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Everything posted by Mad-martigan

  1. evening, @Veum! I do enjoy westerns. My grandfather would mostly watch 3 things on tv: bull fighting, soup operas and westerns. I know, extrange mix. He used to say: "The rush is for thieves and bad bullfighters". "I like to do things calmly, thats why I work at the cemetery". Poor thing, didnt have much of a choice. He got measles in his early twenties and as a result hemiplegia for life. Kids used to make fun of him because of the way he was walking, almost dragging one leg, which looked like, well, a zombie. He never seemed to care. He had a small countryside house with some farm animals and fruit trees. "Dont worry, boy. when Im gone, I wont come back from my grave. But you will still have to collect the figs!" Anyhow, fortunately I did only inherited the taste for spaguetti westerns. I did watch quite a few with him, including one of his favorites: and one of mine: god, I loved that one as a kid! and the sequel. And of course, the most famous blue-eyed native american indian of all 😄 As per the second selection you posted, Night of the living dead had to be in my early criterion collection! That movie and I have come a long way. I still have it engraved on my retina when I saw Bill Hinzman for the first time (6-7 years). Terrifying and captivating at the same time. love at first sight! I also have another movie that you suggested as well. And I take good note of the rest of your recomendations. Thank you!
  2. @Grendel I've been wanting to order Troll the complete collection from Eureka for few days now but Im not sure which retailer will sell the edition with slip? I had a disappointment last week when I received my copy of "viilage of then Damned" collectors edition from shout factory via wowhd and I found out "naked", no slip cover. Now Im a bit wary...
  3. Very nice starterkit you have there @pygospa!! I know is good because I also got mine very recently, (probably like you, taking opportunity of criterion sales?) and we have several matches. 😉 It was very long due, to be honest, and I finally stepped in, now that the steelbook fever is finally receding (a bit 😅) and I can diversify my collection. Not everything has to be right?? I havent started my "kit" yet, but I know 12 angry men is going to be the first one. I will post a picture of my picks at some point. Enjoy your Criterion "collection"!!
  4. I can see myself starting a pension plan b at some point in future..
  5. @Grendel I personally like both movies. 31 might be the worse of Rob's flicks mainly because of the "seen before/been there already" feeling, but thats a common ground in the arena of slasher films by now. That familiarity goes both ways and I dont mind to be reminded of where Iam: Rob Zombie's territory. Richard Brake easily the best piece in the "game", and Sheri Moon well, we all know her virtues and weaknesses 😉. She definitely fits better the histrionic, Harley Quinn type of character, isnt she?? With regards to Lords of Salem, although not his best, I think is very underrated. Its funny, because some detractors of 31 (often criticizing the lack of new elements) are also fast drawers to dismiss the experimentation effords in LoS, where Rob's finally deviates from his particular formula. I appreciate his incursion into the supernatural.
  6. I agree about the title @Grendel. Maybe they didnt want to get confused with a leaf on the wind? By the way, I DO have that futurepak, together with this 2 friends 😎
  7. I already have the perfect candidate to test the North american HUB route for crossing the pond...
  8. I havent watched it yet, but 1000 corpses and devil's rejects are just So hopefully 3 from hell wont be as bad as to spoil the Firefly trilogy for me 🤞 And that steelbook...
  9. That leaves wowhd out of the equation, and to be honest, probably all of the rest. You might find decend or good enough packaging, but excellent, not so sure. But maybe Im wrong. Although, having said that, I ordered steelbooks several times from wowhd and so far so lucky. But yes, is a roulette. I dont have any experience with diabolikdvd, but In the past I read that they use bubble mailer for individial items. Perhaps someone else can comment on that.
  10. Same here. Everything has a purpose: to please my unappeasable, uncontrollable, voracious, prodigious, gluttonous, greedy, hungry, ravenous, wolfish, avid, eager, keen, inner Gollum. My ebay balance is as follows: sold = 0 Buys =
  11. all boxes ticked. Great art work too. There is so much stuff out there Im interested in that is difficult to keep up! I have some editions from shout factory but there are many more in my list. Now I must add this one as well! 👍
  12. I know I will end up with more editions of Casino and Goodfellas. hopefully..Manta 🙏 I have many titles with multiples editions (too many, depending who you ask). In same cases so many editions that already looks like a bloody shrine more than anything! 😅 Joe Pesci alone is well worth it, if you ask me.
  13. I have enough to battle with my inner conflicts, man! so please, will you? 😝
  14. seriously now, I would consider the canadian (I think it is?) steelbook until anything better comes along *for swapping, I mean
  15. With Casino edition I did favour CM over everythingblu (still waiting to get it though 😆) , so if we get a very nice +/- "matching" slip on this one, I will probably get it as well.
  16. Not what I was hoping for...the tie..sorry but no. Overall, too much reminiscence of another failed oportunity (to me) at least no teeth this time around!
  17. Maybe I DID overreacted...a little?? I didnt mean to sound aggresive, honest. Im not aggresive, just too passionate sometimes (latin blood?)
  18. Good morning psychos and happy Sunday!!! Best day hands down. Another extremely busy week at work. Good for business but not so good for other (often more important) things. I havent been to hairdresser yet, and people are starting to whisper in the waiting room. I wonder why? I dont mind, life is too short to worry about little gossips So Im off to enjoy this little oasis of free/quality time ready for the sun enjoy the good weather and have a great one!!!

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