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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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Everything posted by tr0llhatt

  1. I spy with my little eye Space Above and Beyond! That thing needs a remake, much more so than Battlestar Galactica (❤️). Lovely!
  2. My latest EMS from China took 2 weeks to get to Norway, that's down from a month in transit earlier this year.
  3. There's no until for this, streaming can do it today (Sonys Bravia Core service is pretty much disc video quality), it's just not practical as it takes ludicrous amounts of bandwidth and thereby cost. For older stuff streaming is the best we're going to get quality wise (Babylon 5 is a good example), good AI upscaling can improve on it somewhat, but it can only do so much. A physical Bluray release is not exactly guaranteed quality either, see the recentish Bluray release of my favorite Stargate SG-1 which is atrocious with all detail DNRd (digital noise reduction) to death. Granted, movies usually have a better track record here than TV shows, but still, when the DVDs of 10 years ago is better quality than the Bluray... No thank you, I'll pick and choose what to keep for my viewing pleasure - be that digital or pysical. I will however, continue to grab physical editions of things I enjoy - I am a boxwhore after all
  4. On behalf of my actual Swedish brothers and sisters.... I am deeply offended! Mob justice is coming for you my friend 😈
  5. There's also this: So things should improve for them in the future..... hopefully maybe.
  6. But of course, they would only do titles I deem worthy and in the funkiest packagings! And yes, someone needs to make it happen... take some responsibility so the world can become a (much) better place 😇
  7. Simple enough, HUB for Norway - and so you can henceforth just call me by my rightful title 'Master' 😂 Now, what that SNES pad does in there I haven't the faintest about. But gaming is cool so it's ok!
  8. You know you want it @Intentcoin, you can't resist
  9. Somebody please tell Koch to release some bloody pictures already! It's just shy of a month away and theres zip, nada, ingenting, nichego, niets NOTHING! ;(
  10. Yeeeees @Fortis93, I am the alpha AND the omega! Bow before me! ...and so on
  11. I think invoices are generally done by HUB so US members are invoiced in 1 group, GER in another and so on. Never worry, yours WILL come
  12. I've only seen Jaws once and not any of the sequels, so I'm actually okay with the chosen art. Looks properly terrifying
  13. Seems like an absolute spectacle of a movie judging by the trailer Never been much into Asian cinema, so good thing UC is doing some stuff to enlighten my ignorant viking ass.
  14. I got the special edition back from when it was released, can't for the life of me remember where I got it though. It's one of exceedingly few DVD releases I still have

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