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Posts posted by atomicblonde

  1. 16 hours ago, nefilim said:

    Awesome haul !1f44d.png

    Thank you so much!!

    46 minutes ago, 45Caliber said:

    @atomicblonde You're on a tear! I'm liking that Hostel. That's one of the problems on here, I see stuff I wouldn't have thought to look for that I now have to get. 

    I have no chill... and a little too much spare change at the moment after the old house sold lol. I'm getting fairly down though so what's coming is probably what's left, aside from some extras from Masterblaster and then GB buys. And I'm the same way!!! I didn't even know a Hostel steelbook existed until I saw someone else's collection, and then found it while scoping out Zavvi's steelbooks. 90% of the buys in my latest haul and in general are from finding them in someone else's steelbook collection or "latest" steelbook thread and then I die inside. ? And today I got an eBay alert for "as above so below filmarena" and it was $299.00 brand new and I ran to eBay so fast ready to buy it now only to see it was the amaray I already have (and only paid about 75 pounds for) so I was over it lol. I actually got a few more steels in the mail today that I took pics of but forgot to send to myself, so you'll see more of my dum dum self not chilling in a few minutes here. ?

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  2. Another day another haul!! I still haven't taken pictures of the steelbooks from Utah but I'm being lazy lol (that and I think I'm gonna return a few due to quality of the steels and overexcited buys -- like why did I buy the Underworld pop art steels... they're so ugly and not even worth $9.99 a piece lol.. I'll hold out for a premium release and return these). I'll probably get to them eventually, but a pile of all of my new steels is growing!

    Now onto my haul! I'll actually do a short lil list of info this time. Antichrist Lenticular (just a simple little special edition, not a steelbook) is from a seller on eBay. The Hostel steelbook is from Zavvi. The Shallows Black Barons, Krampus Filmarena, The Huntsman: Winter's War Black Barons, and As Above So Below Filmarena amaray are all from @Zeefy! And last but not least, my beautiful Gone Girl Blufans lenti is from @PRIAPISM :) 

    Maybe the AASB Filmarena amaray will fill the void of me not having my biggest hope and dream steelbook wise aka the AASB Filmarena steelbook until my lucky day comes (if it ever comes) where I get to own the steelbook, too! One of my favorite movies easily. Just rewatched it the other day. Really going to treasure this AASB amaray, not even sure I'll even bother opening it.. At least not until after I move early next year so it doesn't get damaged! I'm also glad to get the Black Barons copy of The Huntsman: Winter's War as I have the 4K version from Best Buy and I'm not a big fan of it. Might sell it now since I really like the Black Barons better and don't really need a duplicate there.

    Anyway I'm still VERY VERY excited and I still have SO many on the way... Keep hoping for more surprises, just very excited Zeefy's finally arrived as I just wanted to hold the AASB amaray so bad lol.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, Masterblaster said:

    we are getting there slowly but surely .. 

    that was one of my main concerns to have the tiers stages ready ...

    i guess all i can do is apologize .. 

    If you want we can give you a Giftcard for the GB Fee (s) / thats also an idea ...

    just over worked LOL

    No worries :D

    I'm sure I'll have plenty more on the way anyway by the time it's fully implemented LOL

  4. 12 hours ago, 45Caliber said:

    Just curious about the Credits / Vouchers to be applied to Group Buys from memberships. Are these active yet?


    I just had 3 invoices with only 2 specifying there was a GB fee? I have (and will have) plenty more to apply them to, but was wondering how it would work.

    @Scary Hair @Masterblaster @DodgyDave

    I was wondering the same because I definitely could've used it on my Kimchi Captain Americas or honestly any of the GBs I've had coming up for payment lol.

  5. 29 minutes ago, extantsrevenge said:

    @atomicblonde great new finds, keep em coming ?

    Thank you so much!! It means a lot to hear that :D I have PLENTY more on the way so I'll probably keep updating this as I go. Crazy to think how much my collection has expanded in the span of only maybe 2 weeks or so now! It's very nice to share finds with people who pop in and genuinely appreciate them! It's one thing I absolutely love about this hobby. :)

  6. 4 minutes ago, 45Caliber said:


    Great haul. I'm talking to a guy now to get an Alien at cost (he ordered 3) because I cancelled my preorder and like all BB steels lately, it's impossible to get now.

    Yet again I'll have triple-dipped now on a movie I didn't love. The book in the Target digibook is pretty sweet, though,

    Thank you!! I honestly wasn't planning on getting Alien from Best Buy after the Mantalab pictures were released and I signed up for the one click on that GB. I even didn't plan to get the Filmarena one whatsoever until they showed pictures of the steel and eventually the editions and I gave in. Same happened with this one! I just really like the embryo sort of design for some reason and that it's unique. :P I don't know how the deal is going but if you check eBay there are some that are only like $5-$8 over the original price (shipping included in that overage). I almost went for one because I'm super lazy but opted against it and now I'm glad I did since Kong was there and all. Unless the cheaper copies have sold out now that collectors know it's out of stock at Best Buy and rushed to buy it like me lol.

    I'm triple dipping not even counting the plain bluray copy. But now I feel like an idiot because I didn't realize Target is doing a digibook and I just got a plain old slipcover copy at Best Buy today. A part of me is too lazy to bother returning it anyway haha. I hope you find a copy of the steelbook at a decent price though!! :D 

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  7. Thank you all for such kind words!!! And MP DOES friggin rock. Can't imagine getting JW2 or Sucker Punch or Her or honestly ANY of the ones I got from John for even halfway decent prices anywhere else. It's all thanks to John! And I have so many in the mail from out of country that I'm dying while waiting for now lol.

    I went steelbook shopping big time at two Best Buys in Utah (which I visited last weekend) but I haven't gotten around to taking pictures of those because I'm lazy, so I'll take pictures of those probably tomorrow or Monday. But for now here's my haul from one of the Best Buys I visited locally this morning. I had to drive about 20 miles away to pick up the last available copy of the Alien: Covenant steelbook I had held as well as the Transformers steelbook I had held at another Best Buy as well. I couldn't believe it because I found the Kong: Skull Island steelbook at one of them!! I have been checking the Best Buy page for it religiously to see if any stores within 250 miles had it whatsoever, and I even checked while I was in Utah if anywhere there had it (they didn't). But I got very lucky and as I went to check out, it was just sitting there (only one left) in the new releases section in the front and I grabbed it so happily! No eBay prices for me!!

    All in all I'm very very happy because it seems both Alien: Covenant and Kong: Skull Island went out pretty fast. And I got some bargains on some of them too! ?

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  8. 12 minutes ago, 45Caliber said:

    @atomicblonde That is a truly epic haul and congratulations on getting your grail! How do you top it? Only time will tell, I guess. 1f609.png

    It makes me a little nervous when @Masterblaster says he has just about anything because my list continues to grow.

    Thank you so much!!! ? I know exactly how I top it lol... I have two other massive grails and one I'm for sure getting from Masterblaster and another is... going to empty my pockets a bit I'm sure but if I can get my hands on it it'll be worth it and I'll probably be screaming about it in here lol.

    And I know what you mean!! I already messaged him about a few more I became interested in and of course he had them ?  I'm kicking myself though because I stupidly bought Resident Evil: The Final Chapter HDZeta from eBay instead of asking John first. Could've gotten matching numbers for Passengers and Resident Evil if I knew ? And more money is surely going out the window VERY soon from me to him lol. Stay strong!!! And don't be my dumb self lol

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  9. I waited anxiously by the door today to ensure the mailman didn't try to run off without ringing the doorbell lol... And I finally got my most anticipated package from Mr @Masterblaster himself! @PRIAPISM @45Caliber @extantsrevenge and if I forgot anyone I'm so sorry!

    My ultimate grail aka Sucker Punch boxset is officially mine along with many others I badly wanted to get my hands on :D The one that surprised me the most is the Cinderella Kimchidvd lenti.. the lenti is SO pretty and SO cool! I still can barely handle myself and I probably won't shut up about this one for awhile!! I love this site!!! And I included my new fancy MP card in my last Sucker Punch boxset picture ?

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    • Thanks 2
  10. 18 hours ago, Masterblaster said:

    i have some HDZ Tripack Jurrasic with the Stainless Steel plate on the front ... 

    got proberbly JUST about ANYTHING BUT i am running lower and lower and lowwwwwer ... 

    sure just shoot me a pm i can let you know if i have it... 

    but i am very happy for you to see a collector get so wound up over the steels... its been quit some time since i have saw that from me LOL

    Take care



    You have pretty much everything ever and it's a big reason why I bother asking you first lol. I may update my wish list/looking for list frequently but part of me is always like "please let Masterblaster have it ?" (also will I ever call you John? Probably not considering I love saying "Masterblaster" out loud lol)

    I get TOO wound up... I no joke cancelled an appointment for today purely because I knew my package from you with signature confirmation was coming and I didn't want to miss it LOL

    MP started this craze for me!!

    18 hours ago, 45Caliber said:

    I'm glad for you, really. I think I've only bought 1 steel from Ebay and that was the damaged Ghost in the Shell (opened). Bought Cars SB from a 3rd party seller on Amazon and that was dented, but it was sealed with the original stickers and the dent was behind the j-card. The damaged stuff I've been getting from Ebay are CDs and DVDs scratched to hell and unplayable; sometimes shrinkwrapped and listed as new, but clearly used merchandise that was reshrunk. Even the retailers do this, which drives me nuts. You'll buy stuff new and the amaray case will be melted from the heat gun they used to reshrink it! Getting stuff from Amazon or Best Buy is always a gamble. This sucks for Best Buy steels because most are sold out on release day (like Alien this week). Amazon's merch is generally wider distro, but they're not real keen on returns with minor damage. I've read people blogging about getting their accounts locked for returning too many actually damaged items.

    No judgement. I've said before, there are far worse addictions to have. I'd buy much more if I could, but too many other expenses of late and I stay under the radar (budget-wise) as long as I don't go too crazy. 1f601.png Yeah, please tag. I can live vicariously through your excited buys!

    Amazon... is my worst nightmare lol. Got a brand new CD that came cracked recently. I'm an Amazon Prime member but I get nervous about the steelbooks. They have some Disney ones pretty cheap but I worry about packaging. That's terrible that people try to sell it as new when it's not!! And Best Buy IS a gamble. That's why my desperate self will be driving 20 miles to pick up the Alien: Covenant bluray steelbook along with the Transformers steelbook probably this Saturday lol. I already have them both on hold for me. I have a problem! Hahaha. And yeah I've heard that too, that's why I'm really glad I haven't gotten many damaged items or ill fitting items either.

    Very true!!! I'd buy more too but I have limits and those limits are my credit card limits ?? Nah but I've gotten most of my most wanted, only really finding a few more and participating in GBs but otherwise I'm probably tapped out until Christmas time or January :P And thank you!! Everybody saying I'm wound up I'm glad you can tell my excitement because I really am just like !!!!! 90% of the time about everything. ?

    17 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:

    @atomicblonde great additions, and nice to see you enjoy this hobby 1f601.png Now I'm also excited to see what you might get from @Masterblaster That must be an impressive haul.

    Thank you so much!! ? I'm in love with this hobby as of late, I'm pretty much consumed. And now that you mention it!!! I'm going to make a separate post so the people I tag don't have to wade through this one :P 

  11. Just now, Masterblaster said:

    @atomicblonde you should always buy where you feel comfortable BUT what you could do in the future .. is try a member here before ebay LOL

    Once the module is up i promise you it will be amazing and simple to use , as simple as 1 2 3 .....

    Take care


    ps now im off to bed ... 

    I know I know, it's totally my fault lol. But the Jurassic Parks from Filmarena were calling my name..... And I gave in LOL. 

    In all honesty 90% of the time I just feel like pming you and just being like "do you have this? you do? of course you do. great, I'll take it. add it to the list and let's do this" lol.

    And I can't wait! Sleep well by the way! :D

  12. 36 minutes ago, 45Caliber said:

    I'll tell you, I've gotten so much stuff in bad shape lately from US retailers and EBay sellers, that it's a thrill to get those packages from @Masterblaster with the merchandise in pristine condition, packed as if it were a Fabergé egg. It's the difference of getting stuff from a fellow collector vs. a low wage warehouse worker or dirtbag scalper.

    The main reason I was happy to get my card today is so I can give credit where it's due to the source of my newly prized acquisitions!

    Really? :( I've gotten VERY lucky... Three out of the four I posted in the prior pic to the one above were from one (actually REASONABLE) seller on eBay. They bubblewrapped the life out of them and they were super awesome. Awesome enough that when I get money again later this week or early next week I'll probably buy a couple more from them. :P I have tons more on the way, I had to feed some scalpers their overpriced prices because I was desperate to get some newly found grails. I'm really hoping nothing comes messed up. I trust Mr. @Masterblaster with my items, it's a big reason why I took comfort in blowing nearly a grand with him this past week lmao... No judgement lol.... And he has more on hold for me that we're gonna sort out after he deals with forum software stuff :D I'll have to tag you when I get my shipment tomorrow, I already promised PRIAPISM that I'd tag him. I have some crazy grails on the way from another country too and I didn't have to spend a fortune... I have good karma on my side lately lol!

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  13. Forgive the cruddy iPhone pictures (I'll take better pictures of the front and back of all four tomorrow hopefully) but I just got home from a 10 hour drive from Utah back to Arizona. Came home to these in the mailbox and it was very exciting!! Monsters Inc direct from Zavvi, the other three from a seller on eBay that had prices that were pretty awesome. I'm sure more are on their way this week, I'll be dying until my box from Masterblaster arrives :P 

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  14. On 8/11/2017 at 4:25 PM, 45Caliber said:

    I can't seem to get a copy of this that isn't damaged beneath the j-card (gone through 3 now).

    I inspected what I could see and got very lucky with no visible dents or marks on the front or the spine. I'm out of state right now but I'll get back to you on whether there's damage beneath the j-card or not. I'm hoping I get lucky because these and the regular bluray steel copy sold out once already and reappeared again recently.

    On 8/12/2017 at 5:16 AM, nefilim said:

    You got 4K gear in you home theater ?

    Nope, and I don't have a home theater yet sadly. I'll probably work on setting one up when I make the move out of state early next year. But I picked up this copy because it was the last one left, no regular bluray steelbook for this one except the "check stores" option on Best Buy and it was out of stock for the 250 miles surrounding my zip code. No luck, I swear lol.

    Alsoooo I have so many steelbooks on the way so expect many more posts, especially after I get home on Monday :D 

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  15. 13 minutes ago, 45Caliber said:

    Oops, I forgot about the engraving. @Masterblaster @DodgyDave. I emailed support@mediapsychos.com about the $30 PayPal payment I made to sales@mediapsychos.com for Gold. Can I just get $5 back for the downgrade to Silver + username engraving or do I need to do a full refund and repay $25?

    Just a heads up that they're not doing username engraving anymore and it was just with the original introduction, but Masterblaster said they should be doing it again in January of 2018. I have to get refunded $5 since I paid extra for engraving :P

    • Thanks 1
  16. 59 minutes ago, 45Caliber said:

    Yeah, I just went ahead and bought it in the store, because the "# available" had dropped over the last few days. It went from 15 to 9 now.

    I wanted to contribute for the help I've gotten from everyone lately and the perks don't hurt either, though it's also unclear when MB points are to be live.

    Thank you for the heads up!! I'm gonna get myself a gold membership as soon as I get paid tomorrow or Saturday!

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  17. 1 hour ago, 45Caliber said:

    Perhaps a silly question, but for certainty, is the Gold I just ordered through the store one & the same, despite the "Sold Out" announcement?

    Also, will I be able to apply the GB benefit to forthcoming invoices?

    I was wondering the same as I was planning on buying that gold membership in the store but it says sold out here? It's very confusing. If gold is completely sold out I hope they reopen it soon as I'm not sure if I want to get silver now or wait until I can get gold if the gold membership in the store isn't valid.

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