forward to The Marvels or The Thunderbolts.

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