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Posts posted by atomicblonde

  1. 9 hours ago, Hecko said:

    I will get it just to lazy at the minute. When I see queue’s and no appointments available just puts me off. I would rather just go home yeah I know how that sounds. What booster did u get? I’ve had Pfizer for both of my other injections and only had a dead arm.


    God I wish I got Pfizer... I got Moderna and I didn't have anything major other than fatigue and the dead/painful arm for a few days on my first shot. Then my second shot I had the fatigue and painful arm again, but I also had a delayed arm reaction a week after where it swelled up very large and red and was very hot and itchy. I had to put anti-itch cream on it because it was driving me bonkers. It went away in like a week but that same symptom came back for me on the booster plus I had a fever for like 12 hours + aches all over my body from it (because I rode it out and didn't take anything for like 10-12 hours to help it because I remembered something about not taking stuff on the original doses or something -- I remembered wrong though, it's only you shouldn't take it beforehand to 'cover' symptoms or reactions). 


    Apparently my arm reaction is more common with Moderna than Pfizer, hence why I wish I would've gotten the latter. It's not like I knew I'd have a reaction anyway, I've never had any reactions before 😫


    Anyway none of this is to deter you, I would rather go through some symptoms and help to protect myself (and others of course -- though I don't leave the house much since the pandemic started tbh), just needed to whine a little somewhere 😝🤣

    • Like 6
  2. 2 minutes ago, deckard99 said:



    I think the English room has less conversation because there is a lot of on and off-topic talk in all the release and I&Q threads. The Germans stick together in the German room like the mean girl clique in high school. They aren't the majority, but boss everyone else around and act like they own the place! 😂😜


    Mean Girls GIF by filmeditor



    I think there's also not a weird raunchy vibe in German room which makes German room more inviting too lol. I feel like the German room is super welcoming, very sweet group of people (I know you're kidding btw, just have to compliment them because they're just so nice to interact with and don't even complain about non-Germans peeking in)


    German room best room? Hehe


    Excited Season 9 GIF

    • Like 4
  3. Got my beautiful one click with the matching numbers I was vying for today from @Masterblaster :D Thank you so much for the wonderful packing -- I didn't even realize it was delivered and it was raining today and your amazing packaging withstood the mud and rain that got on it (because I didn't know it was at my door and it's been raining like crazy lately), not a single drop or issue!


    Sooooo happy to have this. Thank you so much John and the MP team! I will have to take pictures for my pickups thread sometime this upcoming week! 😊

    • Like 4
  4. Plain Archive is one of my favorite companies so I've been wondering similarly. I keep wondering what happened to The Little Drummer Girl release that was supposed to happen ages ago. They said they had the exclusive, and yet no type of release from them yet (I know they were drafting a steelbook release, but not even a blu-ray or DVD release of it from them either in the meantime if that was a delay). I see they're doing a couple of releases here and there between Portrait of a Lady on Fire and then a film starring Gong Yoo that I'm interested in picking up. A bunch of DVD releases in between that I would've entertained if they were at least blu-rays.


    I hope they come back in full force next year sometime... really miss them. I would like to see more releases from them.

    • Like 7
  5. I wish that so many editions (whether just regular steelbooks or 'premiums') would veer away from doing minimalist or non-character featuring art. Scott Pilgrim keeps getting a bad rap lol... the US 4K steelbook release was eh, the original 'Reel Heroes' US steelbook was okay in that it featured the characters but the whole Reel Heroes line is meh, and so on and so forth. I think the only edition I've liked thus far is the EverythingBlu release which I got from the MP GB many moons ago. Hopefully one day someone else will feature the characters rather than guitars or text or what have you

  6. 5 hours ago, scohenmarinetech said:

    Another fine mail day at my house. Just as an FYI, the discs are housed in individual amaray cases with cardboard slips.








    Did not expect the individual amarays at all... thank you for pics. I already have this but haven't gotten around to opening, different inside than RE. I almost prefer RE's design. But I'm gonna keep it anyway

    • Like 4
  7. Yeah I’m kind of disappointed that they waited this long to tell everybody that they’re doing new art. I was all in when it was just the original art, and skipped buying the lenti because of it. I’m sure some people got rid of their lenti too in anticipation of this since a lot of people seem to prefer full slips. 

    Though let me add I don’t think the art is necessarily ‘bad,’ I just prefer the original art more

    • Like 2
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  8. Hey guys.... very long time no see 😁 It's been awhile. Hard to believe it's been 3 years! Thought I'd start it off with a small lil pickup... both from GBs here on Media Psychos. Grindhouse Novamedia OC and Godzilla Fanatics! Very excited to add these to my collection. Now I can also finally go for the Novamedia 10 award -- because I'm not fully unpacked yet, and didn't have enough Nova out to go for it. Grindhouse adds the last amount I need to go for it 😝


    • Like 6
  9. 1 hour ago, Fortis93 said:


    This room is very welcoming, so feel free to join in.


    I don't have any German (or European) ancestry, but I've actually learned some German by just hanging around here.


    And @Cornbuster has been a good teacher/mentor to me. 😄


    Feel like the very warm response from everyone to my post proved exactly why this particular room is just so welcoming and great, and why I gravitate towards it so much 😁💜


    Also, many thanks to @BobaFett1974 for the new translator recommendation. I bet it's gonna be light years better than Google Translate 🤣🤣


    I'm on a very odd sleep schedule right now so I'm about to head to sleep (at almost 7:30 am where I am lol), goodnight for now to you all! 

    • Like 11
  10. You guys make me wish I was German -- see I wrote this and then realized I'm actually very German family/ancestry/whatever you wanna call it wise, I just don't speak it 😅 -- purely because I love this chat room thread and I wish I could properly participate in it. Lots of great people in here with great convos that I use my handy dandy Google Translate to read through from time to time hahaha 😝


    Wishing you all a good rest of your day!


    Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills GIF by Bravo TV

    • Like 7
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    • Haha 2
  11. 12 minutes ago, Fortis93 said:


    This is actually my first FAC GB.


    I'd heard things about how messy and frustrating they are. I just didn't realise how bad. 😅


    I've been doing FAC GBs on MP for soooo long that I remember the days when Andre was my GB host and I bought from him 😛  I think those were simpler days hahaha


    But yeah, nowadays with FAC I half expect to not get it LOL. I hope my luck with Malignant is better 🤞


    13 minutes ago, swish said:

    I see a lot of frustation. Don't know if the stress is worth for the staff but i see some arogant people around too. It's like a lot of gb when someone got cut or not get the edition they want. A lot of jealousy lately


    I think this is the most bickering I've ever seen in a single day, or even in the span of a few hours. Very petty notes too here and there. Poor Nils though... Lol. And Andre too. I agree with you for sure

    • Like 8
  12. 4 minutes ago, swish said:

    Also die Predator GB hat plötzlich neue bzw unaktive members hervorgebracht 

    Jimmy Fallon Wtf GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon


    Predator FAC GB seems to be universally a sh*tshow in both German and US/ROW in terms of people getting worked up... everybody is wilding today


    Luann Be Cool Season 7 GIF


    Hehe, just kidding

    • Like 2
    • Haha 4
  13. Some suggestions:


    - Plain Archive 25. I reaaaaally love Plain Archive. I'd love to see it go up a stage :D 

    - A Horror movie based award. Whether it's only premiums or it's premiums and regular steelbooks, would be awesome!

    - I know this is less likely since they seemingly went defunct but a Steelarchive award would be cool. Only because I have almost all of them except for like, 3 I think lol

    - Since this is Media Psychos and we discuss other releases that are non-steelbook, would be cool if we had alternative awards for non-steelbooks. Like a lot of us collect Arrow Video. An Arrow Video award would be nice as they operate both in US and UK and are fairly popular. Or Second Sight, or Scream/Shout Factory, etc.

    - I'm starting to get into them heavier so this is just me predicting the future for myself LOL but maybe a Cine-Museum award?


    I'm not sure what else but thought I'd drop these for now!

    • Like 3
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  14. 18 minutes ago, hal56 said:

    Great collection, congrats.

    Envy you for the gorgeous Melancholia editions. 


    Thank you so very much!! ❤️ The Melancholia were my grails, I just recently got the white slip from a friend who found it for me and then I got lucky with the DVDPrime slip last year 😁 I'm hoping to eventually work towards getting almost all of the PAs one day!

    • Like 4

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