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Posts posted by atomicblonde

  1. 1 hour ago, Pradheep said:

    This has to be updated. Anyone? @Benoit46


    All of the lists for all of the retailers need severe updating. Benoit is busy (he handles a big part of the GBs) so probably the wrong one to tag. But any mod, super mod, and admin can edit the topics. The admins are too busy, I'd say the super mods might be too, but maybe a mod could take this on. I'm sure @extantsrevenge could do it as he posts a lot of old releases, I'm sure he could round them up. Or maybe @scrface87 or @DParadigm!

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  2. 17 minutes ago, 45Caliber said:

    I'm with @extantsrevenge that there's way too much writing everywhere and I've never liked that weird art on the lenti. Why are those characters all in a bedroom together? It's doesn't make any sense at all. The only one they didn't botch with writing they ruined by putting Uma's feet on the back. I hate feet like Indy hates snakes. I may need a lenti magnet to cover the back.


    & @DodgyDave, how is it you only like his worst movie (H8, the only one I won't even buy an Amaray of) and a movie he didn't direct? 1f600.png


    Agreed. That full slip is ruined by Tarantino’s foot fetish. I still want it just for the front with Uma but I haaaaate the feet. They’re so out of place too

    • Like 2
  3. 55 minutes ago, Steel_Doing_It said:

    Thanks for the response. I'm sure something great is gonna be thought of since there's so much greatness already going on around here. What came to my head was maybe set it up like a group buy with all gold members in the appropriated tier only access forum and silver,bronzes member set up the same way. So we all can follow when dues are needed and follow tier business.  Possibly also if there's openings on different level tiers, the tier below gets exclusive access to level up. Hope this makes sense lol. Just a thought. 

    Thank you.


    The tiers below already get exclusive access to level up. Many silvers upgraded to gold the last time around (I was one of them). Silvers get first crack at Gold, then bronze, then regular members. There will be a topic/announcement up when gold membership registration is open and while everyone is allowed to post to ask for gold per se, silver has first priority and then bronze second. So if you have silver come time that gold has spots open up, you'll have the first chance at it along with other silver members :)

    • Like 2
  4. 16 hours ago, 45Caliber said:

    As a standalone set, Manta's editions are the clear winner in that they are all distinct from each other (as opposed to HDZ); but since there's no art here I don't already have elsewhere, I can't be very excited.


    I'm with you all the way. Only thing is I'm skipping HDZ JL since it's waaaay too cluttered in design and the designs are way too alike too. Just waiting to see if I want to go full monty with a one click or if I'll get just the lenti!

  5. 1 hour ago, Pradheep said:

    Hello @ksosk @Scary Hair @Benoit46 Whats this reputation points? How did I get 5 points? Whats the use of it? And how to earn more? Sorry if I am bugging you. Is there any forum post to know about that? Also what is that 'unbalanced' status above my avatar?


    Reputation points are just the amount of likes/reactions your posts get from other people. There's no earning more really, you just keep posting and maybe people will like your posts, not really a guaranteed thing ya'know :P The unbalanced status is just your user title and it changes after you reach post milestones. I think once you reach 100 is the first time your "unbalanced" will change to something else. Like mine is True Psycho because I reached 1,000 posts :D Just gotta keep posting!

  6. 2 hours ago, extantsrevenge said:

    Pushed even further back. New release now August 2nd 2019 (so 1 1/2 years after the original release date). Has extensive reshots.


    Isn’t this the same one where there were rumors it looked like total crap? Or the trailer dropped and people were sorely disappointed? Can’t remember. Regardless, I expected a push back on this one.

  7. 9 minutes ago, DodgyDave said:

    Never understood the hype round Tarantino. 

    He was only involved in two good movies in my opinion. 

    Dusk till Dawn 

    Hateful 8. 

    The rest are meh 

    IMO of course 1f600.png


    I'm in the same boat about Tarantino. I don't think he's as great as everybody else seems to think but of course that's my own opinion. Honestly, prior to viewing Kill Bill vol. 1 and vol. 2 I wasn't a fan of any of his films (though admittedly I have not seen them all, but what I've seen aside from Kill Bill has been eh). 


    However, I am in the opposite in that I think The Hateful Eight is probably his worst out of what I've seen. And I stupidly saw that one in theaters out of sheer excitement at the cast and I was miserable. Sat through what felt like the longest movie ever and could barely believe it actually garnered award nominations with how lackluster and at times moronic the script could be. The actors were good -- aside from JJL which her performance was waaay overrated -- but the movie fell flat for me and dragged for too long. Now From Dusk Till Dawn.... Salma Hayek alone is truly heavenly!! :P Though honestly I really like the show more than the movie, but Eiza Gonzalez and the brothers in it are GREAT. Season 3 was a dud for me though, I expect the announcement of either a cancellation or a final and short season any day now.


    I started rambling lol but I'm only interested in this release because of Uma Thurman. Ever since Kill Bill I can't get enough of her!!

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