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Posts posted by deckard99

  1. 5 hours ago, Antonio David Mimbrera Mon said:

    May I ask you a question? What do you think about the price?

    I don't usually buy this editions but I know some people that are used to (matalabs) and they always get one or two steelbooks for the same price. 


    Don't you think maybe there is something missing on it?


    This is a very different kind of edition (acrylic case, 3 sided lenti, digipak, loads of goodies, etc.) and I don't think you can compare it to Manta Lab's BR (which also has a much higher print run). As for price, each member can make their own judgement. I joined the GB because I think this will be a beautiful release and I want it in my collection. - Ken  


    • Like 10
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  2. 2 hours ago, Erica F said:

    Any chance this GB reopens to fill the spots of those who have been banned from MP? I see several X’s on the list and I’d love to join for a lenticular slip only if there will be opportunity to do so. Thanks staff as always! 


    2 hours ago, atomicblonde said:


    Same question as you, except I'm looking to join for the box + lenticular slip since I own the other Its


    Just because you see an X doesn't necessarily mean there's a slot to fill. It's too early to say whether or not this can be re-opened but if it's possible we certainly will. - Ken

    • Like 1
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  3. 2 hours ago, Basil said:

    question for a friend has anyone got a pic of the other 2 boxes in hand they care to share??????


    cough cough @Masterblaster @extantsrevenge @blu.steel33 @sobmaster anyone :D


    be nice to see before they turned up :D


    basil 👍


    I only just got my Atlantean box. Bigger than I expected and feels as heavy as a bowling ball! 😂

    Transit seems to be very slow on these, no doubt due to the size and weight. - Ken

    • Like 7
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  4. 2 hours ago, marvel-companion said:


    Also, I assume that helping the community can be something like trying to get items in shops and forwarding them to collectors? Or is there a page listing what a member can do to help the community?


    @marvel-companion Members are encouraged to share their thoughts in our various discussion threads by posting messages and photos. Participating is games and contests held on MP, submitting photos for awards, sharing news, posting release threads, and promoting MP on social media are all good. There are many other ways as well, but it all comes down to being active and contributing. Buying, selling, and trading between members on MP is strictly prohibited, but if you find something nice there are threads to show off pictures. - Ken   

    • Like 2
  5. 2 minutes ago, marvel-companion said:

    Hello everyone,
    I'm trying to read through the rules and there is one thing I haven't found yet.
    I saw Premium Memberships in the Group Buy rules. When I clicked on the link, the page was empty.

    Is Premium Membership something that you pay or something that you earn (using the website or something).

    Please help 🙂

    I'm happy to participate in the site's economy and make sure to abide by the rules and get more chances to receive the items I'd like to buy.

    Hi @marvel-companion there are only a limited number of premium memberships, so they are offered to members by the staff based on their participation and support of the community. The next membership period opens in January. Yes there is a fee. - Ken

    • Like 3
  6. 11 minutes ago, The-Mad-God said:

    Hello all. thanks for the welcome. I joined to get in on the Blade Runner 2049 GB. I know there is a deposit I have to make before I can do that, so if anyone knows how I could get that done with, please let me know


    Hi @The-Mad-God our rules have changed. We no longer collect deposits from new members, however certain GBs will have a payment called a VET (Virtual Entrance Ticket). If this applies to any GBs you join, then you will be contacted with further instructions. - Ken

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, BreakBeatDJ said:


    Just watched an unboxing.  Curious if it's nice in hand for those who have it.  Not sure it's for me, this packaging.


    I have this one and Wanted too. They are both great in hand (IMHO). Wanted has the imbedded bullet and Dune is sleek and classy!

    Of course others may have different opinions   

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, tr0llhatt said:

    I'm gonna sleep on it, but after a long and hard look at the BS I have a couple minor issues with it:

    - Acrylic cases are by and large massive (thick, not the good kind), perfectly fine for some things, but a custom OC protector would be better no? Not a fan to be honest.
    - The MOC Spinner set.... it's the same with the puzzle set from Terminator and Mantas newfound obsession with resin models - separate it out or drop entirely. Sorry, but it's junk that belongs with mass produced collectors editions, not premiums 🙃

    Anyway, I'm leaning towards yes, but a definite no on a Blade Runner edition feels wrong :( 


    Don't you dare! I need that spinner 😁


    blade runner GIF

    • Like 1
    • Haha 6

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