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Everything posted by deckard99

  1. Unfortunately no. All I know is that Roger Rabbit and Last Night in Soho are supposed to be the next 2 releases.
  2. @Manticore4 It's in Japanese with almost no English but some nice photos and illustrations. I posted some photos of the edition here.
  3. The Lighthouse Japanese Collector’s Edition (with a few sample pages from the booklet)
  4. Thanks @justo10 and sorry for the confusion. It will be worth it for sure. This release is going to be superb!
  5. Hi @justo10 I checked and don't see any record of you making a request in either the new or old GB. Can you please join using this link?
  6. Pfft....you call that a problem? I got envelopes that need to be sealed!
  7. This has the exact same art and contents as the earlier blu-ray release. Instead of getting this I'll probably try and pick up the 4k disc at some point and simply add it to my BR edition.
  8. @Blu Magic Ray Sorry but we don't allow content from other GB sites to be posted here.
  9. I blame the color red for forcing itself on to helpless premiums like this one and Leon.
  10. @Baphomet I just sent you an invite. Looks like you were accidentally missed. Sorry about that. Don't worry, those responsible will be punished!
  11. Just to clarify, given that the GB is 3 years old it's likely that some copies may be available. My hope is that we can make those available to members. If and how we do that is TBD. - Ken
  12. I don't think we're going to know that until we see some live shots or folks actually start receiving it.
  13. @2b5 I moved your question here since we removed everyone from the club to start fresh for the new GB. Since this release is targeted for late 2023 or early 2024, payment will not be anytime soon. - Ken
  14. The NEW group buy for CM Psycho w/Bates Motel is open HERE!

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