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Everything posted by Basil

  1. cant at the moment im desperate for 2 new sofas the springs are slowly starting to go but its old like really old and i got a horrible feeling the new ones i want when shops open back up gone be expensive like really expensive. need brown leather recliner but want full electric motors with usbs in ends and the whole front to come up. im struggling to find what i want online even, so any money i have is going to be long gone soon. be back in the poor house soon enough basil
  2. @Hollywood E Rock it all started with iron man first film, you just into the fight between him and cap thats all and you team cap im not looking at that specifically goto look at the bigger picture here 👍 and not trying to open a can of worms here either basil
  3. also strike your chance to go post this up in the 4k non steelbook section i say for other members to clock as well as you found it 👍 sure they all like to know basil
  4. that was one major benefit with this set this could be one to watch and then premiums could stay sealed if i wanted, plus alot of mine have been 3d +2d on blufans double lenti front. also im heading on a 4k as versions that im heading for mainly. i have the player just cant change the telly yet as mines working and she would kill me when i went out and got the current one 50" 3d this one had £400 off but the old telly was working, i did get it in the ear a bit for that at the time even though was my money. so i have to hold out now till this telly goes but the good thing is tellys improving all the time so hopefully time this one goes i get 4k and 3d all in one crossing my fingers for basil
  5. i dont have the 4k discs and this would be a cheap way to get them arrrrrrgggghhhhh im conflicted help me what do you think all of you? (look up) @Veum @Hollywood E Rock @Trianna @extantsrevenge @R1s1ngs0n @Scary Hair @Benoit46 @Robertm89 @RileyLad @Pbsw23 basil
  6. this is very true knowing amazon, i suspect this could sell out quite fast as well. being it such a nice set 👍 basil
  7. that is nice @StrikerEureka79 and does look like better than the american one i do believe from what im looking at i could be seriously tempted here but is just shy off £400 but is 23 films which works out £18 a film which is a good price really. here is link below for those that are interested in it the good thing is its listed as region free https://www.amazon.co.uk/Marvel-Studios-Infinity-Collectors-Complete/dp/B088L5P2XH/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1EJTXAFC0PJIF&dchild=1&keywords=the+infinity+saga+collector's+edition+4k&qid=1590919946&s=dvd&sprefix=the+infi%2Cdvd%2C449&sr=1-1 basil
  8. i thought he was getting prepared to give him some french kissing
  9. dont think you forget next time m8, when ive done mistakes in the past e.g. at work and i have had to add 6 hrs to a job because i forgot sometime and had to nearly start again because of it and cost the company that time, it has so ingrained in my head like you wouldn't believe especially when i had to admit to that to my manager i was rushing and forgot 1 tiny step, i have never made that mistake again but she was really good about it which did surprise me basil 👍
  10. i see what you saying where its gone thru the lot and not vibrant, and as you say work doesn't have to see it. so i presume it have to grow out but the shapes nice at least you got hair dressers open over there, there not supposed to be opening till july over here and the wife is starting to moan now how thick her hair is getting. and her hair dye is starting to grow out now so she is far from happy. but what can you do, i can see there being months of waiting for woman to get in hair dressers over here 🙄 i hope yours sorts itself out quickly 💋 all the best basil 👍
  11. yes boss like that when they want some silly sh1t done they do always their way. now you said you have some purple streaks in you hair would you care to show? i could do with a nice cheer up or are you rocking it? basil
  12. slowly climbing the walls this stuck inside not good, but expecting delivery of some face masks today finally only been a week. hoping not to be going back to work yet, we have no work anyway and prob won't for a few months as most of our customers are hotel trade. we didn't have much work anyway when this all started. so have not been phoning boss and staying quietly out of way and cross fingers seems to be working. and have made the active decision to stay inside much as possible only going out to drive wife to work and to do shopping on the way back in the early morning when shop is quiet. basically reducing the risk. when fit and healthy people are dying in the 30s, says it all really. not worth the chance and till a vaccine arrives, i'll be doing the same. now starting also getting the point of needing a haircut i have already cut the wifes fringe with the clippers so she can see but i wont touch anything else not going to muck it up for her or her hair dresser not worth any abuse it may get to the point i may need to use the clippers for my own hair, last time i had to get the wife to do my crown and it wasnt good, so i may try hang out for a hair dresser. oh and to top it all of i had 1 phone call from 1 manager in eight weeks to see how i am, so much for they care i could be dead and they wouldn't even know, we are all just a number🙄 basil
  13. good morning all, is that lock down business feel like we in jail yet just goto do it, dont mean i like it thought basil
  14. wowhd part of massive group i have ordered from them before in past but i am from the uk not oz. they good as gold hope that helps a bit 👍 basil
  15. sure i did an age ago but never heard anymore but i get your getting done over by everyone and always will i will leave you in peace, also long got the likes of @R1s1ngs0n trying you to do every bond film ever done. you have my condolences 🙏 all the best basil
  16. what you done a @BobaFett1974 and made us all a steelbook basil
  17. brain ain't what it used to be remind me edward your idea? basil
  18. morning all how i feel on my awake status basil
  19. completely agree with it all dave, i personally prefer loose jcards and fook the trees. then people have an easy way to choose. hopefully zeta wont go down that route of printed mess, it sure is a way to kill a line off, slowly strangling it to death. these need to stay premium imho. all they have to do is ask collectors. oh yes and blue banners you got your point. basil 👍
  20. whats the bet its to stop printing a jcard and save money, some bright spark at wb prob come up with the idea. its a shame they just didn't do with a peelable see thru sticker then at least that way we would have the option. if we didn't want it we could remove it. and wb are known for wwa with sh1tty finishes to save money. called streaky matte. what would be nice if for once if collectors could choose debossing, finshes etc. think that be a world first i remember when i first started out a guy called zerox who was the steelbook purchaser at futureshop canada and he was a proper steelbook collector, he got to order what was on the steel and it really showed. then best buy US bought them out he was promoted and taken out of that dept. and the standards did drop then, dont know if anyone will remember that far back with me. i know @DodgyDave prob will and @Masterblaster will it takes long memory for that right guys basil 👍
  21. morning all nice to see everyone is ok @Hollywood E Rock the hobbits sounds like a good idea think i might dig out my futureshop ones and do a marathon basil
  22. yes can see the resemblance now with the stickers can see you life cycle there on the left likely a mannly lion king of the hill then had a child on the next one how you fall asleep on the next on what you did to have the child on the next one and the next sticker was what you looked like to your child when they where first born and finally how you look now to your child, something tells me we are seeing a toll reversal going on now tell me im wrong basil
  23. happy birthday m8 hope you have a really good one and stuff yourself silly its your birthday make sure booze is in clean bin of iced water 👍 basil

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