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★Platinum Psycho 2024★
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  1. If it’s any consolation… “You’re not meant to understand everything in Tenet, it’s not all comprehensible. It’s a bit like asking me if I know what happens at the end of Inception. I have to have my idea of it in order for it to be a valid productive ambiguity, but the point is it’s an ambiguity.” - Christopher Nolan
  2. Can you return it and go for a different model or brand? I've got a Makita mower that uses two batteries, works great. Granted, we have a ton of those batteries because we're a Makita household (and our yard is small).
  3. I watched this recently, found a used BD at a record store for $1.99. What did you think of the movie?
  4. I just skip around. TNG onward I watched in released order as soon as I could, but my fondest memories of Star Trek were tuning in and not knowing what episode was coming up.
  5. I was thinking release order too, didn’t mean chronological in-timeline. If you change your mind down the road on Plex, it’s surprisingly easy to setup if you can leave a computer on 24/7. My old Mac Pro is running mine. It’s a 2010 model so it’s power hungry as hell.
  6. I’ve never actually watched it chronologically like that, definitely going to give it a try. What format are you ripping to? Are you going to use something like Plex? I’m tempted to do the same with my Trek collection. Especially for the Epic Pak releases, those are such a pain. oh and GETTIN FROM THERE TO HERE…
  7. Watched Wonka last night. Way too damn long. Was bored after about 45 mins.
  8. Rewatched this last night for the third time. I love this movie so much. The documentary style of filmmaking works so well for this story. I've read some accounts that it's not all that accurate, but I still enjoy it for what it is.
  9. So this was marketed as a new 2K scan of an IP. But I am struggling to discern a significant difference from the old disc. The encode looks to be a little more stable, and the color is healthier. That slight magenta push on the old disc is gone, a welcome adjustment. But I don’t see any increased detail, and there are still some blown highlights here and there. Happy with it overall, but definitely not a dramatic change by any means, I expected more from a modern 2K scan
  10. My copy arrived today! Watched a couple mins, doesn’t look all that different from the old Blu-ray really but will A/B tonight.
  11. I feel like Strange New Worlds gets away with this really well, since it’s going for that “modernization of The Original Series” feel. TOS could be so nutty.
  12. Thanks! I'll take a look at the documentary, love those. I've been browsing around eBay for copies of the VS release, I'm gonna need to secure that in the near future

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