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★Gold Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by MikeH5856

  1. Yep, that’s what I’m planning. I’ll be calling on Monday to complain.
  2. Good luck! Our 6yo is pretty fast to fall asleep, but the 4yo… Jesus… that kid’s a freaking night owl and responds to any movement. We gotta be real damn sure he’s actually asleep, otherwise he springs up like a damn Jack-in-the-box if we so much as breathe too deeply.
  3. Just gotta vent since I'm soooo freaking annoyed right now! Best Buy sent out my order with Femme Fatale, Beverly Hills Cop II, and Escape from New York, and it was supposed to be delivered today. Even woke up to a nice Out For Delivery notification in my email! But, since my postal carrier is a complete freaking idiot (usually they give all our mail to one of our neighbors, on the off chance they bother to deliver it at all), and instead of delivering the package with the rest of today's mail, I got a nice notice from Best Buy saying that my package has been returned!!!! So, I've re-ordered everything from Amazon since they have their own delivery fleet and the odds are low that my movies would be coming through the dummies at my local post office. Now I just have to hope that USPS is actually able to deliver the returned shipment so I can get my refund! Not that I'll be holding my breath given the incompetence at my branch. And of course they're now closed for the day, since it's almost 8PM on a Saturday, and they're closed tomorrow. So aggravating.
  4. Started watching Uncharted with the wife last night, but the 4yo refused to sleep and we got a late start on the flick. We passed out with 40 minutes to go, so we’ll be finishing that tonight. Hopefully, anyway, if the kids allow it…
  5. I feel like I'm already there! If not, I'm definitely ready to be! 🤣
  6. As a fairly new member and former-total newbie to group buys, the last year or so has been a nice learning experience for me, especially now that invoices are coming in! I joined the HDZETA gb for Snyder’s Justice League when it was announced last year, got the invoice this year, had a slew of others that I joined, and scored a couple titles in the End of Year sale. I’m even almost, finally!, out of probation and now have a handful of paid titles I’m looking forward to receiving and this securing my 3-Buys membership here. I’ve signed up for a broad array of titles — a couple OC, a DL here, a FS there — and now that invoices are coming around I have a much better idea of how to budget going forward and controlling myself in the face of “OOOOH SHINY!” disease or the “gotta catch ‘em all!” collector’s mentality. I have no idea what prices were like a year or two ago. I do remember wishing the prices were made clear at the outset, and it’s nice to see those occasional price tags on some of the group buys. But now that I have a collection of invoices behind me, I can better prepare moving forward. This is a new hobby for me, and it has yet to lose any of its shine for me. But, I can certainly understand why you might want to move on/away from it. It certainly isn’t cheap! And once you stop having fun or find it too much of a burden, it’s time to move on. I’m going to (try to) limit myself to those MUST HAVE titles for me, and I really doubt I’ll be doing any blind buys because of the costs involved. I do feel like I’ll be around for a while, though. Especially now that the youngest is just about out of daycare and onto kindergarten! 😂😂😂
  7. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    I’m just glad we’re getting another movie. I wasn’t sure if Legacy’s contract was up or not for Godzilla. I guess we’ll find out as more details come out. I remember rumors of a Son of Kong flick shortly after GvK released, so we’ll see.
  8. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    I don’t think it’s actually going to be Godzilla vs Kong, tbh. I think that title is just a short-hand way of trades announcing stuff without knowing any plot details or the actual title. Time will tell, of course! Personally, I was hoping for a straight-up Kong movie, but I have no objections to a Godzilla-Kong team up. They did name drop Area 51 in the last movie, so maybe Space Godzilla makes his Legacy debut here! 😂
  9. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Great news on both pieces! I'm ready for that Manta Lab steelbook of GvK2 now! 🤣
  10. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    As if I wasn't already dying to see DUNE PART 2! This is gonna be amazing!
  11. You should follow the Notice of Groupbuy In Update Phase Thread... You'll get an email alert when the group buy goes live. As far as I know, nobody know when the group buys will actually go live. So far, all Manta Lab has done is announce their forthcoming releases, but release dates are all still TBA. Sounds like 2001 will be up next (after The Matrix Resurrections, I think). This is what was posted on their Instagram page. I would expect it to be a short while before we have word on a group buy for The Batman.
  12. Good luck! I hope my browser’s translator handled their pages OK! 😂
  13. I definitely need to! I do have the disc...just not the time... So of course I just buy more movies to fill the gap. 🤣
  14. Oh, that's OK! If it makes you feel better, I still haven't seen Hereditary...
  15. Yep, that one's a beauty. I was hoping A24 would release something similar for X, but haven't seen anything pop up there yet. The German mediabook is good enough for me now, although I'm guessing I'll be double-dipping if A24 does, in fact, end up doing their own 4K edition.
  16. Doesn't look like I can order from Amazon.de so fingers crossed I don't have any issues with the Capelight shop. Payment went through OK, so I guess we'll see!
  17. Midsommar (director's cut), if you like a slow-burn and have 3 hours to spare. Good stuff!
  18. Honestly not sure - this'll be a blind buy for me, haven't seen it aside from the trailer. BUT, the parental guide on IMDB does rate it as severe, with very gory kills. It doesn't sound like it'll be all that subtle! 🤣
  19. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    I'm a sucker for mediabooks - still got my blu-ray copies of Batman and Jaws, and I really dug what they did with the German mediabooks for Running Man and Benedetta even if I can't read any of what's in there! 🤣
  20. I gotta admit, X will be a blind-buy import for me, but given all the positive buzz I've heard it certainly sounds right up my alley.
  21. Well, my morning is off to a good start so far! I pre-ordered the French limited edition 4K steelbook of Event Horizon from FNAC and will start scouring for the German 4K mediabook release of Ti West's X that's due out in September.
  22. MikeH5856

    Movie News

    Ti West's X is getting a 4K German Mediabook release from Capelight. Looks like I'll be skipping the US blu-ray release to import this one in September. Should be available to order now at various German retailers, including Amazon.de. https://twitter.com/cplght/status/1524019887139696640?s=20&t=8jcB2uLGgmC2NsrplKw7CA

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