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Posts posted by pygospa

  1. So... even though I feel like this interests no one, I'll add the pictures for 1 and 2, which arrived just today. Again it was very well packed, and the package was huge (Mediabook for scale and address coverup). I also ordered another movie that is briefly seen in one of the pictures by accident. If you are interested take a look here.


    A few remarks:

    • The individual Editions are not numbreed, just the boxset is, so I've got boxset no 264.
    • The beer mats where part of the early pre-orderes (and the subscription orderers) and are limited to 100 pieces each.
    • All the other extras must be subscription extras, although I am not quite sure, if some of these are not subscription or bundle extras. This includes a poster for Slaughter, a postcard for Slaughter and a lobby card for Slaugther, as well as a postcard and a lobby card for Mister Tibbs. The lobby cards are individually numbered and personalized for the subscribers, so I've got subscription no. 13 (nice :D ). Also included are two stickers.
    • All sides of the rigid box look nice, three sides have spot gloss - the back with the fist and the collection title, as well as both sides. The sides have spot gloss as an invisible text, and this is really great. If you look from the front, you cannot see it, really nice.

    All in all a really decent release. I'm loving it. And before the pictures, here 's a little spoiler alert: Wicked has released a list of all coming titles. As I won't do any further of these posts, as there seem to be no interest, I just post the list here. If there are titles that interest you, let me know, then I'll make a post for these selected titles, including all the extras and photos from the edition. But spending all the time if you are not interested feels like wasting time

    1. Slaguther (this post)
    2. 10 Stunden Zeit für Tibbs / They Call Me Mister Tibbs
    3. Strasse zum Jenseits / Accross 110th Street (Feb. 2021)
    4. Foxy Brown (Feb. 2021)
    5. Die Organisation / The Organization (March 2021)
    6. Ghettobusters / I'm Gonna Git You Sucka (Apr. 2021)
    7. Car Wash (May 2021)
    8. Black Gunn (June 2021)
    9. Coffy (Aug. 2021)
    10. Black Ceasar (Aug. 2021)


    Small remark on the photos: Because of the bad lightning this time of year, I tiried to make them a bit lighter, however this also makes them look kind of blueish/grayish. But its black and white and grey. Not blue. Sorry for that. I am not really good in photo editing, unfortunately 😐

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    • Like 2
  2. So... even though I feel like this interests no one, I'll add the pictures for 1 and 2, which arrived just today. Again it was very well packed, and the package was huge (Mediabook for scale and address coverup). I also ordered another movie that is briefly seen in one of the pictures by accident. If you are interested take a look here.


    A few remarks:

    • The individual Editions are not numbreed, just the boxset is, so I've got boxset no 264.
    • The beer mats where part of the early pre-orderes (and the subscription orderers) and are limited to 100 pieces each.
    • All the other extras must be subscription extras, although I am not quite sure, if some of these are not subscription or bundle extras. This includes a poster for Slaughter, a postcard for Slaughter and a lobby card for Slaugther, as well as a postcard and a lobby card for Mister Tibbs. The lobby cards are individually numbered and personalized for the subscribers, so I've got subscription no. 13 (nice :D ). Also included are two stickers.
    • All sides of the rigid box look nice, three sides have spot gloss - the back with the fist and the collection title, as well as both sides. The sides have spot gloss as an invisible text, and this is really great. If you look from the front, you cannot see it, really nice.

    All in all a really decent release. I'm loving it. And before the pictures, here 's a little spoiler alert: Wicked has released a list of all coming titles. As I won't do any further of these posts, as there seem to be no interest, I just post the list here. If there are titles that interest you, let me know, then I'll make a post for these selected titles, including all the extras and photos from the edition. But spending all the time if you are not interested feels like wasting time

    1. Slaguther (this post)
    2. 10 Stunden Zeit für Tibbs / They Call Me Mister Tibbs
    3. Strasse zum Jenseits / Accross 110th Street (Feb. 2021)
    4. Foxy Brown (Feb. 2021)
    5. Die Organisation / The Organization (March 2021)
    6. Ghettobusters / I'm Gonna Git You Sucka (Apr. 2021)
    7. Car Wash (May 2021)
    8. Black Gunn (June 2021)
    9. Coffy (Aug. 2021)
    10. Black Ceasar (Aug. 2021)


    Small remark on the photos: Because of the bad lightning this time of year, I tiried to make them a bit lighter, however this also makes them look kind of blueish/grayish. But its black and white and grey. Not blue. Sorry for that. I am not really good in photo editing, unfortnuately 😐

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    • Like 1
  3. Oh, dann hab ich das nicht gewusst. Ist aber auf jeden Fall nicht wirklich aktiv, wenn ich es richtig sehe. Früher hat sie halt die vielen tollen Übersichts- und Newsthreads zu Blufans, Nova, Kimchi, und den ganzen anderen asiatischen Editionen gehabt, das fand ich immer sehr cool. Aber naja. Ich bin ja auch sehr viel weniger aktiv geworden.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Gladiator_MV said:

    Einige ja auch nicht...?


    Naja, wundert Dich das? Der gute André war hier bspw. auch schon parallel tätig, während er auch beim "blauen Forum" war, sprich hier gab es von Anfang an auch Leute, die nie drüben waren. Vor Deiner Zeit (aber nicht vor unserer 😅 ), hat André sogar für die ganze Welt für Filmarena Sammelbestellungen hier gemacht, das wurde dann aber aufgesplittet, als es irgendwann zu viel wurde. Will sagen: Die Community hier gab es schon, bevor drüben alles zerbrochen ist, dementsprechend lernst Du hier halt auch ein paar neue Leute kennen.

    Aber natürlich gab es auch viel Schwund. Einige der Leute die ich drüben gerne gelesen hatte, oder die auch extrem aktiv waren (Elvis, bspw. [glaub so hieß er?] der in mühevoller Arbeit die Listen für Zavvi VÖs (und viele weitere) gepflegt hat, oder auch Engelskind) haben es nie hierher geschafft, leider. Es gab zwischenzeitig auch mal ein zweites Forum, das die "Abtrünnigen" aufgemacht haben, aber das "blaue Forum" hat das dann per richterlicher Verfügung stoppen lassen (weil die die das eingerichtet hatte [glaube sie hieß Jana?], ja eigentlich beim blauen Forum angestellt war, und es da irgend eine Klausel gibt, dass Du danach nicht direkt mitbewerber werden kannst, blabla). Was jetzt aus allen geworden ist, k.A.

    Viel interessanter ist doch eigentlich eher die Frage: Warum hat das bei Dir so lange gedauert bis Du hergefunden hast?! 🤪

  5. Ich hab auch noch nirgends Livebilder oder so gesehen. Aber jeder der schon länger bei @forenhase bestellt, weiß doch auch: Wann immer es irgendwas neues gibt, ist er der erste, der hier alle informiert. Habt also keine Angst, dass Euch was vorenthalten wird, oder er auf der Ware sitzt, oder was auch immer. In über 5 Jahren Sammelbestellerei bei André ist bei mir noch nie was schief gegangen und er hat uns immer bei allen auf dem laufenden gehalten. Wenn er nix sagt, liegts an Filmarena, und das die schwierig sind, wissen wir doch alle!

    • Like 2
  6. On 12/10/2020 at 3:26 PM, pygospa said:

    But with a little bit of luck the coffin could arrive this weekend


    Well.... it's Christmas season, so they took the full 5 days they estimate (2-5 days). But finally it's here. Package was crazy! On the photos I included a "Mediabook for scale". I don't recon they'll (i.e. Pretz Media) choose this packaging for all the orders, as mine also included two additional mediabooks (typically wrapped into so much bubble-wrap that you could throw it around. My inner box for the coffin (probably the original shipper), which has the warning "handle with extreme care" was rather damaged on one of the sides, so I was a bit scared, but luckily they've included an extra set of styrofoam wedges to secure the inner-inner-package (yes, it was a bit like opening Matryoshka dolls), and if you finally got to that one and opened it, there was another layer of styrofoam protecting the actual coffin.


    The coffin itself consists of 4 parts: A cushion (that is unfortunately made out of resin), a blanket, that is made out of real cloth, the actual "coffin" (now that I think of it, that's actually the wrong name for it. This should be called sarcophagus, not coffin, shouldn't it? - I FEEL CHEATED! I WILL RETURN IT 🤣 ), and a separate base to place the coff... sarcophagus (okay that's far too long to write it out all the time) on, that also has a little slot for the Mediabook. The set is really heavy, and once I assembled it i put it on my scale: nearly 2.3kg!!! It's made to look rather used, so you have little cracks everywhere (and if you compare them with the beauty-shots you'll see that they are intentionally), but you do also clearly see the non-voluntary lines where things where glued together, which is a bit of a shame. Also some sides look a bit crooked (e.g. compare the corners of my base where the slot for the Mediabook is), in if you compare these to the beauty shots, this is also definitely not voluntary. Also on the bottom you have some felt cloth glued to the base, and my one has some bubbles in it and is not even straight (see the right hand side). But what is even more bothersome is the paint job. If you compare it to the beauty shots, you'll recognize a huge difference - the triangles are never in their lines, and the triangles don't have sharp corners. This might be seen rather pedantic, as it still looks great (especially from afar), but given the price tag (130€ - 30€ for the Mediabook = 100€ for the sarcophagus), you could have expected a bit more, I guess. I still love it, non the less. But resellers are already offering it for up to 200€s and that's far too much. Other than that, I am happy that this movie finally - FINALLY made it to Germany. Since the first (and only) release on DVD by Anolis in 2003 there hasn't been another German release for this, and it is one of the most sought after film in the Hammer Dracula series. So finally we can still our thirst for it (get it? The German translation literally means "Blood for Dracula" 😅 *badum-tssss*).

    I've added their first "coffin" release for Dracula, which still looks and feels more high-grade than this release (though it was probably much cheaper in production), just for comparison and fun. Enjoy the pictures.

    Oh and btw. I usually don't do this, but with this one I'll keep the Mediabook sealed (at least for now), because it is not my favorite cover and I've also ordered cover B separatly. When that one arrives, I'll also post some pictures from the inside - for now you'll have to wait and make due with that sarcophagus.






















    • Like 1
  7. Release: End of 2021

    Link (Wicked Shop): ???

    Price: ???€

    Limited: ???


    And another title that will be released as a Mediabook by Wicked Vision: VAMPIRA.

    This movie from 1974 by british Director Clive Donner stars David Niven as Dracula and Teresa Graves as his countess Vampira. Dracula is already old and forced to host tours in his castle to get new victims. Moreover he misses his his long-lost love, Vampira, which is why he sets out to collect blood from Playboy Playmates who he offers to live at his castle. However, when reviving Vampira, there is a surprise he didn't see coming....

    When marketed to the USA shortly after the successful YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN, the distributers decided to rename this movie to OLD DRACULA as a spoof, and to cash in on its success. Consequentially, in the USA this movie was often shown as double feature together with YOUNG FRANKENSTEIN. However it could not keep up with Mel Brooks black and white spoof movie, and therefore got rather bad critics. Especially during it's release people could not make heads or tails with it: As a British horror movie people expected something like Hammer, as a British comedy, they'd expect typical British comedy. Instead, VAMPIRA delivers a merger between British Horror and Comedy, with Blaxploitation and Playgirls, giving it a more modern feeling of the mid 70s. Some say this would have better been shown in a double-feature with BLACULA rather than with a Mel Brooks movie.

    Wicked days they cannot yet tell anything concerning the bonuses this will be equipped with, only that they'll plan to release it end of 2021. Until then, here's the trailer:


    • Thanks 1
  8. Release: 2021

    Link (Wicked Shop): ???

    Price: ???€

    Limited: ???



    30 days, 30 announcements for 2021, also known as "say bye to the money you'll make in 2021, even when it's still 2020". This time Wicked Vision announced a movie from 1970, which is the final movie by Basil Dearden shortly before he was killed in an car accident in 1971. It stars Roger Moore (James Bond) in a psychological thriller - and (as already with this movie) is an adaption of a Jekyll and Hyde variant story, that was prior released in a novel called "The Strange Case of Mr Pelham" by Anthony Armstrong.


    This British movie is a low budget production (in a series of movies) that wanted to gain attraction by including one famous actor, who was willing to work for substantially less then their usual fee. Roger Moore was such an actor. And according to Moore's autobiography as well as many of his interviews, he considers this movie to be the best of his entire career, saying: "It was a film I actually got to act n, rather than just being all white teeth and flippant and heroic". Still, when it was released, the movie that made due with a £200,000 got only negative reviews and didn't perform well in box office. Moore blames the bad and amateurish marketing, and maybe he is right? At least today this movie is perceived differently, newer critics are generally rather positive, and especially the acting of Roger Moore is also perceived by many as the best of his career, some say straight after James Bond, some even dare to say it's better than his role as James Bond.

    This Wicked Vision release is again a German HD premiere, and Wicked Vision once more promises a lot of extras with some of them being exclusive. It's also tagged just with Blu-ray and Mediabook, so maybe it'll be a double Blu-ray? Or some other feature, such as a soundtrack or something. We'll see, I guess...

    Meanwhile, enjoy the trailer :D






    • Thanks 1
  9. 1 minute ago, Ripper said:

    Nachdem die BS im German Room waren dachte ich die wären bekannt😊

    Ah okey. Muss gestehen, der ist mir zu schnell und da passiert zu viel - ich kann das immer alles garnicht mehr nachholen, und wenn man nur mal so reinschaut, kommt man nicht mit, weil die Gespräche ja immer über 3-4 Seiten gehen. Und wenn ich mal was schreibe, dann sind in der Zeit schon wieder 30 Beiträge dazu gekommen - daher bin ich da garnicht mehr so aktiv 🙈 Bin zu alt für diese schnelllebige Jugend :D

    • Haha 2
  10. Auch hier wieder der Beauty-Shot. Bissl einfallslos, und auch wieder 3D mit auf dem Slip stehen (muss das sein?) aber insgesamt trotzdem sehr schick. Mir gefällt hier - wie auch beim Godzilla 2014, dass sie neben den mittlerweile doch recht zufälligen und sehr ähnlichen Szenenbildern endlich auch mal wieder echte "Artcards" beilegen. Da hat man doch deutlich mehr von?

    Jedenfalls sehr schick. Freu ich mich drauf :)  


    • Like 1
  11. 52 minutes ago, Ripper said:

    BS sind doch draußen?😉 Und E2 gefällt mir gar nicht...


    Dann teil sie doch auch hier noch mal 😛


    Hab's auch nicht mitbekommen. Gerade gegoogelt, vor 4 Std. über Facebook. Hier sind die Beautyshots für diese Edition (für die andern füg ich's dann auch jeweils noch mal hinzu). Ich bleib bei meiner E1 😍 Steelbooks sind zwar beide jetzt nicht so umwerfend, und E1 hat leider(?) nur ein Fotobuch, aber das Fullslip Design 😍 Deutlich besser, als bei der E2. Und abwechslungsreicher vom Farbdesign ist es auch noch :) 





    • Like 1
  12. Release: 2021

    Link (Wicked Shop): ???

    Price: ???€

    Limited: ???



    Another day, another announcemnet by Wicked Vision for next year. We're at day 13, nearly half way through and this one is again most definatly going to be a Mediabook release, as it is tagged as one:


    The Australian family adventure film FROG DREAMING was released in 1986 and directed by Brian Trenchard-Smith stars Henry Thomas Jr. (E.T., The Haunting of Hill House), as the orphan Cody, who living in Australia one they stumbles upon some strange things happening at a famous Aboriginal myth site in an national park. Cody, being a very inventive kid that lives for adventures, does not listen to the warnings but goes investigating on his own...


    This Australian movie is (at least to my knowledge) a rather unknown typical 80s kids adventure movie such as the better known Goonies or Monster Squad, etc. and probably most fun to watch if you love these kind of 80s movies or where a kid in the 80s yourself. There is not much trivia or fun facts I could find, other than the fact that, it's a movie with Henry Thomas, and that internationally it is better known as THE QUEST, while in the UK it is also known as THE GO KIDS, i.e. FROG DREAMING being the original Australian title for this movie. The German title is translatable to "Ghostbuster".


    As usually, Wicked doesn't give anything else away yet - it is tagged with Mediabook, Blu-ray and DVD and being from 1986, Wicked calls this the 35th Anniversary edition, and promises a lot of bonuses. And as usually with Wicked titles it's a premiere, and this time a European premiere on HD. bluray.com only lists three other Amaray releases, one (of course) in Australia from 2018, and the other two for USA and Canada, from this years August, by Kino Lorber.

    Here's the trailer:




    • Thanks 1
  13. Generally speaking, English friendly means, that the movie is watchable for someone who only knows English. Nowadays this is true for nearly all releases. There used to be a time, where a movie release would only have Dubbing audio, and in that case, if you bought it internationally, you had to know German to being able to see and understand the movie. Today, it is bon ton to have the original Audio included in the movie, and therefore I would say that today, using "English friendly" as a label only makes sense for foreign movies, e.g. Asian movies - usually if you get them in Germany, you'll get a release with e.g. Japanese original audio, German dubbing, and German subtitles. That's not English-friendly, because an English speaking person wouldn't be able to understand the movie.

    Now the more interesting question is: Will this just include the movie, or also everything around it? And here this is never really clear, which is why I'd rather be explicite than only use the "English friendly" label. Wicked usually is English friendly for the feature film, and most bonuses, but if they create audio commentaries, most of the time, it'll be just German audio. However, sometimes (rarely) they even add English subtitles for Audio-commentaries, or German extras. And 2 or 3 times they even had a dual langauge booklet, or included a digital booklet as PDF on the disk in English. In that case the release would be totally English friendly.

    If you have any questions on a concrete release, regarding what's English friendly and what isn't you can always ask me - except for their Jean Rollin Collection and their Tinto Brass Series I have all of their releases at home 🙃

    • Thanks 1
  14. Release date: ???? 2021

    Buy Link: tbd

    Price: ??€

    Limitation: ??

    Format: ??

    Booklet: ??


    In Oktober 2019 Wicked Vision released the PUPPET MASTER movie series in a Trunk replica, which has already been released in the US - but Wicked add a lot of specials: Instead of Amarays we got 14mm fulll sleeve Scanavos, a 52 page booklet, 13 collectible cards, an original Blade action figure, a numbered certificate that is personalized and signed by Charles Band personally, limited to 333 copies. Preorders started in May and it was sold out rather fast, even though with 222€ it had a hefty price tag (but given the 11 movies, it's just 20€ per movie, and that does not even start to include the extras). And if all of this wasn't enough, there where also a lot of video bonuses, all in all over 40 hours (see a beauty shot way down below )

    After it was sold out, a lot of people have asked if there would ever come a second release, maybe even a bit cheaper. And to accommodate this demand, today Wicked announced a second release, that will be reduced: It will "just" have a cardboard box, containing the 11 movies, and space for the not yet released BLADE: THE IRON CROSS (I guess given that Wicked keeps this space in the box, they'll release that one separately). There is no information about the package - my guess is that it will be the typical Scanavo Cases we've already seen. This would make most sense, as they would also fit all the single release. However, Wicked Vision is not telling us any more as of now. Only that the 40 hours of extra will be included, and that the cardboard box will have some spott gloss varnish.


    In the comments someone asked if the price will be above or below 100€ and of course Wicked Vision answered with above 100€. I would recon with something around 150€. And because people have asked once more: There will be no single releases.

    Here is the first release:




  15. Release date: 19.02. 2021
    Buy link: Amazon.de
    Price: €27.99
    Discs: 2x BD
    Booklet: 24 pages

    PROBABLY not english friendly (Korean + German dubbing, Subtitles not clear yet, but probably just German)



    Release Number 11 of Splendids AmasiA Mediabook series is again one of the most prestigious releases, that has already an impressive list of special premium releases, including a really stunning looking Zavvi Steelbook, and even some strange never before seen Movie Badgs by KimchiDVD. There are a number of 4K Amaray releases being prepared or already available, e.g. in the US and Canada, as well as in Germany, and HD Amaray releases across America and Europe, plus special editions like the HMV Digipack with posters, or the German Peninsula boxset including HD and UHD of Peninsula as well as Train to Busan and Seoul station in a boxset. Still, it is just fitting that Splendid also includes it in it's AmasiA series, as TRAIN TO BUSAN started of this crazy ride for Splendid, and as I have already told you in great detail in the Train to Busan / Seoul Station thread, this was more successful than Splendid themselves would have imagined, with - for a short time - retailing prices raising as high as 300€.

    And as someone who can count himself lucky enough to have gotten a copy of this wonderful release, I cannot go with any other release but this (even though this Zavvi Steelbook is so beautiful that it should be illegal).

    PENINSULA (반도, read: Bando) is a stand-alone sequel to the successful zombi action horror movie TRAIN TO BUSAN (2016), and it's later released animated prequel SEOUL STATION (2016). All by the same director, Yeon Sang-Ho. It tells the story of a group of soldiers who are sent to the wastelands of the Korean peninsula, which is now inhabited and controlled by zombies and rogue militia.


    This movie hasn't gotten the same positive reviews that TRAIN TO BUSAN did, and it also wasn't as successful (though of course still a financial success, making more than double its budeget). However, up to now not many have seen it. It was to be premiered in Cannes which didn't take due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and though it was released to cinemas around the world (e.g. in Germany it was released beginning of October) due to the pandemic only few people went to cinemas to start with. Despite this situation, it is the most successful movie in and during the pandemic, when not looking at the absolute numbers, but compare them to the overall film market in 2020. It is the first international blockbuster to be released during the pandemic, it reached no. 1 on the international cinema charts on it's opening weekend, and was  on it's opening weekend the most successful movie since March this year. Up to now, it is residing on place 19 of the most financially successful movies in 2020 (which because of all this craziness has actually 4 Chinese movies on it's top 10 list, including one manga).

    HAUNTERS (초능력자, read: Choneungnyeokja, literally: "Psychic") is a 2010 Korean sci-fi thriller movie, who's connection to PENINSULA is the same main actor, Gang Dong-won. In this movie he plays a character who is an outcast due to his psychic ability to control other people with his mind, which he abuses to his benefit, until he meets Kyu-nam (played by Go Soo) who is immune to his psychic abilities, and who in turn intends to hunt him down and stop him.

    HAUNTERS is another rather successful movie in Korea, and even gained some international attention during the Busan International Film Festival, at which the producers managed to sell rights to several other countires, including Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. In Japan, Hideo Nakata made a japanese remake, MONSTERZ (2014), which was however received rather badly. Haunters is another movie that Splendid already released as an Amaray - this time however it's nearly 10 years ago, and though officially out of print, it can be bought for a rather low price on the second market (new and sealed Amarays start from 3€).







    • Thanks 1
  16. Release date: 22.01. 2021
    Buy link: Amazon.de
    Price: €26.99
    Discs: 2x BD
    Booklet: 20 pages

    PROBABLY not english friendly (Korean + German dubbing, Subtitles not clear yet, but probably just German)




    Soooo many Mediabooks - sooooo little time. I am actually feeling a bit stressed myself, keeping up with all the news and even more providing them for you :D And that's - as usually - just the ones that actually interest me so much that I have preordered them, or planing to. Regarding this series, which I really love (and actually planned to present to you in it's entirety but until now unfortunately only managed to present you the #1 Train to Busan / Seoul Station as well as the #9 A Bittersweet Life / The Good, the Bad, the Weird releases), there are two new entries, which are still available, although this one is getting low in stocks, so if this is something for you, please be fast. I have already described what to expect from these releases as well as the unique selling points and key features of the series in the two above linked threads, so I keep it short on this one:

    DELIVER US FROM EVIL (original: 다만 악에서 구하소서, read: Daman Akeseo Goohasoseo) is a 2020 action movie by Hong Won-Chan. Though a Korean production, this is actually a international production, both playing and shot in Korea, Thailand and Japan, with almost 80% in Thailand. It is therefore also multilingual, with Korean, Thai, Japanese and English being used throughout the film. In it, a hitman is doing his last job before a retirement, but of course this job goes sour, and he gets linked to a kidnapping case in Thailand and gets targeted by a high Thai gangster boss whose sibling our protagonist is supposed to have killed.

    The movie was a great success, making three times its budget at the box office, half of this in the first five days of their opening week, so in Korea this was released on Blu-ray as well, with extended footage and another cut (final cut) version. There is no information about that final cut version on the release however, yet, this movie has not have it's international release yet. For USA it is planned to be released only in March 2021, Wikipedia only knows of another release date in Vietnam. So this release might actually be the first international release, as bluray.com also does not know of any other Blu-ray releases. Pretty neat.


    VETERAN (original: 베테랑, read: Beterang) is a 2015 action comedy by Ryoo Seung-wan, and it stars the same main actor as in DELIVER US FROM EVIL: Hwang Jung-min. Only this time he plays a merciless detective, who's biggest enemy is a famous millionaire suspected of criminal activity, but who manages to dodge the efforts of this detective.

    Often, the bonus movie that Splendid elects to include into an AmasiA release ends up to be a debut movie or a movie that hasn't gotten any release or even recognition as it was a too special interest movie (e.g. BLOOD AND FLOWERS) or not that high quality early attempted movie by the same director, etc. This time however, the bonus feature is actually the bigger movie. VETERAN has been a huge success, grossing 92 million US Dollars on a 5 million budget. It gained a lot of nominations and even some prices, including international prices such as the Casa Asia Award at the Stiges Film Festival, and there are even two remakes, one in China, called THE BIG SHOT and in India called RADHE. It is to this date the 5th most financially successful Korean movie in the history of Korean cinema. Additionally we also have a couple of international blu-ray releases (although all on Amaray) including USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Japan and yes, even a German release by Splendid in 2016. This is probably the reasons Splendid did not elect to re-release it as its own feature Mediabook but rather include it as an extra, as the Amaray-release is already out of print, and newly sealed copies start from ~25€s.


    As usually I'll close with the trailers. Enjoy:





    • Thanks 1
  17. Release: 2021

    Link (Wicked Shop): ???

    Price: ???€

    Limited: ???



    And with this announcement I've finally caught up bringing you all the news, Wicked has shared so far. For this one Wicked is going further back into history, than they usually go:


    BLACK FRIDAY is a 1940s horror movie by Arthur Lubin, and is counted towards the "Universal Classic Monsters" (classic horror tales evolving around Dracula, Frankenstein, The Wolf Man, The Mummy, etc., that in the 1940s would even start to cross over, making the Universal Classic Monsters that started in 1925 the very first Cinematic Universe in film history - take that, Marvel :D ). It tells the story of a "failed" brain transplantation which leads the protagonist to get a split personality, not unlike Doctor Jekyll and Mister Hyde - however (possibly to licensing reasons) they have different names (Professor George Kingsley and Red Cannon).

    This was Screenwriter Curt Siodmaks first attempt on a brain transplantation/mixed/split personallity movies, which he would revisit in DONOVAN'S BRAIN (1953) and HAUSER'S MEMORY (1970). For a Universal Classic Monster it is rather untypical and not all lists list this entry as one of the movies, even though it has the typical Universal Monsters actors Boris Karloff (Frankenstein), Bela Lugosi (Dracula) and Anne Nagel (from The Invisible Woman).


    While with most of the other announcement there was also a #Mediabook hashtag, this one does not have one - and while for some entries the missing #Mediabook hashtag did not make much sense (as those where clear continuations of series that started in a Mediabook), with this release this could be intentional, even though it is also tagged als Blu-ray and DVD release. Besides it is also tagged as Classic, and the only other classic from that era that Wicked Vision released was THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME, which was the first black and white movie they ever released and also their first keep case release in Scanavo package. But don't be fooled - it was still a really strong, bonus packed 2-disc release that actually came with a 52 paged booklet (however with dual language). I've presented that release on my Instagram account I started but never kept up with :Dbut here you go, if you've missed that release. It could be, that we can expect something similar for this release. But as it could also just be a sign of negligence, I'll open it in the Mediabook section, just because 90% of Wicked's releases are actually Mediabooks.


    Wicked promises a comprehensive special edition with a video featurette, audio commentaries (yes in plural) and an extensive booklet.



  18. 9 hours ago, deckard99 said:

    Cons: it’s a horrible movie

    Pros: Dan Aykroyd and Devo!

    Verdict: Hell yeah I want it! 😆


    I am not sure, if Dan Aykroyd is a pro argument in my book. Then again the only two movies I remember him in are the Ghots Busters movies - which I really love, but that's more because of the general story than any "break out" acting the movies have. So with any other Label my verdict would have been "Hell no" and with Wicked it's "Well, I have to, but why?!" :D

    But who knows, maybe I even end up liking it (haven't seen it yet), I am just judging it from the trailer and what I read about it. And up to now I liked nearly all movies Wicked has released (which got me addicted to them in the first place 🥴 plus of course their
    insane detail and love for movies which has them concentrating on the one no one else is doing on purpose, even if it does mean that you're not getting rich with it).

    But I am always happy to hear if someone else is excited for a release. Cause in the end, that's what our hobby is all about isn't it? Being excited for new releases and sharing this excitement :D

    • Like 1
  19. And to add some personal notes: I haven't seen this movie yet, but the trailer does look like great fun, and I always wanted to brush up on my Stuart Gordon films, so this one is a no-brainer for me, even if it wasn't from Wicked (who's releases I've been collecting in its entirety). However, I am also rather curious for the artworks Wicked will offer - given that they know that it'll be three different ones, I guess they have already commissioned them, which on the one side is always a good thing, but on the other side: How can you actually top this absolutely gorgeous artwork from Rich Davies?! If it is a possibility to get the Rich Davies one, I am at least 80% sure that that one's going to end up with me :D  What do you think?

  20. Release: 2021

    Link (Wicked Shop): ???

    Price: ???€

    Limited: ???





    For their 10th day announcement, Wicked Vision chose to extend their Stuart Gordon repertoire. Wicked already brought us two Stuart Gordon films, both part of their Full Moon Collection, the first CASTLE FREAKS (I haven't presented it here, but it's a real beauty - if anybody is interested in some photos please ask, and I'll do a thread. It's however sold out), and the second THE PIT AND THE PENDULUM. For next year they plan to release SPACE TRUCKERS which will be their first release by Gordon NOT for Full Moon Entertainment.


    SPACE TRUCKERS is a 1996 british science fiction movie, starring Dennis Hopper, Stephen Dorff and Debi Mazar. Set in the distant future it tells the story of John Canyon (Hopper) who is one of the last independent space truckers, i.e. someone transporting cargo in space. As times are harsh he is taking on shady errands as well, and without asking any further questions he is transporting what he believes to be sex dolls from a truck stop space station to earth. However, on their way to earth, he finds out that these are actually unstoppable killer robots.


    Wicked is releasing this movie as a "25th Anniversary Edition", and they already revealed that for this release they plan three Mediabooks with different artworks and a ton of bonus features, including new bonus features that Wicked Vision has commissioned exclusively for this release. Additionally there will be a lot of "vintage material" (so I guess Picture Galleries, maybe even a Super-8 copy, etc.), and they will include all the extras that have been released in the UK.

    Speaking of the UK, according to bluray.com, the only other release ever done on Blu-ray is the 2018 Amaray release by Second Sight Films (which if you are interested contains - beside an new exclusive coverart by Rich Davies (used by Wicked for the announcement) - contains three separate interivews, one with Stuart Gordon, one with Colin Towns (Composer), and the last with Simon Lamont (Art Director). Reading the rather short list of extras, this will definately be worth an upgrade, I guess, even if you already own the Second Sight release. As for the rest of the world: You still won't get it anywhere else, so keep an eye out for this, Stuart Gordon fans (or just activate the "Following" function on this thread - I will most definately keep you posted).

    Meanwhile, enjoy the trailer :)

    • Thanks 1
  21. Release: 2021

    Link (Wicked Shop): ???

    Price: ???€

    Limited: ???




    After some interesting and some rather unusual films, the 9th announcement by Wicked Vision for next year is something that totally fit's their lineup and that is something I'd call a typical Wicked Vision release:

    NIGHTMARE is a 1983 horror anthology film, directed by Joseph Sargent, starring Emilio Estevez, Lance Henriksen, Cristina Raines, Veronica Catwright and Richard Masur. It is made up of four episodes and each tells the story of a typical urban legend, two of which are also featured in the famous 1998 Urban Legend film! Even though it received rather bad critics at it's time, it is again one of these movies that gained a large cult following.

    Before the 2015s release on Blu-ray by Scream Factory, the 1999 DVD release that was long out of print, was gaining prices up to 200$, just for a used copy! This all stopped with the first HD release in USA and Canada. It has since also been released in the UK (101 Films) as well as in Spain, so this is just a German HD premiere. Still it will come with a lot of bonus material, and it will be featured in both 1.78 and the original 1.33 aspect ratio, and it is tagged as a Bluray and DVD mediabook.

    Enjoy the classic trailer:


    • Thanks 1

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