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Posts posted by deckard99

  1. 30 minutes ago, moviemania1973 said:

    Many Thanks for that... just checking it was the retail price I saw.


    I have only done GB here for Film Arena titles in the past. I see that the shipping option is to the hub which is fine, but with this being a box set, was enquiring what would be UK shipping be?



    I'm in the USA so I'm not sure. Send a PM to @Masterblaster and he should be able to give you an estimate.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 7 hours ago, aj101097 said:

    Question for the experts here....what is the best blu ray version of Ghost In The Shell classic animated version? There was a recent version that I understand has a subtitle problem. Anyway thanks in advance!


    I know zilch about anime but maybe @extantsrevenge can point you in the right direction 

    • Like 2
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  3. 12 hours ago, Sheikah said:

    Oohhhh myyyy!  🤩


    Sorry if regular members aren't supposed to post these....I got so excited when I saw this up! If you need to edit or even delete and remake this post totally understandable. 😂 😅


    I've been holding off on buying the individual avengers steelbooks because I figured they'd make a release like this! 


    Hi @Sheikah actually posting new releases is welcome and appreciated. Thanks! 👍

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, R1s1ngs0n said:


    Whist one of the following movies was released in the latter half of the 80’s (1985-1989)

    Beverly Hills Cop



    Return Of The Jedi


    Once Upon A Time In America 



    I’m pretty sure it’s either Robocop or Jedi.  I’m going to guess Robocop since I seem to remember something about a 30th anniversary not that long ago.

    • Like 1
  5. 10 hours ago, Grendel said:

    ^^ Thanks my friend @deckard99!

    It's a fair size actually and more impressive in hand than pics will show (as are most treasures, of course...).

    It's not quite as large as my "Gingersnaps" leather trilogy set but still quite lovely!

    Some folks were dismayed that the 'booklets' contained in each film's mediabook replicate each other and cover the same info (all 3 films) but I care not about little things like that.

    I've always loved the first film and though some were disappointed by the sequels, I accepted them on their own over-the-top cheesy goodness and they do make for good popcorn fare! 🤗


    OMG you bought an edition with a misspelled title?! 😱 The “g” in daughter is missing. This reminds me of another recent release with a slight punctuation issue. I hope you demanded a reprinted replacement edition from the retailer. 🤣🤣

    • Haha 1
  6. Sorry guys, I’m as picky as anyone but I don’t give a rats ass about an apostrophe. I understand that it might bug some people but I’m not one of them. I’m sure I could go through my collection of steelbooks and premiums and find all kinds typos but what’s the point? I collect for the beautiful art, embossing, booklets, cards, etc. A major spelling error is one thing but I just can’t get all worked up over an apostrophe. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, just giving mine.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  7. 4 hours ago, monanza said:

    @deckard99, I just made a request for a third copy. For some reason the GB form has two quantity fields, so I set both to 1. My total should be three copies now.


    PS I am #9 on list.


    Hi @monanza No problem, I updated your request to X3 copies 👍


    I see see what you mean about the form too. Thanks for pointing it out, we’ll fix it.

    • Like 1
  8. 31 minutes ago, Tonic24k said:


    (Okay, so how do I embed the image and not just attached it?) Lol



    Hi @Tonic24k Normally you use either the "choose files " option at the bottom of the message box or the "insert other media" option.  Best method is uploading your images to an image hosting site like flickr and then inserting or pasting a link to the image in your post.  I'm not sure but the HEIC file format may be an issue. Have you tried with a JPG file?

    • Like 3

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